“So TOXIC”: Sister Wives fans claim Janelle should leave Kody after he urges her to buy Christine’s house refreshDate)) || (!!!refreshCookie && userSlug)) { refreshUserCookies(); } function refreshUserCookies() { pureJSAjaxGetWithCredentialsFlag(‘https://a-login.sportskeeda.com/en/login/refresh-token’, function(res) { console.log(res); }, function failed() { console.error(“Failed to refresh tokens”); }, true); } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + “=”; var ca = document.cookie.split(‘;’); for(var i = 0; i 0) { attributes.forEach(function(attribute) { script.setAttribute(attribute.key, attribute.value); }); } function loadScript() { if (attachTo) { attachTo.appendChild(script); } else { document.head.appendChild(script); } } var scriptLoaded = false; function loadScriptOnInteraction() { if (scriptLoaded) return; scriptLoaded = true; loadScript(); } if (onUserInteraction) { document.addEventListener(“scroll”, loadScriptOnInteraction, { once: true }); document.addEventListener(“mousemove”, loadScriptOnInteraction, { once: true }); document.addEventListener(“touchmove”, loadScriptOnInteraction, { once: true }); } else { loadScript(); } }); } ]]> ‘, ‘”‘: ‘”‘, “‘”: ‘'’ }; return text.replace(/[&”‘]/g, function(m) { return map[m]; }); } function extendedEncodeURIComponent(str) { return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function(c) { return ‘%’ + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); }); } ]]> = 12) { amOrPm = “PM”; } if (hour > 12) { hour = hour – 12; } return hour + “:” + minute + ” ” + amOrPm; } function getFormattedDate(isoDatetime) { var currentDate = new Date(); var matchDate = new Date(isoDatetime); var tomorrowDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); var monthNames = getShortMonthNames(); var weekNames = [‘Sun’, ‘Mon’, ‘Tue’, ‘Wed’, ‘Thu’, ‘Fri’, ‘Sat’]; var currentDateString = currentDate.getDate() + ‘-‘ + currentDate.getMonth() + ‘-‘ + currentDate.getFullYear(); var matchDateString = matchDate.getDate() + ‘-‘ + matchDate.getMonth() + ‘-‘ + matchDate.getFullYear(); var tomorrowDateString = tomorrowDate.getDate() + ‘-‘ + tomorrowDate.getMonth() + ‘-‘ + tomorrowDate.getFullYear(); var localTime = matchDate.toLocaleTimeString().replace(/:dds/, ” “); var timeZone = matchDate.toString().match(/((.*))/).pop(); return weekNames[matchDate.getDay()] + “, ” + matchDate.getDate() + ” ” + monthNames[matchDate.getMonth()] + ” ” + matchDate.getFullYear() + “, ” + localTime + ” ” + timeZone; } function timeSince(isoDateString) { var date = new Date(isoDateString); var monthNames = [“Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, “Apr”, “May”, “Jun”, “Jul”, “Aug”, “Sep”, “Oct”, “Nov”, “Dec”]; var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() – date) / 1000); var interval = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); if(interval > 6) { return date.getDate() + ” ” + monthNames[date.getMonth()] + “, ” + date.getFullYear(); } if (interval > 1) { return interval + ” days ago”; } if(interval === 1) { return “1 day ago”; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); if (interval === 1) { return interval + ” hr ago”; } if (interval > 1) { return interval + ” hrs ago”; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60); if (interval === 1) { return “1 min ago”; } if (interval > 1) { return interval + ” mins ago”; } return Math.floor(seconds) + ” seconds ago”; } function updateTimeStringsToFormatTimeSince() { var isPendingContent = window.location.hash === ‘#pending’; var timeElements = $all(‘.keeda-time-since’); for (var i = 0; i < timeElements.length; i++) { var isoDateString = timeElements[i].getAttribute('data-iso-string'); var timeSinceVal = timeSince(isoDateString); if(timeElements[i].classList.contains("author-post-time") && !timeSinceVal.includes("ago")) { timeElements[i].innerHTML = ""; } else if (isPendingContent) { timeElements[i].innerHTML = (timeSinceVal + "
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'0'+minutes : minutes; var strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; return strTime; } function getTimeDiffInDaysHoursMinutes(timeInMilliseconds) { var diffDays = Math.floor(timeInMilliseconds / 86400000); // difference in days var diffHrs = Math.floor((timeInMilliseconds % 86400000) / 3600000); // difference in hours var diffMins = Math.round(((timeInMilliseconds % 86400000) % 3600000) / 60000); // difference in minutes var result = []; if (diffDays) { result.push(diffDays + " day(s)"); } if (diffHrs) { result.push(diffHrs + " hour(s)"); } if (diffMins) { result.push(diffMins + " minute(s)"); } if (!result.length) { result.push(Math.round(timeInMilliseconds / 1000) + " second(s)"); } return result; } function getTimeAndDate(isoDateString) { var isoDateString = new Date(isoDateString); var monthNames = getShortMonthNames(); var weekNames = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']; var hours = isoDateString.getHours(); if (hours <= 9) { hours = "0" + hours; } var minutes = isoDateString.getMinutes(); 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Janelle Brown from Sister Wives (Image via Instagram/@janellebrown117)

Sister Wivesreturned for an all-new episode on Sunday night, November 27, at 10 pm ET/ 9 pm CT only on TLC.
Viewers finally got to see Christine move out of her house and into a rental home in Utah beside her eldest daughter after a lot of drama. Sadly, her house that was almost sold fell through and the reality star had to worry about finding a new buyer as she moved out.
Meanwhile, Kody wasn’t a fan of getting rid of Christine’s house from the start. So much so that when he found out about Christine’s house deal falling through, he suggested that Janelle forgo the idea of building her house in Coyote Pass and buy Christine’s house from her.
Kody added that this way he wouldn’t have to stay with the Sister Wives star in the RV either.
Man , I hope Janelle leaves next and quickly . Kody is so TOXIC #SisterWives
Man , I hope Janelle leaves next and quickly . Kody is so TOXIC #SisterWives
Janelle, on the other hand, didn’t want to move into Christine’s house. She claimed that she wanted to build her own house in Coyote Pass and if she did move into Christine’s house, she wouldn’t be approved for a construction loan. But Kody wasn’t happy with the Sister Wives star’s decision.
Fans who watched the episode took to social media to share their opinions, condemning Kody for wanting Janelle to move into Christine’s house.
Fans slam Kody after he urges Janelle to buy Christine’s old house in Sister Wives
Taking to Twitter, fans condemned Kody for forcing Janelle. Many also added that it was time she followed Christine and left Kody.
Several also urged Janelle to keep her income separate and not let Kody have it.
Please tell me Janelle started putting her income into her own separate account after seeing what Kody said about her in this episode. The nerve! Run girl, run! #sisterwives
Please tell me Janelle started putting her income into her own separate account after seeing what Kody said about her in this episode. The nerve! Run girl, run! #sisterwives
What is Kody talking about? They have the money to buy Christine’s house but not pay the Coyote Pass property?
Janelle is right: she’s just buying power to Kody. #SisterWives
What is Kody talking about? They have the money to buy Christine’s house but not pay the Coyote Pass property? Janelle is right: she’s just buying power to Kody. #SisterWives
When I hear Kody trying to gaslight Janelle like he did Christine, I look at my tv and think, “this tv is getting old anyway. I wonder what throwing my water bottle at Kody’s head would do…”?! #SisterWives
When I hear Kody trying to gaslight Janelle like he did Christine, I look at my tv and think, “this tv is getting old anyway. I wonder what throwing my water bottle at Kody’s head would do…”?! #SisterWives
THE WAY I cheered at my TV screen when Janelle raised her voice at Kody and stood her ground. #SisterWives
THE WAY I cheered at my TV screen when Janelle raised her voice at Kody and stood her ground. #SisterWives
Kody don’t want to ever drive past the house again, but yet he wants to live in it with Janelle or Robin or whoever.
Kody don’t want to ever drive past the house again, but yet he wants to live in it with Janelle or Robin or whoever.#sisterwives
Apparently Janelle having sense as it relates to not buying Christine’s house because she wants to finance a construction loan to build her own house is “lacking creativity” what an ass… #SisterWives
Apparently Janelle having sense as it relates to not buying Christine’s house because she wants to finance a construction loan to build her own house is “lacking creativity” what an ass… #SisterWives
@_TRose03 I swear Kody makes absolutely no sense most of the time.
@_TRose03 I swear Kody makes absolutely no sense most of the time.
@nuphase76 If we all took a shot every time Kody puts his foot in his mouth or sounds stupid, we’d all be drunk and passed out by the end of the episode
@nuphase76 If we all took a shot every time Kody puts his foot in his mouth or sounds stupid, we’d all be drunk and passed out by the end of the episode 🤦️
Are we going to get a bonus divorce and see Janelle leave Kody too??? 🤞🤞🤞🤞 #SisterWives
Are we going to get a bonus divorce and see Janelle leave Kody too??? 🤞🤞🤞🤞 #SisterWives
There could be a misappropriation of funds. Kody is pushing Janelle hard into Christine’s house, Janelle sees the taxes/accounts and up until recently they all were comingling funds. I bet Kody spent it on his Wife Robyn and Family. Janelle is on it! #sisterwives @followthe
There could be a misappropriation of funds. Kody is pushing Janelle hard into Christine’s house, Janelle sees the taxes/accounts and up until recently they all were comingling funds. I bet Kody spent it on his Wife Robyn and Family. Janelle is on it! #sisterwives @followthe
Sell sobyns house give Janelle her money back and you 🤡kody buy Christine’s house, dont worry about meri obviously you can keep her money she is ok staying there sidelined
Idea:Sell sobyns house give Janelle her money back and you 🤡kody buy Christine’s house, dont worry about meri obviously you can keep her money she is ok staying there sidelined #SisterWives
Why tf would Janelle want to buy Christine’s house #SisterWives
Why tf would Janelle want to buy Christine’s house #SisterWives
Kody – I don’t want to have to drive by Christine’s house, ever again.
Also Kody – Why don’t we buy Christine’s house for you, Janelle?
Kody – I don’t want to have to drive by Christine’s house, ever again.Also Kody – Why don’t we buy Christine’s house for you, Janelle? #SisterWives
Kody, when they bought Coyote Pass: Each wife needs to have her own property because they need to be able to have something that’s theirs if they decide to leave.
Also Kody: This house actually belongs to the family and we need that money to build Janelle’s house. #SisterWives
Kody, when they bought Coyote Pass: Each wife needs to have her own property because they need to be able to have something that’s theirs if they decide to leave.Also Kody: This house actually belongs to the family and we need that money to build Janelle’s house. #SisterWives
Here’s a recap of what happened this week on Sister Wives episode 12
After Kody told Janelle that she should buy Christine’s house, she stood her ground and told him that she was going to continue with her plan of building her house in Coyote pass.
During her confessional, the Sister Wives star shared:
“It sort of felt like he was using me and my buying power to save a house that he loves. He’s not listening at all.”
Meanwhile, Kody told the cameras that he didn’t want to live with Janelle in her RV, adding:
“If she can’t work with me to solve the problems then she gets to solve the problems on her own.”
Prior to that, Kody whinned and blamed Christine for everything bad that was happening to him. He added that the divorce was creating a rift between him and the other wives.
Kody stated:
“I’m struggling so much with this divorce. It’s probably poisoning my relationship with Janelle a little bit and definitely poisoning my relationship with Robyn. I think that’s because I haven’t figured out what I am when we’re not this family. I’m out of my frame and I’m out of my purpose. I’m spiritually off course. I’m a mess.”
Kody also added that he has been having problems with Janelle lately:
“I feel like Janelle struggles to respect me. Or show me respect. It might be an unfair statement, I don’t know. Maybe it’s just the way that we argue. If you don’t respect me, don’t bother with the love. It just doesn’t work in my world.”
Sister Wives airs every Sunday at 10 pm ET on TLC. Readers can check their local listings for more information.
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