Tipster Topic Description Number: 101 Domain: Science and Technology Topic: Design of the “Star Wars” Anti-missile Defense System Description: Document will provide information on the proposed configuration, components, and technology of the U.S.’s “star wars” anti-missile defense system. Narrative: A relevant document will provide information which aids description of the design and technology to be used in the anti-missile defense system advocated by the Reagan administration, the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also known as “star wars.” Any reported changes to original design, or any research results which might lead to changes of constituent technologies, are also relevant documents. However, reports on political debate over the SDI, or arms control negotiations which might encompass the SDI, are NOT relevant to the science and technology focus of this topic, unless they provide specific information on design and technology. Concept(s): 1. Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, star wars, peace shield 2. kinetic energy weapon, kinetic kill, directed energy weapon, laser, particle beam, ERIS (exoatmospheric reentry-vehicle interceptor system), phased-array radar, microwave 3. anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon, spaced-based technology, strategic defense technologies Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 102 Domain: Science and Technology Topic: Laser Research Applicable to the U.S.’s Strategic Defense Initiative Description: Document will report on laser research related, or potentially related, to the U.S.’s Strategic Defense Initiative. Narrative: A relevant document will provide information on laser research which is either explicitly linked to the U.S.’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, also known as “star wars”) or which has potential applicability to the development of SDI laser technology. Potentially relevant research could be referred to as research into directed energy weapons, or high energy lasers, or, more generally, referred to as military laser research. A relevant document could take many forms — award of contract, report of research results, or abstract of a professional paper on lasers. However, a document clearly focused on use of low-power lasers in consumer products, surgical instruments, or industrial cutting tools is NOT relevant. Concept(s): 1. Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, star wars, peace shield 2. laser, directed energy weapon, high energy weapon Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 103 Domain: Law and Government Topic: Welfare Reform Description: Document will report those proposed or enacted changes to U.S. federal, state, or local welfare laws and regulations which are propounded as reforms. Narrative: A relevant document will reveal attempts by any U.S. jurisdiction to change the legal or regulatory context of existing welfare programs, or to add new programs, which are described or labeled as a reform. For the purposes of this topic, a welfare program must revolve around a transfer payment for which the recipient had not previously made contributions, other than through general tax payments. Examples include General Assistance, Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), public housing, Medicaid, income subsidies (rent and fuel subsidies, earned income tax credit, food stamps, etc.), child care programs (day care subsidies, nutrition programs, Head Start, etc.), and vocational training programs. NOT relevant are those programs which could be viewed as the payment of insurance benefits to those who had previously made contributions (either directly or indirectly through a family member or employer), such as Medicare, Social Security survivor’s benefits, and unemployment insurance. Also NOT relevant are those documents which deal solely with the financing or administration of existing programs. Concept(s): 1. welfare recipient, public assistance, family assistance, welfare benefit, relief 2. welfare reform, welfare dependency, reform movement, workfare, homeless, welfare culture 3. General Assistance, Aid for Families with Dependent Children, AFDC, Medicaid, earned income tax credit, food stamps, Head Start, job training, public housing Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Definition(s): Welfare program: although the above distinction between a “pure” transfer payment program and a putative insurance program is debatable, the distinction is made to focus the data search on those programs which are clearly in the welfare category, as opposed to the wide variety of social programs supported by U.S. government entities. Tipster Topic Description Number: 104 Domain: Law and Government Topic: Catastrophic Health Insurance Description: Document will enumerate provisions of the U.S. Catastrophic Health Insurance Act of l988, or the political/legal fallout from that legislation. Narrative: A relevant document will detail the content of the U.S. medicare act of l988 which extended catastrophic illness benefits to the elderly, with particular attention to the financing scheme which led to a firestorm of protest and a Congressional retreat, or a relevant document will detail the political/legal consequences of the catastrophic health insurance imbroglio and subsequent efforts by Congress to provide similar coverages through a less-controversial mechanism. Concept(s): 1. Catastrophic Coverage Act of l988, Medicare Part B, Health Care Financing Administration 2. catastrophic-health program, catastrophic illness, catastrophic care, acute care, long-term nursing home care 3. American Association of Retired Persons, AARP, senior citizen, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 105 Domain: Finance Topic: “Black Monday” Description: Document will state reasons why U.S. stock markets crashed on 19 October 1987 (“Black Monday”), or report on attempts to guard against another such crash. Narrative: A relevant document will contain at least one reason why U.S. stock markets experienced a huge price drop on 19 October 1987, losses of equity so large that markets were said to have crashed (the Dow, for example, lost 508 points on that one day alone); the date of the crash has become known as “Black Monday.” A preferable document would contain a detailed analysis of the crash. The best document would link analysis of events to actions taken or recommendations made by federal authorities or the stock markets to prevent future crashes. NOT relevant are reports which simply reference, without analysis, “Black Monday,” such as anniversary stories generated by the press around every October 19th. Concept(s): 1. 19 October 1987, “Black Monday” 2. New York Stock Exchange, Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, National Association of Securities Dealers 3. Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, CFTC 4. program trading, index arbitrage, futures market, portfolio insurance, specialists, margins, super DOT system 5. Brady Commission, circuit breaker Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Time: any time after 19 October 1987 Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 106 Domain: Law and Government Topic: U.S. Control of Insider Trading Description: Document will report proposed or enacted changes to U.S. laws and regulations designed to prevent insider trading. Narrative: A relevant document will contain information on proposed or enacted changes to U.S. laws and regulations, including state laws and stock market rules, which are aimed at increasing penalties or closing loopholes in existing institutional discouragements to insider trading. NOT relevant are reports on specific insider trading cases, such as the prosecutions and settlements related to the Boesky – Milken – Drexel Burnham Lambert scandal, unless the report also contains specific information on legal or regulatory change. Concept(s): 1. insider trading 2. securities law, bill, legislation, regulation, rule 3. Insider Trading Sanctions Act, Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act 4. Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, CFTC, National Association of Securities Dealers, NASD Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 107 Domain: International Economics Topic: Japanese Regulation of Insider Trading Description: Document will inform on Japan’s regulation of insider trading. Narrative: A relevant document will provide data on Japanese laws, regulations, and/or practices which help the foreigner understand how Japan controls, or does not control, stock market practices which could be labeled as insider trading. Concept(s): 1. insider trading 2. Japan 3. Ministry of Finance, Securities and Exchange Council, Osaka Securities Exchange, Tokyo Stock Exchange 4. Securities and Exchange Law, Article 58, law, legislation, guidelines, self-regulation 5. Nikko Securities, Yamaichi Securities, Nomura Securities, Daiwa Securities, Big Four brokerage firms Factor(s): Nationality: Japan Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 108 Domain: International Economics Topic: Japanese Protectionist Measures Description: Document will report on Japanese policies or practices which help protect Japan’s domestic market from foreign competition. Narrative: A relevant document will identify a Japanese law or regulation, a governmental policy or administrative procedure, a corporate custom, or a business practice which discourages, or even prevents, entry into the Japanese market by foreign goods and services. A document which reports generally on market penetration difficulties but which does not identify a specific Japanese barrier to trade is NOT relevant. Concept(s): 1. Japan 2. Ministry of International Trade and Industry, MITI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 3. protectionism, protect 4. tariff, subsidy, quota, dumping, obstruction, retaliation 5. structural impediment, product standard 6. trade dispute, barrier, tension, imbalance, practice 7. market access, free trade, liberalize, reciprocity 8. Super 301, 301 clause Factor(s): Nationality: Japan Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 109 Domain: Science and Technology Topic: Find Innovative Companies Description: Document must refer to one of the following: OTC Ltd., Hi Tech Enterprises, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, Integrated Solutions Inc., MIPS Computer Systems Inc., or Ask Computer Systems Inc. Narrative: To be relevant, a document must mention one of the following companies: Overseas Telecommunications Commission (OTC) Ltd., Hi Tech Enterprises, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, Integrated Solutions, MIPS Computer Systems Inc., or Ask Computer Systems Inc. Concept(s): 1. Overseas Telecommunications Commission, OTC 2. Hi Tech Enterprises 3. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. 4. Integrated Solutions Inc. 5. MIPS Computer Systems Inc. 6. ASK Computer Systems Inc. Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 110 Domain: International Politics Topic: Black Resistance Against the South African Government Description: Document will discuss efforts by the black majority in South Africa to overthrow domination by the white minority government. Narrative: A relevant document will discuss any effort by blacks to force political change in South Africa. The reported black challenge to apartheid may take any form — military, political, or economic — but of greatest interest would be information on reported activities by armed personnel linked to the African National Congress (ANC), either in South Africa or in bordering states. Concept(s): 1. African National Congress, ANC, Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo 2. Chief Buthelezi, Inkatha, Zulu 3. terrorist, detainee, subversive, communist 4. Limpopo River, Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia 5. apartheid, black township, homelands, group areas act, emergency regulations Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 111 Domain: International Relations Topic: Nuclear Proliferation Description: Document will discuss efforts by the United Nations or those nations currently possessing nuclear weapons to control the proliferation of nuclear weapons capabilities to the non-nuclear weapons states. Narrative: A relevant document will report on efforts by the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency to monitor compliance with the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, or, report on efforts by the United States, Britain, France, USSR, India, or China to control the transfer of technology, equipment, materials, or delivery systems to nations suspected of nuclear weapons development programs, or, a relevant document will report any nuclear activities by Argentina, Brazil, Iraq, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, or South Africa (all suspected proliferators). Concept(s): 1. International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, international safeguards, Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty 2. nuclear, atomic bomb, reprocessing, spent fuel, plutonium, enriched uranium, heavy water 3. Department of Engery, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Control Institute 4. United States, Britain, France, USSR, India, China 5. Argentina, Brazil, Iraq, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, South Africa Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 112 Domain: Finance Topic: Funding Biotechnology Description: Document will provide financial data relative to answering the question, how much money worldwide is being invested in the biotechnology arena? Narrative: A relevant document will provide financial data which assists in quantifying worldwide investment in biotechnology. Relevant data includes the following: funds provided to government, academic, or corporate laboratories for biotechnology research; data on the capitalization of start-up firms in the biotechnology arena, e.g. stock sales, venture capital investments, etc.; profit and loss figures for biotechnology enterprises or the biotechnology divisions of established corporations, etc. Concept(s): 1. biotechnology 2. biotechnology investment Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 113 Domain: Science and Technology Topic: New Space Satellite Applications Description: Document will report on non-traditional applications of space satellite technology. Narrative: A relevant document will discuss more recent or emerging applications of space satellite technology. NOT relevant are such “traditional” or early satellite age usages as INTELSAT transmission of voice and data communications for telephone companies or program feeds for established television networks. Also NOT relevant are such established uses of satellites as military communications, earth mineral resource mapping, and support of weather forecasting. A few examples of newer applications are the building of private satellite networks for transfer of business data, facsimile transmission of newspapers to be printed in multiple locations, and direct broadcasting of TV signals. The underlying purpose of this topic is to collect information on recent or emerging trends in the application of space satellite technology. Concept(s): 1. satellite, technology, use of space 2. satellite network, facsimile, direct broadcasting Factor(s): Definition(s): INTELSAT: a 113-nation consortium with a near monopoly on international satellite communications. COMSAT: the congressionally chartered U.S. satellite communications company which holds 25% of INTELSAT’s stock. Tipster Topic Description Number: 114 Domain: International Politics Topic: Non-commercial Satellite Launches Description: Document will provide data on launches worldwide of non-commercial space satellites. Narrative: A relevant document will provide information which helps identify the purpose and capabilities of satellites launched anywhere in the world which might have non-commercial applications. Accordingly, periodic launches of INTELSAT communications satellites are clearly NOT relevant. On the other hand, data on launches of military communication or intelligence sensor satellites are definitely relevant. Potentially useful data on any given launch would be press comment as to whether the satellite has a military, scientific, or intelligence purpose, type of launch vehicle employed, reported satellite configuration, launch trajectory and speed, projected orbit, etc. Concept(s): 1. satellite launch, military communications, intelligence satellite 2. launch vehicle, trajectory, orbit Factor(s): Definition(s): INTELSAT: a 113-nation consortium with a near monopoly on international satellite communications. COMSAT: the congressionally chartered U.S. satellite communications company which holds 25% of INTELSAT’s stock. Tipster Topic Description Number: 115 Domain: Law & Government Topic: Impact of the 1986 Immigration Law Description: Document will report specific consequence(s) of the U.S.’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Narrative: A relevant document will provide concrete example(s) of the impact of the U.S.’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (also known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act). Relevant examples are a foreign government’s official complaints against the law, domestic legal and political attempts to delay enforcement or modify provisions of the act, imposition of fines on employers who hire illegal aliens, reports on undocumented workers taking advantage of the legalization program, enforcement actions by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, etc. NOT relevant are such general reports as analyses of the law’s potential impact, explication of the law’s provisions, continuing political discourse on immigration issues, as well as immigration cases not related to the 1986 law. Concept(s): 1. Simpson-Mazzoli Act 2. immigration, Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS, Border Patrol 3. illegal alien (or immigrant), undocumented worker, deportation, amnesty, extended voluntary departure, EVD Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 116 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: Generic Drug Substitutions Description: Document will identify a generic drug which can be substituted for a brand name drug in the treatment of at least one medical condition. Narrative: A relevant document must have all four of the following pieces of information relative to potential generic drug substitutions: the name of a generic drug, the brand name (or chemical term) of the drug for which it is an equivalent, the manufacturer or distributor of the generic, and the medical condition(s) treated by both the generic and the brand name drug. Reports which contain multiple generic equivalencies are clearly relevant, since the purpose of the search is to build a cross index of potentially cheaper generics. General reports on the economics, legal actions, or politics of generic competitions are NOT relevant, unless they contain the four elements of data specified. Concept(s): 1. generic drug, generic equivalent Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 117 Domain: U.S. Economics Topic: Capacity of the U.S. Cellular Telephone Network Description: Document will provide at least one datum which helps build a description, quantification, and evaluation of the capacity of the U.S. cellular telephone network. Narrative: A relevant document will provide data which helps answer the question, what is the capacity of the installed U.S. cellular telephone network? Relevant information can be cumulative over time, but it must be specific regarding such factors as area of operation for a given cellular company, number of units serviced by that company, type of equipment used, technology employed, and near-term plans for upgrades and expansions. NOT relevant is such information as investments and capitalization, management changes, acquisitions and mergers (unless concrete data relative to capacity also is reported), equipment manufacture, paging services, etc. Concept(s): 1. cellular, cellular telephone (or phone) Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Time: past, present, and near future Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 118 Domain: International Politics Topic: International Terrorists Description: Document will provide background information on international terrorist groups or individuals, or detail the activities of such groups or individuals. Narrative: A relevant document will report such information as the history, objectives, structure, areas of operation, identities of members and supporters, or activities of international terrorist groups and individuals. Information must be sufficient to place the document into the international terrorism category, as defined below, so as to distinguish the report from those which detail activities by rebel groups pejoratively labeled as “terrorist” by a regime under attack. Concept(s): 1. terrorist, terrorism, international terrorist (or terrorism) Factor(s): Definition(s): International Terrorism: as defined in Title 22 of the U.S. Code, Section 2656F(d), terrorism is premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience. By extension, international terrorism transcends national boundaries and involves the citizens, property, or territory of more than one country. Tipster Topic Description Number: 119 Domain: International Politics Topic: Actions Against International Terrorists Description: Document will report activities by established political authorities against international terrorists. Narrative: A relevant document will report on military, political, economic, or legal actions taken against international terrorists, or states accused of sponsoring terrorism, by recognized governments worldwide. The official action must be against groups or individuals (or their sponsors) who fit the international terrorist mold, as defined below, rather than be actions against opponents of a government who are labeled as “terrorist” for political or propaganda purposes. Concept(s): 1. terrorist, terrorism, international terrorist (or terrorism) Factor(s): Definition(s): International Terrorism: as defined in Title 22 of the U.S. Code, Section 2656F(d), terrorism is premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience. By extension, international terrorism transcends national boundaries and involves the citizens, property, or territory of more than one country. Tipster Topic Description Number: 120 Domain: International Econonomics Topic: Economic Impact of International Terrorism Description: Document will report on actual or alleged private sector economic consequences of international terrorism. Narrative: A relevant document will address the issue of how to calculate the private sector economic consequences of the activities of international terrorists. Reported consequences may be such information as corporate claims that a fall off in business resulted from customer fears over international terrorism, actual destruction of private property through terrorist acts, investments not made because of concerns over a terrorist presence in an area of potential investment, etc.. NOT relevant are costs attributable to government actions. Concept(s): 1. terrorist, terrorism, international terrorist (or terrorism) Factor(s): Definition(s): International Terrorism: as defined in Title 22 of the U.S. Code, Section 2656F(d), terrorism is premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience. By extension, international terrorism transcends national boundaries and involves the citizens, property, or territory of more than one country. Tipster Topic Description Number: 121 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: Death from Cancer Description: Document will discuss the life and death of a prominent U.S. person from a specific form of cancer. Narrative: A relevant document will provide obituary information on a prominent U.S. person who died of an identified type of cancer. In addition to the individual’s name and cancer, the report must provide sufficient biographical information for a determination of why the life and contributions of the individual were worthy of some comment upon death. In other words, a one or two line obituary is NOT sufficient. Concept(s): 1. cancer 2. death, obituary Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Time: current Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 122 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: RDT&E of New Cancer Fighting Drugs Description: Document will report on the research, development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E) of a new anti-cancer drug developed anywhere in the world. Narrative: A relevant document will report on any phase in the worldwide process of bringing new cancer fighting drugs to market, from conceptualization to government marketing approval. The laboratory or company responsible for the drug project, the specific type of cancer(s) which the drug is designed to counter, and the chemical/medical properties of the drug must be identified. Concept(s): 1. cancer, leukemia 2. drug, chemotherapy Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 123 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: Research into & Control of Carcinogens Description: Document will report on studies into linkages between environmental factors or chemicals which might cause cancer, and/or it will report on governmental actions to identify, control, or limit exposure to those factors or chemicals which have been shown to be carcinogenic. Narrative: A relevant document will report on research into linkages between cancer and environmental hazards and/or the efforts of governments to limit exposure of their people to carcinogens. The governmental action may be of any category, e.g. entry into international agreements, enactment of domestic laws, issuance of administrative regulations, support of carcinogen research, air and soil sampling, launching of public education campaigns, etc. Concept(s): 1. cancer, carcinogen 2. treaty, agreement, law, regulation, study, research, education, Super Fund Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 124 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: Alternatives to Traditional Cancer Therapies Description: Document will report on innovative approaches to preventing or curing cancer. Narrative: A relevant document will report on any attempt to experiment with or demonstrate the efficacy of any non-chemical, non-surgical, or non-radiological approach to preventing or curing cancer. Concept(s): 1. cancer, cancer prevention, cancer cure 2. NOT chemotherapy, NOT surgery, NOT radiation Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 125 Domain: Law & Government Topic: Anti-smoking Actions by Government Description: Document will describe actions by public authorities to limit the human use of tobacco. Narrative: A relevant document will provide at least one example of actions proposed or taken by public authorities anywhere in the world to limit or discourage the human use of tobacco. Limits may take any regulatory or legal form appropriate to that jurisdiction, to include sales controls, limits on advertisement, mandatory warning labels, and establishment of no-smoking zones. Court findings against tobacco companies (if any), as well as publicly financed anti-smoking campaigns and education programs, are to be considered as relevant forms of discouragement. In addition, public funding of medical research into tobacco use is relevant information. However, private anti-smoking initiatives, such as creating no-smoking areas, are NOT relevant unless traceable in origin to government action. Also NOT relevant are contradictory, pro-tobacco government actions, such as tobacco price support programs and export encouragements. Concept(s): 1. tobacco 2. smoking, anti-smoking Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 126 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: Medical Ethics and Modern Technology Description: Document will discuss ethical issues attendant to contemporary advances in medical technology. Narrative: A relevant document will report on non-traditional medical ethics issues which have been created by recent (post WWII) advances in medical science and/or the efforts of the medical community to deal with such ethical issues. Relevant reports include those on such issues as the decision process for selecting organ transplant recipients, whether to place or remove a patient from a life-support machine (“when to pull the plug”), whether or not to employ advanced techniques on defective newborns, and the use of fetal tissue and human cells in biomedical research. NOT relevant are reports on such traditional issues as abortion, mercy killing, and assisted suicide. Also NOT relevant are reports on the long-established legal/ethical issue of the right to privacy, as it relates to such contemporary public health problems as mandatory testing and contact tracing for AIDS. Concept(s): 1. medical ethics 2. hospital ethicist, medical ethics counseling 3. triage, terminally ill, abortion, assisted suicide 4. fetal tissue, organ transplant, life support machine, artificial insemination Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 127 Domain: International Relations Topic: U.S.-U.S.S.R. Arms Control Agreements Description: Document will report the terms of arms control agreements concluded, under negotiation, or proposed between the United States and the Soviet Union. Narrative: A relevant document must provide specific information on U.S.-U.S.S.R. arms control agreements, such as the weapons covered, size of reduction, verification procedures, etc. Debate in the U.S. Congress, or within Allied Nations or multilateral fora, is NOT relevant, unless such debates coincidentally provide new, concrete information on the terms of concluded, pending, or proposed arms control agreements. Concept(s): 1. strategic arms limitation treaty, SALT, SALT II, START 2. intermediate range nuclear weapon, INF 3. medium-range nuclear missile, short-range nuclear weapon, nuclear testing, conventional arms 4. arms control, arms reduction, arms agreement, verification 5. Anti-ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty of 1972 6. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Nationality: U.S.S.R. Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 128 Domain: International Economics Topic: Privatization of State Assets Description: Document discusses a current or future sale to the private sector, by a government or government entity, of a business, businesses, or shares of a business owned by the state. Narrative: A relevant document will discuss a completed, ongoing, or proposed sale to the private sector (e.g., offer to the public, or to a selected investor), by a government or government entity, of a business, businesses, or shares of a business owned by that government or government entity. The business and the government or government entity must be identified. A document which discusses privatization in general, privatization plans or a privatization program, but does not refer to a specific sale, is NOT relevant. Concept(s): 1. privatization effort, privatization plan, denationalization 2. private sector 3. sale, sell, offer 4. stake, shares, stock, company Factor(s): Time: Current Time: Future Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 129 Domain: International Politics Topic: Soviet Spying on the U.S. Description: Document will report spying by the USSR within U.S. territory or against U.S. interests overseas. Narrative: A relevant document will discuss reported espionage by entities of the Soviet government – KGB, GRU, etc. – conducted within the territory of the United States of America, or against U.S. diplomatic or military facilities overseas. Reported entrapment or involvement of U.S. citizens, residents, or employees in Soviet spying, be it overseas or within U.S. territory, is also relevant. However, espionage cases involving states linked to the USSR – Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Cuba, etc. – are NOT relevant, unless linkage to Soviet intelligence can be demonstrated. Concept(s): 1. USSR, U.S.S.R., Soviet, KGB, GRU, diplomat 2. spy, agent, spying, espionage, intelligence 3. snoop, bug, compromise, penetrate 4. counterintelligence, FBI, CIA, Pentagon, State Department Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 130 Domain: International Relations Topic: Jewish Emigration and U.S.-USSR Relations Description: Document will report on the issue of Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union as it impacts on U.S.-Soviet relations. Narrative: A relevant document will report on U.S. efforts to advance emigration freedom for Soviet Jews, USSR resistance to the permanent move of Jews to Israel or the U.S., and/or how the Jewish emigration issue affects U.S.-U.S.S.R. bilateral relations, as well as the relative positions of the two superpowers in the Middle East. Concept(s): 1. U.S., America, U.S.S.R., USSR, Soviet Union, Soviet, Israel, Middle East 2. Jew, Jewish 3. emigration, emigrate, emigre, refugee, exit visa 4. Jackson-Vanik Amendment 5. glasnost, refusenik 6. diplomatic relations, economic relations Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 131 Domain: Military Topic: McDonnell Douglas Contracts for Military Aircraft Description: Document will identify and quantify a contract awarded to McDonnell Douglas for production of military aircraft. Narrative: A relevant document will provide specified data on contracts awarded to McDonnell Douglas for the production of military aircraft for any nation, any military service, or of any aircraft type (interceptor, fighter-bomber, helicopter, etc.). The contract must be for completed airframes, NOT contracts for aircraft development, factory tooling, components, spare parts, services, etc. To be relevant, the document also must specify the number of aircraft to be delivered, the dollar size of the contract, and the aircraft type sought. Concept(s): 1. McDonnell Douglas 2. contract, award 3. military, aircraft, fighter, interceptor, helicopter, transport 4. FA-18, AV-8B, C-17, F-15, AH-64A, EF-18A Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 132 Domain: Military Topic: “Stealth” Aircraft Description: Document will provide cost, technical, and/or performance data on U.S. “stealth” aircraft projects. Narrative: A relevant document will contain specific information on the design, assembly, and testing of “stealth” (radar-evading) fighters and bombers of the United States Air Force, and/or provide data indicative of the costs, characteristics, and performance of such aircraft. Relevant information includes, but is not limited to, expenditures associated with stealth projects, technology reportedly used or to be used, locations associated with assembly or testing of the aircraft, information on performance (demonstrated or projected), and identification of contractors or subcontractors on stealth projects (excepting reports simply identifying the publicly known prime contractors for the stealth fighter and stealth bomber, Lockheed and Northrop, respectively). Reports on flight tests or combat use of stealth aircraft are NOT relevant, unless technical or performance data are explicitly provided. Concept(s): 1. stealth, stealth fighter, stealth bomber, advanced technology bomber 2. radar evading, radar evasion 3. skunk works, black program, F-19 Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 133 Domain: Science and Technology Topic: Hubble Space Telescope Description: Document will describe some design feature of the Hubble Space Telescope. Narrative: A relevant document will provide information on the instruments, components, controls, capabilities, or other technical features of the Hubble Space Telescope. Reports on delays in launching, or the actual launch of the Hubble, are NOT relevant. In addition, only initial reports which technically detail the telescope’s flawed mirror, how the defect will impact the telescope’s effectiveness, or how the flaw will be corrected, are relevant. Further references to the defective mirror, particularly political or non-scientific discussion of the mistake (or the project generally), are NOT relevant. Also, references to the Hubble Constant, or the scientist for whom both the telescope and the astronomical term were named, are NOT relevant. Concept(s): 1. Hubble Space Telescope, HST, space telescope Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 134 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: The Human Genome Project Description: Document will report on the objectives, processes, and organization of the human genome project. Narrative: A relevant document will report on the purposes, strategies, technologies, funding, and/or management of the human genome project. Although they may be scientifically pertinent, reports on general biomedical, genetic, and cell chemistry research, as well as related technologies, are NOT relevant to this topic unless they are explicitly linked to the human genome project. Concept(s): 1. human genome, human genome initiative, human gene mapping 2. gene mapping, DNA sequencing 3. genetic marker, DNA segments Factor(s): Definition(s): Human Genome Project: a largely U.S. funded “big science” project whose initial purpose is to map the nucleic acid sequences within the more than 50,000 genes carried on the 23 human chromosomes. Described differently, the project “is to produce a database listing the exact sequence of three billion base pairs along a single strand of human genetic material.” Tipster Topic Description Number: 135 Domain: Medical & Biological Topic: Possible Contributions of Gene Mapping to Medicine Description: Document will report on efforts to locate and describe genes linked to inherited human diseases and/or report on the potential medical contributions such information might yield. Narrative: A relevant document will report on any of the following: gene mapping research aimed at locating specific genes involved in those human diseases where genetic cause or predisposition have been implicated, attempts to describe the molecular structure and chemical defects of suspect genes (in either single gene or polygenic diseases), the development of diagnostic tests at the gene level, and research into possible treatments which might result from locating and analyzing genes involved in inherited human diseases. Reports on laboratory techniques or research projects which may aid the general fields of genetics and molecular biology, but which do not directly link the procedure or project to the study or treatment of a human genetic disease, are NOT relevant. Concept(s): 1. genetic disease, inherited disease, hereditary disease 2. gene mapping, DNA sequencing 3. gene therapy, gene test 4. chromosome analysis, DNA technology, genetic marker Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 136 Domain: U.S. Economics Topic: Diversification by Pacific Telesis Description: Document will report on attempts by Pacific Telesis to diversify beyond its basic business of providing local telephone service. Narrative: A relevant document will give information on moves by Pacific Telesis to expand and diversify into information services, cellular radio, and other businesses outside its regulated activity of providing local telephone service in California and Nevada. NOT relevant to diversification moves by Pacific Telesis is such information as developments in local telephone service, financial issues (telephone rates, stock prices, and earnings reports), legal actions, labor conflicts, etc. Concept(s): 1. Pacific Telesis 2. diversification, diversify, new business, subsidiary, acquisition, non-telephone operations, consortium 3. NOT local telephone service; NOT upgrades to regional telephone system; NOT telephone rates, stock prices, or earnings; NOT legal or regulatory actions; NOT labor conflicts; NOT personnel actions. Factor(s): Definition(s): Pacific Telesis: a San Francisco-based regional telephone operating company. Pacific Telesis is one of the seven “baby bells” formed from the break-up of AT&T. Along with Ameritech, Nynex, US West, Southwestern Bell Corp, Bell Atlantic Group, and Bell South Group, Pacific Telesis was given responsibility for providing local telephone service in its assigned area, as well as afforded the opportunity of diversifying into a wide-range of other businesses, with some exceptions, such as the former Bell System’s long distance service which was retained by AT&T. Tipster Topic Description Number: 137 Domain: U.S. Economics Topic: Expansion in the U.S. Theme Park Industry Description: Document will report on the building of a new or on the expansion/upgrade of an existing theme park by a U.S. corporation in the United States or overseas. Narrative: A relevant document will report on plans by U.S. corporations to build a new theme park, to enlarge an existing theme or amusement park, or to add a new attraction to an existing park. Reports on developments in overseas theme parks in which U.S. interests have a substantial equity or management position are also relevant. However, reports on mergers and acquisitions which do not add to plant or capacity in the theme park industry are NOT relevant. Concept(s): 1. theme park, amusement park, entertainment facility 2. build, construct, develop, enlarge, expand, upgrade 3. Disney, Busch, Universal, Six Flags, MCA, Sea World 4. NOT sale, purchase, merger, or acquisition Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 138 Domain: International Politics Topic: Iranian Support for Lebanese Hostage-takers Description: Document will give data linking Iran to groups in Lebanon which seize and hold Western hostages. Narrative: A relevant document will provide explicit information which supports (or counters) the allegation that elements in the Iranian government encourage, influence, financially support, and/or direct the activities of such Lebanese groups as Hezbollah in the taking and holding of U.S. and European hostages. Concept(s): 1. Iran, Tehran, Iranian Interior Ministry, Revolutionary Guard Corps, patron, sponsor, mentor 2. Ayatollah Khomeini, Ali Akbar Mohtashemi (AKA Mohtashami-Pur), Abdollah Nouri, Hashemi Rafsanjani, Mohsen Rafiq-Dust, Hosein Sheikholislam 3. Lebanon, Syria, Bekaa Valley 4. Hezbollah, Party of God, Special Security Apparatus, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization for the Oppressed on Earth (AKA Oppressed of the Earth), Amal 5. Immad Mughniyeh (AKA Imad Mugniyah), Sheik Fadlallah, Sheik Obeid, Abed Yunis, Mustafa Khorshid, Hussein Ghabris, Hussein Khalil, Hussein Mousawi, Abbas Musawi, Hamadi 6. hostage, captive, hostage-taker, terrorist 7. kidnap, seize, hostage-taking 8. negotiate, bargain, talk, ransom, release, threat, kill Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 139 Domain: International Politics Topic: Iran’s Islamic Revolution – Domestic and Foreign Social Consequences Description: Document will report on the religious, legal, cultural, and social consequences of Iran’s Islamic Revolution within Iran and abroad. Narrative: A relevant document will provide information which facilitates analysis of the non-political impact of Iran’s Islamic Revolution on the people of Iran, as well as Muslims and others outside Iran. Relevant data on the religious, legal, cultural, and social dimensions of the Islamic Revolution should help describe how Ayatollah Khomeini’s overthrow of the Shah impacted, and continues to impact, the lives of people. NOT relevant are reports focused on the human and economic losses associated with the Iran-Iraq War. Concept(s): 1. Iran, Tehran, Qom, Ayatollah Khomeini 2. Islamic Revolution, Islamic Republic, Shiite, fundamentalism, Muslim, Moslem 3. women, chador, Islamic veil, headscarf 4. beard, village, hamlet 5. blasphemy, zealot, fanatic, repression, martyrdom, revolutionary guards 6. Salman Rushdie, Nazia Hassan, writer, artist, singer, television 7. NOT politics, NOT war, NOT elections, NOT international relations Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 140 Domain: International Politics Topic: Political Impact of Islamic Fundamentalism Description: Document will report on the political impact of Islamic fundamentalism within any nation other than Iran. Narrative: A relevant document will provide information on the increase outside Iran of Islamic fundamentalism, among both Sunni and Shiite adherents, and how the strengthening of the Islamic fundamentalist movement has, or potentially can, effect the structures, politics, and policies of national governments. Concept(s): 1. Islamic fundamentalism, Islamization, shari’a (shariah) 2. Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Islamic Salvation Front, Al-Nahdah, Muslim Mujahedin, Jama’at-e Islami, Mujahedin-e Khalq, Hezbollah (AKA Hizbullah), al-Takfir Wal-Hijrah, Moro Liberation Front 3. Hassan el-Turabi (AKA Hassan Turabi), Gulbeddin Hekmatyar, Shah Massoud, Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq (President Zia), Ayatollah Khoi, Safar Hawali, Muhammad Husain Fadlullah (AKA Sheik Fadlallah), Abbas al-Madani 4. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Philippines 5. NOT-Iran Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 141 Domain: International Economics Topic: Japan’s Handling of its Trade Surplus with the U.S. Description: Document will report on Japanese efforts to deal with U.S. complaints regarding Japan’s surplus in bilateral trade. Narrative: A relevant document will reveal Japanese government or government-inspired actions designed to reduce the gap or ameliorate frictions resulting from Japan’s continuing surplus in bilateral trade with the U.S. The report must identify concrete actions which are traceable to the Japanese government. NOT relevant would be promises or proposals. Similarly, analyses of the U.S.-Japan trade relationship, trade negotiations, or political commentary thereon, are NOT relevant. Also, such economic data as foreign exchange and interest rate movements, corporate initiatives, or stock and bond market changes are NOT relevant, unless such information is explicitly linked to Japanese government efforts to deal with the bilateral trade surplus. Concept(s): 1. Japan, Japanese government, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, MITI 2. U.S., Department of Commerce, U.S. Trade Representative 3. trade surplus, deficit, gap, imbalance, dispute 4. free trade, managed trade, barriers to trade, structural impediments Factor(s): Nationality: Japan and U.S. Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 142 Domain: International Relations Topic: Impact of Government Regulated Grain Farming on International Relations Description: Document will show how and why national governments supervise and protect their own growers of grain and/or how these policies impact a nation’s foreign trade and diplomatic relations. Narrative: A relevant document will demonstrate specifically how a government anywhere in the world protects domestic production of grains (such as corn, rice, and wheat), provide the rationale for such policies (if available), and/or demonstrate the linkage between such domestic agricultural policies and a nation`s foreign trade and diplomatic relations. Concept(s): 1. export subsidies, export restitution, import quotas, farm-trade barriers 2. price supports, farm subsidies, agricultural supports 3. self-sufficiency, embargo, import dependence, high quality food supply, farm interests 4. grain, animal feed, corn, rice, wheat 5. foreign trade, trade negotiations, agricultural policy 6. EC’s Common Agricultural Policy, Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Zenchu, Liberal Democratic Party, LDP, U.S.’s Export Enchancement Program, food importing countries Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 143 Domain: U.S. Politics Topic: Why Protect U.S. Farmers? Description: Document will contribute to an analysis of how and why, and at what cost, the U.S. federal government protects, supports, and controls U.S. farming. Narrative: A relevant document will describe actions taken by the U.S. government to protect U.S. farmers; or, reveal how farm price supports, export subsidies, import quotas, and other special farm policies impact the rural economy, as well as consumer costs and the federal budget; or, indicate a rationale used to justify farm support policies; or, show the relationship between agricultural policies and Congressional politics; or, suggest how national farm policies distort the “free” functioning of the agricultural sector of the national economy. Concept(s): 1. farm policy, farm exports, price supports, farm subsidy, deficiency payment, set-aside, supply controls, payment-in-kind, PIK, program crops, export subsidies, import quotas, crop base, production controls 2. Export Enhancement Program, EEP, Agriculture Adjustment Act, Targeted Export Assistance, TEA 3. rural districts, farm state, farming, farmers, agricultural sector 4. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Department, USDA, U.S. Congress Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 144 Domain: International Politics Topic: Management Problems at the United Nations Description: Document will report on alleged corruption, incompetence, or inefficiency in the management of the United Nation’s staff, activities, or specialized agencies. Narrative: A relevant document will provide information on management effectiveness by the United Nations, its specialized agencies, or in its running of such activities as peace keeping and relief operations. Allegations of management failings, as well as retorts to such charges, are relevant. However, charges of ideological bias or disputes over political and policy issues are NOT relevant. The focus is management effectiveness, or the lack thereof. Concept(s): 1. United Nations, UN, Secretary General, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, Food and Agricultural Organization, FAO, World Health Organization, WHO, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, peace keeping 2. mismanagement, corruption, incompetence, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, overhead, extravagance, administrative costs 3. secretariat, international civil servants, bureaucracy 4. reform, budget controls, accounting, financial analysis, retrenchment Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 145 Domain: U.S. Politics Topic: Influence of the “Pro-Israel Lobby” Description: Document will describe how, and how effectively, the so-called “pro-Israel lobby” operates in the United States. Narrative: A relevant document will identify and/or discuss the effectiveness of an organization, individual, or mechanism employed by the so-called “pro-Israel lobby” to advance the interests of the State of Israel within the United States and its government. Particularly useful would be a document which shows the lobby’s impact on a specific policy decision by the U.S. government. Concept(s): 1. zionism, American Jews, Jewish community, U.S. Jewish leaders 2. aid to Israel, military assistance, campaign contribution 3. U.S. arms sales to Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, or Kuwait 4. U.S. supporters of Israel, pro-Israel congressman or senator, pro-Israel lobbyist, Jewish lobby 5. American Jewish Congress, United Jewish Appeal, UJA, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, New Israel Fund, Committee for Economic Growth of Israel, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs 6. Mossad, CIA, Israeli intelligence 7. dual loyalty, Jonathan Pollard, Pollard spy case, Rafael Eitan, Aviem Sella Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. and Israel Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 146 Domain: International Relations Topic: Negotiating an End to the Nicaraguan Civil War Description: Document will report on the negotiating process leading to an end to the Nicaraguan civil war. Narrative: A relevant document will provide information on proposals for peace, negotiations on such proposals, terms of any agreements reached, problems in implementing agreements, or successful implementation of any agreement designed to facilitate an end to the civil war in Nicaragua. Concept(s): 1. Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala 2. United States, Cuba, USSR, Soviet Union, Central America 3. Sandinista, Contra, Managua 4. peace talks, truce, cease-fire, elections, disarmament, nonlethal aid, turbista, La Prensa 5. Arias Plan, President Oscar Arias Sanchez, Oscar Arias 6. Daniel Ortega, Adolfo Calero, Aristides Sanchez, Violeta Chamorro, Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, Cardinal Obando 7. Fidel Castro, Jose Napolean Duarte, Alfredo Cristiani, Vinicio Cerezo, Jose Azcona Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 147 Domain: U.S. Economics Topic: Productivity Trends in the U.S. Economy Description: Document will provide productivity statistics on the U.S. economy. Narrative: A relevant document will contain some macroeconomic datum useful in charting long-term productivity trends in the U.S. economy. Because useful in checking and calibrating aggregate figures, productivity statistics for specific sectors of the U.S. economy could be useful. However, statistics for individual enterprises, because not available in sufficient numbers, are NOT relevant. Also NOT relevant, unless containing confirmable productivity statistics, are reports on political discussions or press commentaries on the state of the U.S. economy. Concept(s): 1. productivity plus United States 2. productivity plus trend, data, statistics, ratios, reports 3. productivity plus gains, growth, improvement, drop, decline, change 4. gross national product, GNP, growth rate, standard of living 5. recession, slump Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 148 Domain: Military Topic: Conflict in the Horn of Africa Description: Document will report on the Ethiopia-Somalia War, civil wars within those nations, and/or the movement of refugees fleeing armed conflicts between or within Ethiopia and Somalia. Narrative: A relevant document will provide information on the course of the Ethiopia-Somalia War (military and diplomatic developments), rebellions within Ethiopia, attempts to overthrow the Siad Barre regime in Somalia, and/or population movements within Ethiopia and Somalia, as well as refugee movements in and out of the neighboring states of Djibouti, Kenya, and Sudan. Concept(s): 1. war, conflict 2. civil war, insurgency, coup, famine, guerrilla, refugee 3. Horn of Africa, Ethiopia, Somalia 4. Eritrea, Tigre (Tigray), Wollo (Wello), Addis Ababa 5. Kenya, Sudan, Djibouti 6. Eritrean People’s Liberation Front, EPLF, Oromo Liberation Front 7. Mengistu, Siad Barre Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 149 Domain: Law and Government Topic: Industrial Espionage Description: Document will report on industrial espionage. Narrative: A relevant document will provide information on alleged or demonstrated acts of industrial espionage committed by agencies of any nation, by any corporation seeking information on a competitor through apparently illegal acts, or by private individuals seeking to collect and sell propietary information. The espionage may be through any means — electronic surveillance, bribery of employees, theft of documents, etc. — whose purpose is to obtain technological or corporate secrets. Also relevant are the actions of governments to prevent the theft of economic secrets through legislation, regulation, or law enforcement. NOT relevant are such legally permissable actions as market research, hiring of consultants, and analysis of publicly available documents. Concept(s): 1. industrial espionage, electronic surveillance, eavesdropping, electronic theft, inside information, market intelligence, industrial intelligence gathering, economic secrets, economic intelligence 2. industrial spy, disgruntled employee, electronic thief Factor(s): Definition(s): Tipster Topic Description Number: 150 Domain: U.S. Politics Topic: U.S. Political Campaign Financing Description: Document will report how U.S. politicians finance their election campaigns and/or moves to “reform” campaign finance practices. Narrative: A relevant document will show how U.S. politicians (federal, state, or local — individually or as a group) pay for their election campaigns, the role played by “special interests” and contributors in the electoral process, allegations or evidence of campaign contributions buying political favors, and/or proposals to limit the cost of campaigns or “reform” electoral finance practices. Concept(s): 1. campaign finance, campaign contribution, fund raising, political donation, honorarium, mother’s milk of politics 2. campaign finance reform, public financing, ethics law 3. special interest, rich contributor, fat cat, lobbyist, political action committee, PAC 4. access-buying, political favor, electoral corruption Factor(s): Nationality: U.S. Definition(s):

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