
Jane Fonda, Sally Field on the perks of aging: ‘You get better at almost everything’

Getting older can also mean getting better, according to some of Hollywood’s most enduring leading ladies.

In the soon-to-be released sports comedy “80 for Brady,” Jane Fonda and Sally Field, as well as co-stars Rita Moreno and Lili Tomlin, play pals whose passions (for the New England Patriots, Tom Brady and life in general) burn bright in their 70s, 80s and beyond.

And off-screen, those women are proving that’s because of their age, not despite it. 

“You’re never too old for the next chapter,” Field, 76, said when the stars sat down for an interview with AARP.

Fonda agrees with that sentiment, sharing a perspective that implies that next chapter could, in fact, be the best one yet.

“I think as you get older, you get better at almost everything,” the 85-year-old explained.

And she means everything.

Last year, in an interview for the SiriusXM radio show “Andy Cohen Live,” she revealed that even physical intimacy improves over the years.

“Women, I think, tend to get better because they lose their fear of saying what they need,” she said. “We waste way too much time not wanting to say, ‘Wait a minute, hold it, hold it, no, no, no. Slow down, and a little to the left.’ We don’t want to do that. … But when we get older it’s like, ‘No, I know what I want. Give me what I want.’”

And in her chat with AARP, Fonda stressed that getting what she wants out of life is only part of what’s so great about her elder years. The other part is appreciating it.

“I love my work more than ever, and it feels more balanced now,” she noted. “I take things in stride more than I once did. Things are a little simpler.”

Moreno, 91, shared her own take on getting older with the publication, too, and said that while she still wakes up “smiling,” she admitted that sometimes the years take her by surprise.

“Yes, sometimes I sit in front of the mirror and go, ‘Yikes, who’s that old lady?'” she recalled.

But it’s just a fleeting feeling, because “then I’ll put on some makeup and I’m absolutely amazing.”


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Written by Ethiotime1

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