
U.S. advices TPLF to capture Addis Ababa – New Business Ethiopia

The spokesperson of Tigray Peoples Liberation (TPLF), Getachew Reda, revealed that they are advised by the United States Government to leave Tigray expanding their invasion and capture the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.

Getachew said, “The Americans confuse us when they impose sanctions on us and the Government of Ethiopia. We were planning to negotiate trusting them (the Americans)” “…They (the American Government) are the one who advised us to leave Tigray and capture Addis Ababa,” he told the journalist on Tigray TV yesterday commenting about TPLF relations with the United Sates and the Western countries.

The ongoing war between the TPLF and the Government of Ethiopia has begun on November 3, 2020 when the former attacked Ethiopian National Defense Force northern command based in Tigray region.

Even though some people close to the Government of Ethiopia have been claiming that the United States has told TPLF to start the war, it has been supporting the TPLF fighters by providing satellite imagery, phones, and accessories with humanitarian aid, this is the first time TPLF has admitted taking assignment from the United States to change regime in Ethiopia at any cost.

As latter admitted by TPLF officials on Tigray TV the attack was launched to secure the heavy artilleries and advance to Addis Ababa to overthrow Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed.

Meanwhile, within about one month time the Ethiopian troops along with militias from different parts of the country and support of Eritrean forces, many TPLF core leaders are killed while others are captured hiding in caves in the mountainous region of Tigray.

Following the November treasonous act by the TPLF and related massacres the rebels have committed on the civilians, the Ethiopian Parliament has designated the Front as a terrorist group.

Now many Ethiopians portray TPLF as a puppet of the Western countries, the United States, and Egypt, established to destabilize Ethiopia using the people from Tigray ethnic group as a cover and shield.
One of the members of the leaders of the loyal opposition party in Tigray region recently said that during the about one year war, over 450,000 people mainly youth from Tigray ethnic group have lost their lives because of the human wave war strategy of TPLF.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who led the war on the frontline from November 22, 2021 till December 8, 2021, also recently indicated that thousands of youth from Tigray are dying in the battlefields and urged mothers of Tigray ethnic group to ask the TPLF where it has taken their children.

The TPLF has used teenagers for the war giving them guns as shown in the reports of the Western media such as, The New York Times, which glorified the act of the TPLF instead of condemning the globally forbidden act of recruiting child soldier.

The attempt of TPLF fighters to control Addis Ababa has failed after Prime Minister Abiy began leading the army on the frontline starting November 22, 2021. Since then, the rebels have lost over two dozen towns in Amhara and Afar regions, where they have been committing atrocities that amount to war crimes.

The joint investigation by the United Nations Human Rights Commission and the independent Ethiopian Human Rights Commission revealed that the TPLF has massacred hundreds of ethnic Amhara civilians at Maikadra.

TPLF came to power in Ethiopia in 1991 through arms struggle with the help the Western countries including the United States, which were at odds with the Socialist regime of Mengistu Hailemariam. The rebels were also using Sudan and Egypt as their base and got financial and logistics support.

TPLF lost its dominance in Ethiopian politics unexpectedly in April 2018 when the TPLF dominated ruling coalition elected Abiy Ahmed as its leader following the popular protests that forced the former Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn to resign.

In what is described as a desperate move, TPLF has launched a military attack on Ethiopian Government hopping to comeback again to power with arms as it succeeds during the cold war era.

Not long after the war began the United States and some Western countries began activating their propaganda machines against the Government of Ethiopia. The United Sates has also announced several sanctions on the Government of Ethiopia and Eritrea including banning the duty-free export scheme granted by the U.S. to African countries known as, Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), among others.

Favoring their strong partner in the continent, Egypt, the United States and its allies have also tabled the issue of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam at the UN Security council about a dozen times.
Egypt, which has a deal to sell the water of the Abbay River of Ethiopia to Israel and Arab countries, and the neighboring Sudan have been opposing Ethiopia’s right to utilize Abbay River, which contributes 86 percent of the water flowing to the Nile, the longest river in the world.

At one point before the former President of the United States, Donald Trump has said because Ethiopia refused to accept a deal he drafted to be signed along with Sudan and Egypt, “Egypt will blow the dam”.
The comment made by President Trump, who at one point also called African countries “shithole” nations, is considered by millions of angry Ethiopians as part of the continuation of White supremacy over the black people and Africans.

To counter the ongoing pressure of the United States and its allies on Ethiopia and Eritrea, thousands of Ethiopians and Eritreans in the diaspora have launched a popular #NoMore movement. The movement has now getting momentum reaching many African countries, who are saying no more to neo-colonialism.


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Written by Ethiotime1

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