Addis Ababa February 27/2023 /ENA/The Council of Ministers in its 17th regular meeting held today discussed on four issues and passed decisions.
The council first discussed on the draft policy on education and training noting that there are huge gaps on the current policy in terms of creating innovative citizens, encouraging technologies as well as lack of indigenous knowledge with a view to ensuring national benefits for it has been in service for more than 28 years without amendment, the council indicated.

Accordingly, a draft policy has been developed in order to ensure the accessibility of quality education to all children and the youth and to enable the generation competent and multilingual, it added.
The draft policy also aims at bringing the Ethiopian Education quality to a higher level that fits the international standard by producing capable human resources.
After extensive discussion on the draft policy, the council unanimously decided to implement it as of today.
Next, the council discussed on a bill proposed to establish an autonomous university, so that higher education institutions can decide independently about their academic activities.
The bill also aims at helping the institutions to render internationally competitive teaching and research activities, where the society can get many social services as well as enable them operate with own budget by expanding their income.
After extensive discussion on the draft bill, the council unanimously decided to refer it to the House of People’s Representatives for approval.
The council has also discussed on the bill on higher education, technical and vocational training, research institutions.
The objective is to strengthen the linkages of higher education, technical and vocational training, research institutions with industries by addressing the existing challenges.
The council, after a thorough discussion on the draft bill, decided to refer it to the House of People’s Representatives for approval.