
Re Advertisement -Invitation for Consultancy Service to Coordinate Scaling Up Nutrition Business Network (SBN) Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)

Re Advertisement -Invitation for Consultancy Service to Coordinate Scaling Up Nutrition Business Network (SBN) Ethiopia Job at The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) | Ethiojobs $(function() { $(“#employers”).addClass(“ie-employers”); if (window.PIE) { $(‘input, a.button, a.standart-button, .ie-employers, .pagging a, .sbOptions, #currentSearch, #refineResults, #listing-details-menu, .instruction .instr_cont, #contactInfo, .products, .productLinks, #reports-navigation-in, #reports-navigation-in-border’).each(function() { PIE.attach(this); }); } }); BACKGROUND GAIN was launched at the UN in 2002 to tackle the human suffering caused by malnutrition. GAIN is a global, Swiss-based foundation that mobilizes public-private partnerships and provides financial and technical support to deliver nutritious foods to those people most at risk of malnutrition.  We build alliances between governments, local and global businesses, and civil society to deliver sustainable improvements at scale. We are part of a global network of partners working together to create sustainable solutions to malnutrition. Through alliances, we provide technical, financial and policy support to key participants in the food system. We use specific learning, evidence of impact, and results of projects and programmes to shape and influence the actions of others. One of the programs that GAIN convenes globally, alongside the World Food Programme (WFP) is called the Scaling Up Nutrition Business Network (SBN). The SBN is one of four global networks within the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement which supports 65 Countries, including Ethiopia, to develop a multi-stakeholder approach to nutrition. The SBN Ethiopia’s ambition is to increase the availability and affordability of safe, nutritious foods in Ethiopia through: ·       Convening and organizing business around national nutrition priorities. ·       Assessing the challenges and opportunities facing businesses in scaling up their actions and investments in nutrition and facilitating partnerships at national and global level to support national businesses ·       Improving the enabling environment to incentivize business to act on nutrition, fostering strong links and partnerships for the SBN Ethiopia with SUN’s Civil Society, Donor and UN networks, along with the Government of Ethiopia GAIN Ethiopia hosts the secretariat of SBN Ethiopia and supported the formation of the SBN Ethiopia Executive Committee which works closely with the SUN Focal Point in Ethiopia. OBJECTIVES OF ASSIGNMENT  In collaboration with the National SBN Executive Committee, support from SBN global and GAIN Ethiopia, the consultant is expected to coordinate the overall SBN Ethiopia activities that mainly focuses on adopting the previously developed SBN strategy to current context, prepare a proposal and mobilize fund, support the membership expansion, facilitate partnerships, oversee SBN management and operation and SBN secretariat establishment in collaboration with the consultant tasked for SBN Ethiopia registration under the Ethiopian Authority for Civil Society Organizations (ACSO).  The consultancy task is full-time support to the SBN Ethiopia Secretariat based at the GAIN office  for three months with the possible extension to one year based on the performance and availability of funding.  SCOPE OF WORK AND LOCATION The scope of work will adapt with the current need of the SBN coordination position while also filling the vacuum created during the last one year.  The SBN consultant is accountable to the SBN Ethiopia leadership and reports to the SBN leadership and GAIN’s SBN manager . The scope will extend into supervising the consultant that will lead the establishment of the SBN secretariat as a sustainable approach and sensitizing the government, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to make sure that the private sector plays its indispensable role in improving the national food and nutrition agenda. The assignment will be in Addis Ababa with occasional travel within and outside of Ethiopia. The role of the consultant will assume the following key outputs; Output 1- Revise the SBN Ethiopia strategy based on the current landscape and launch the revised SBN strategy documents and yearly action plan 1.1. Lead the launch of the revised SBN Ethiopia strategy and yearly work plan  1.2. Facilitate business networking events  Output  2-  Develop a fund mobilization strategy and secure funding 2.1. Work with the SBN Global team and GAIN Ethiopia Country Director to develop a fundraising strategy and proposal 2.2. Organize a fund raising events, pitches and submit proposals to secure funding from GAIN, other NGO’s and other donors including the private sector itself. Output 3-  Develop a strong SBN membership 3.1. Recruit national businesses to the SBN and utilize the National SBN Membership database for SBN Ethiopia 3.2. Identify new partnerships to address the challenges and opportunities facing business in Ethiopia to scale up their actions or investments in nutrition. Output 4. Support and advice on Workplace Nutrition and SME support from SBN perspective 4.1. Work closely with GAIN’s Senior SBN Manager/Workforce Nutrition Coordinator and Workforce Nutrition Associate to support the launch of Nutrition at Workplace program and SME support initiatives Output 5. Facilitate meaningful partnerships & investment options in Nutrition           5.1. Facilitate the creation of different partnerships and membership strengthening 5.2. Attend global SUN meetings            Output 6. Managing SBN communication 6.1. Liaise with GAIN for the SBN communication strategy and communication plan development and implementation 6.2. Work with GAIN for the website and digital membership database Management Output 7- SBN daily operation management and coordination service is provided     7.1. Facilitate SBN Ethiopia Executive Committee meetings and document minutes. 7.2. Facilitate SBN general members meetings and document minutes. 7.3. Liaise with GAIN Ethiopia and collaborate in the supports to the SBN 7.4. Provide content and communications support to the global SBN team and sharing and adopt best practice through liaising with other National SBNs, particularly in Africa. 7.5. Reports on progress to national co-conveners of SBN Ethiopia and SBN Executive Committee. 7.6. Engage with SUN stakeholders in Ethiopia and contribute to the annual national SUN report.  COORDINATION ARRANGEMENTS The consultant will work closely with SBN EC members, EC chairperson, GAIN delegated staff for SBN Ethiopia activities, SBN Global, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry and other key stakeholders.  The assignment is expected to be completed in the first 3 months after signing of the agreement. Deliverables for the next 9 months will be stated in a new contract if the contract is extended.  MAJOR DELIVERABLES  No Deliverables Date Deliverable Due 1 First draft of the revised SBN Ethiopia strategy developed based on the current landscape   Until January 2023 2 SBN Ethiopia Fund mobilization strategy Drafted  Until January 2023 3 Support the SBN secretariat on the day to day membership mobilization, registration and other tasks Until January 2023 4 Provide ongoing support and advice on Workplace Nutrition and SME support initiatives from SBN perspective Until January 2023 5 Draft the SBN communication strategy and communication plan quality assured Website and digital membership database Management system quality is assured in collaboration with a consultant recruited for this task    Until January 2023 6 Provide monthly reports and update for the SBN activities implemented directly by SBN and with the support of GAIN to the SBN Ethiopia leadership then the leadership to sign-off to GAIN Ethiopia Monthly for 3 months in the first contract

Educational Requirements: Job Requirements M.Sc in food science and nutrition, food technology, and other related areas Experience in similar assignments Strong experience working on partners coordination Analytical, with the ability to effectively liaise with government offices and private business sectors. Practical communication and negotiation skills Ability to present information to a diverse audience.  Working on and understanding the Ethiopian…

Required Experience: Not Provided “, “identifier”: { “@type”: “PropertyValue”, “name”: “The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)”, “value”: “139463” }, “datePosted” : “2022-10-18 18:48:01”, “validThrough” : “2022-10-24 23:59:59”, “employmentType” : “Full Time”, “hiringOrganization” : { “@type” : “Organization”, “name” : “The Global Alliance for Imp…” }, “jobLocation” : { “@type” : “Place”, “address” : { “@type” : “PostalAddress”, “addressLocality” : “ETH Region”, “addressRegion” : ” Ethiopia “, “addressCountry”: “ETH” } } } ]]]]]]]]>]]]]]]>]]]]>]]>


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