Terms of Reference to Prepare a Training Manual and Deliver a ToT on “Create a Safe Learning Environment and Improve Quality Education Through School-Based Supervision and Support: a Guideline for School Management and Community Action Group’ Job at AMREF-CCM | Ethiojobs $(function() { $(“#employers”).addClass(“ie-employers”); if (window.PIE) { $(‘input, a.button, a.standart-button, .ie-employers, .pagging a, .sbOptions, #currentSearch, #refineResults, #listing-details-menu, .instruction .instr_cont, #contactInfo, .products, .productLinks, #reports-navigation-in, #reports-navigation-in-border’).each(function() { PIE.attach(this); }); } }); BACKGROUND INFORMATION CHANGE: Improving Access to Education in Ethiopia for Most Marginalised Girls is a consortium project funded under Leave No Girl Behind – Girls’ Education Challenge programme by UKaid. The project is part of a program agreed with the Ministry of Education of the Government of Ethiopia, by way of a Memorandum of Understanding, and led by People in Need (PIN) and co-implemented by consortium of Alliance2015 members in different regions of the country: German Agro Action (WHH) with Friendship Support Association (FSA) in Afar (Aysaita and Afambo), Concern Worldwide in Amhara (South Wollo), People In Need in SNNPR (Gedeo), Helvetas in collaboration with Gayo Pastoral Development Initiative (GPDI), while Amref-CCM gives technical backstopping for all partners. CHANGE is also designed in line with the government Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP V) 2015-2020. The plan stimulates community mobilization and enhances gender-sensitive education through schools, alternative basic education centers (ABE) and integrated functional adult literacy (IFAL) centers. MoE Strategy for the education and training sector (2014) also promotes alternative educational modalities, especially for over-aged, out-of-school female children and youth, and most essential for vulnerable female children and youth. Strengthening learning assessment systems is a priority area for the Change project. In order to improve learning outcomes, a range of interventions is necessary in ensuring strong systems to monitor what their students are learning. Quality education, which is essential to real learning and human development, is influenced by factors both inside and outside the classroom. However, improvements in the quality of teaching can reduce dropout rates and ensure better retention and transitions from ABE or IFAL learning into primary and secondary education. We partner for improved quality of education, teacher training, and material support to improve the quality of learning in the target areas. We work to strengthen learning assessment systems to improve teaching and learning practices by identifying disparities in learning outcomes to target support where it is the most needed The effective improvement of instructional delivery and maintenance of standards in the school system is enhanced through regular supervision. The primary responsibility of supervisors is to see that high standards are maintained and that schools are run in accordance with the laid down regulations in ways that ensured a safe learning environment for both girls and boys. Furthermore, supervision creates awareness of educational policies and reforms and makes them part and parcel of the whole system since teachers are vehicles that will always deliver any educational reforms in schools. Hence, a safe learning environment is important for effective teaching and learning. Therefore, one of the major components of quality education is that it is geared towards the building of all-around men and women who grow up to become functional and useful to themselves and society at large This ToR is to invite potential consultants to develop a training manual on “ create a safe learning environment and Improve quality education through school-based supervision and support: a guideline for school management and community action group”. Alongside the development of the training materials, the consultant will have to provide a ToT for the CHANGE project staff. OBJECTIVE, PURPOSE, and EXPECTED RESULTS Overall objective The overall objective of the project, under which these terms of references are drafted, is: Improved life chances of OOS highly marginalized girls in Afar, Borana, Gedeo and South Wollo. Purpose The purpose of the Consultancy work is: Develop/Adapt a training manual on Creating a Safe Learning Environment Improve Quality of Education through School-Based Supervision and Supports”: a guideline for school management and community action group” which is relevant to the CHANGE project. Provide ToT training to equip project staff of consortium members with the capacity to provide training on the stated topic for their respective School management (PTSA) and Community action groups who are working on the implementation of the CHANGE project. For More Information Click Here: ToR_Training_Manual_and_Deliver_on_Safe_Learning
Educational Requirements: The consultancy BID for the contract should qualify the following requirements: Relevant educational background and work experience (Education, Development studies, Inclusive education (special needs), gender and related fields), Work experience in training manual preparation is preferred, Experience in the provision of training, A renewed Consultancy license, ToT or VAT registered
Required Experience: Not Provided “, “identifier”: { “@type”: “PropertyValue”, “name”: “AMREF-CCM”, “value”: “217720” }, “datePosted” : “2022-11-29 11:20:29”, “validThrough” : “2022-12-04 23:59:59”, “employmentType” : “Full Time”, “hiringOrganization” : { “@type” : “Organization”, “name” : “AMREF-CCM” }, “jobLocation” : { “@type” : “Place”, “address” : { “@type” : “PostalAddress”, “addressLocality” : “ETH Region”, “addressRegion” : ” Addis Ababa “, “addressCountry”: “ETH” } } } ]]]]]]]]>]]]]]]>]]]]>]]>

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