What tweet did Greta Thunberg delete? End of the world claim controversy explored refreshDate)) || (!!!refreshCookie && userSlug)) { refreshUserCookies(); } function refreshUserCookies() { pureJSAjaxGetWithCredentialsFlag(‘https://a-login.sportskeeda.com/en/login/refresh-token’, function(res) { console.log(res); }, function failed() { console.error(“Failed to refresh tokens”); }, true); } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + “=”; var ca = document.cookie.split(‘;’); for(var i = 0; i 0) { attributes.forEach(function(attribute) { script.setAttribute(attribute.key, attribute.value); }); } function loadScript() { if (attachTo) { attachTo.appendChild(script); } else { document.head.appendChild(script); } } var scriptLoaded = false; function loadScriptOnInteraction() { if (scriptLoaded) return; scriptLoaded = true; loadScript(); } if (onUserInteraction) { document.addEventListener(“scroll”, loadScriptOnInteraction, { once: true }); document.addEventListener(“mousemove”, loadScriptOnInteraction, { once: true }); document.addEventListener(“touchmove”, loadScriptOnInteraction, { once: true }); } else { loadScript(); } }); } ]]> ‘, ‘”‘: ‘”‘, “‘”: ‘'’ }; return text.replace(/[&”‘]/g, function(m) { return map[m]; }); } function extendedEncodeURIComponent(str) { return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function(c) { return ‘%’ + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); }); } ]]> = 12) { amOrPm = “PM”; } if (hour > 12) { hour = hour – 12; } return hour + “:” + minute + ” ” + amOrPm; } function getShortDayNames() { return [‘Sun’, ‘Mon’, ‘Tue’, ‘Wed’, ‘Thu’, ‘Fri’, ‘Sat’]; } function getFullDayNames() { return [‘Sunday’, ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’]; } function getFormattedDate(isoDatetime) { var currentDate = new Date(); var matchDate = new Date(isoDatetime); var tomorrowDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); var monthNames = getShortMonthNames(); var dayNames = getShortDayNames(); var currentDateString = currentDate.getDate() + ‘-‘ + currentDate.getMonth() + ‘-‘ + currentDate.getFullYear(); var matchDateString = matchDate.getDate() + ‘-‘ + matchDate.getMonth() + ‘-‘ + matchDate.getFullYear(); var tomorrowDateString = tomorrowDate.getDate() + ‘-‘ + tomorrowDate.getMonth() + ‘-‘ + tomorrowDate.getFullYear(); var localTime = matchDate.toLocaleTimeString().replace(/:dds/, ” “); var timeZone = matchDate.toString().match(/((.*))/).pop(); return dayNames[matchDate.getDay()] + “, ” + matchDate.getDate() + ” ” + monthNames[matchDate.getMonth()] + ” ” + matchDate.getFullYear() + “, ” + localTime + ” ” + timeZone; } function timeSince(isoDateString) { var date = new Date(isoDateString); var monthNames = [“Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, “Apr”, “May”, “Jun”, “Jul”, “Aug”, “Sep”, “Oct”, “Nov”, “Dec”]; var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() – date) / 1000); var interval = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); if(interval > 6) { return date.getDate() + ” ” + monthNames[date.getMonth()] + “, ” + date.getFullYear(); } if (interval > 1) { return interval + ” days ago”; } if(interval === 1) { return “1 day ago”; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); if (interval === 1) { return interval + ” hr ago”; } if (interval > 1) { return interval + ” hrs ago”; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60); if (interval === 1) { return “1 min ago”; } if (interval > 1) { return interval + ” mins ago”; } return Math.floor(seconds) + ” seconds ago”; } function updateTimeStringsToFormatTimeSince() { var isPendingContent = window.location.hash === ‘#pending’; var timeElements = $all(‘.keeda-time-since’); for (var i = 0; i < timeElements.length; i++) { var isoDateString = timeElements[i].getAttribute('data-iso-string'); var timeSinceVal = timeSince(isoDateString); if(timeElements[i].classList.contains("author-post-time") && !timeSinceVal.includes("ago")) { timeElements[i].innerHTML = ""; } else if (isPendingContent) { timeElements[i].innerHTML = (timeSinceVal + "
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Greta Thunberg deleted 2018 tweet, know all about it (Image via Getty Images)

Greta Thunberg, the environmental activist, has caused a stir on Twitter yet again, this time not for posting something but rather for deleting a tweet.
Several people are sharing snips of Greta’s deleted 2018 tweet where she said that climate change will wipe out all humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years. Social media users were not pleased as she deleted her old tweet, calling her a fraud for doing so.
Greta Thunberg deleted this tweet because it exposes her for being a fraud. Make sure the entire world sees it.
Greta Thunberg deleted this tweet because it exposes her for being a fraud. Make sure the entire world sees it. https://t.co/kEvuMiBS8D
In 2018, Greta shared an article by gritpost.com, in which it was detailed that Harvard University professor James Anderson had warned that humanity might not exist if the use of fossil fuel does not stop within five years.
She shared the tweet by saying:
“A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”
Notably, the website gritpost.com where this article was posted, does not exist anymore.
Netizens call Greta Thunberg out for deleting 2018 tweet
As soon as people came across the snip of the deleted tweet from Greta Thunberg, they started reacting on it and called the environmentalist out for sharing fake news.
Charlie Kirk, the founder of the right-wing group Turning Point, USA, also shared a tweet and wrote:
“One of the best headlines of the year so far… ‘Greta Thunberg deletes 2018 tweet saying world will end in 2023 after world does not end.”
See reactions here:
Environmentalist Greta Thunberg deleted the tweet she posted 5 years ago in 2018 that warned of the end of humanity due to climate change in 2023.
Environmentalist Greta Thunberg deleted the tweet she posted 5 years ago in 2018 that warned of the end of humanity due to climate change in 2023. https://t.co/2nKWCi0FOg
🤡Greta Thunberg has deleted the tweet she posted 5 years ago in 2018 that warned end of humanity due to climate change in 2023
🤡Greta Thunberg has deleted the tweet she posted 5 years ago in 2018 that warned end of humanity due to climate change in 2023 https://t.co/Ak6DtRdWlb
@nypost There’s no “reportedly” part about it. Greta Thunberg deleted her catastrophyzing. Like they all always do.
@nypost There’s no “reportedly” part about it. Greta Thunberg deleted her catastrophyzing. Like they all always do. https://t.co/jOAvcmRJhU
Greta Thunberg has deleted a message she posted on Twitter 5 years ago saying that humanity will BE GONE by 2023 due to climate change. #clownworld
Greta Thunberg has deleted a message she posted on Twitter 5 years ago saying that humanity will BE GONE by 2023 due to climate change. #clownworld
Greta Thunberg has deleted this tweet from 5 years ago.
Would be a shame if people kept retweeting it at @GretaThunberg and asked her if it’s now ok to get on with our lives…
Greta Thunberg has deleted this tweet from 5 years ago.Would be a shame if people kept retweeting it at @GretaThunberg and asked her if it’s now ok to get on with our lives… https://t.co/I84212Wj9y
Moreover, Harvard professor James Anderson was not quoted as saying that humanity will be wiped out in the next five years. Instead, he was quoted saying:
“All fossil fuel use should be stopped by 2023 to protect the Earth’s remaining polar ice.”
Greta Thunberg has not reacted to the deleted tweet row yet. She was recently in the limelight as her tweets led to the arrest of influencer Andrew Tate. This started when Tate shared pictures of himself with his Bugatti car and asked Thunberg to send her an email address so he could share details about the emissions of his cars.
He wrote:
“Hello Greta. I have 33 cars. My Bugatti has a w16 8.0L quad-turbo. My TWO Ferrari 812 competizione have 6.5L v12s. This is just the start. Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and its enormous emissions.”
After this, Greta replied and said that:
“Yes, please do enlighten me. email me at smalldi*[email protected]“
Soon after this, the tweets went viral and also led to the arrest of Andrew Tate.
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