The city scored poorly in the living conditions, infrastructure and customer satisfaction categories.
By Michael Karlis on Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 12:12 pm
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Michael Karlis
Houston took the spot as the dirtiest city in he nation, and ranked as having the No. 3 worst air quality in the U.S.
Whether it’s abandoned cars on the side of I-10, rubbish collecting at underpasses or litter washing up on the banks of the San Antonio River, our city has a garbage problem.
Indeed, a new study names San Antonio as the nation’s seventh-dirtiest city.
Researchers for online lawn care service LawnStarter ranked the largest 150 U.S. cities on how filthy they are by analyzing metrics including pollution, living conditions, infrastructure and consumer satisfaction.
San Antonio scored exceptionally low under the study’s living conditions category, which measures things such as the number of overcrowded homes, the share of homes with no plumbing and the number of unhoused residents.
The Alamo City also ranked well below average when it comes to infrastructure and consumer satisfaction, which measures things such as tons of waste in landfills and the share of residents dissatisfied with garbage disposal.
However, although San Antonio had 19 Ozone Action Days last year — meaning that air quality levels within the city were deemed unsafe for high-risk individuals by Environmental Protection Agency standards — San Antonio only ranked No. 34 in the air quality category.
Instead, Houston was among cities with the worst air quality, coming in as the dirtiest city in the U.S. overall. No other Texas cities made the top 25 in that category.
On the other end of the spectrum, Virginia Beach took the title as the cleanest U.S. city.
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