
Let’s describe the whole world!

Wikimapia – Let’s describe the whole world! About Wikimapia, All countries, USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, Russia, India, BrazilTags directory, Last adds, Tags page 2, Tags page 3, Tags page 4, Tags page 5, Tags page 6, Tags page 7, Tags page 8, Tags page 9, Tags page 10Google+ Wikimapia is an online editable map – you can describe any place on Earth. Or just surf the map discovering tonns of already marked places.

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We recommend to use a new browser, Firefox is preferrable. More information.”,”mapshift-sure-to-mark-as-useless”:”Are you sure that map overlay in this area match the satellite image?”,”mapshift-has-no-effect-legend”:”This shift has no effect. If you disagree, then you need to set shift anchor points or to sign this shift with negative vote to recreate it.”,”inwiki-navi-prev”:”Prev”,”inwiki-navi-next”:”Next”,”inwiki-navi-photo-of”:”Photo %1 of %2″,”statusgrid-link-to-this-square”:”Link to this square”,”selected-segment-will-be-attached-0″:”Selected segment will be attached to the road %1. You will be able to edit the description after save.”,”selected-segment-will-be-attached-1″:”Selected segment will be attached to the railroad %1. You will be able to edit the description after save.”,”selected-segment-will-be-attached-2″:”Selected segment will be attached to the ferry route %1. You will be able to edit the description after save.”,”selected-segment-will-be-attached-10″:”Selected segment will be attached to the river %1. You will be able to edit the description after save.”,”statusgrid-button-close”:”Close”,”statusgrid-zoom-farther”:”(You are out of statistic range. Please zoom out.)”,”statusgrid-zoom-closer”:”(You are out of statistic range. Please zoom in.)”,”statusgrid-button-back”:”Back to status grid”,”history-rev-approved-by”:”This revision is approved by: %1″,”history-rev-not-approved”:”This revision is not approved”,”history-button-approve”:”Approve”,”history-revision-comment-title”:”Briefly describe the changes you have made”,”history-revision-comment-title-confirm”:”Edit summary (optional):”,”history-revision-comment-open”:”Enter edit summary (optional)”,”edit-set-protection”:”Protect”,”edit-unset-protection”:”Remove protection”,”edit-ask-protection”:”You are going to protect this object. While protection is in place only Advanced Users will be able to edit it. After 7 days the protection will be removed automatically.%break%Please enter the reason:”,”edit-ask-unprotection”:”You are going to remove protection from this object.%break%Please enter the reason:”,”access-message-protected”:”Sorry, this object is temporary protected in response to an ongoing high risk of vandalism.”,”mapshift-jstoolbar-title”:”Mapshift”,”mapshift-jstoolbar-welcome-question”:”Please look carefully, does the map overlay match the satellite image?”,”mapshift-jsbutton-add-vector”:”No, the overlay needs shifting”,”mapshift-jsbutton-edit-vector”:”No, the overlay needs shifting”,”mapshift-jsbutton-useless-vector”:”Yes, it is fine”,”mapshift-jsbutton-edit-area”:”Edit shift area and options”,”mapshift-jsbutton-cancel-area-editing”:”Cancel”,”mapshift-jsbutton-save-area”:”Save shift area and options”,”mapshift-area-legend-shift-places”:”Shift places”,”mapshift-area-legend-shift-linear”:”Shift roads/linear”,”mapshift-area-legend-yes”:”Yes”,”mapshift-area-legend-no”:”No”,”mapshift-area-legend-date-of-shift”:”Date of satellite update”,”mapshift-area-legend-manual”:”Manual”,”mapshift-area-legend-manual-link”:”Map overlay shifting”,”mapshift-vector-legend-brief-help”:”The first marker should be located at some specific point on the Wikimapia overlay, such as building corner or roads cross. The second marker should be located at a point on the satellite image that corresponds to the first point.”,”categories-system-create-new”:”Create new category”,”categories-system-create-new-alert”:”Are you sure you want to create category”,”watchlist-watch-comments”:”Comments”,”rd-splitpoint”:”Split point”,”linear-segment-author”:”Author”,”apply”:”apply”,”rd-type-bicycle”:”Cycleway”,”rd-type-footwalk”:”Footpath”,”rd-type-narrow”:”Narrow guage”,”rd-type-lightrail”:”Lightrail / Metro”,”rd-type-streetcar”:”Streetcar”,”y-map”:”Yandex Map”,”y-hyb”:”Yandex Hybrid”,”y-sat”:”Yandex Satellite”,”b-map”:”Bing Map”,”b-hyb”:”Bing Hybrid”,”b-sat”:”Bing Satellite”,”o-map”:”Ovi Map”,”o-hyb”:”Ovy Hybrid”,”yh-sat”:”Yahoo Satellite”,”mtype-woverlay”:”Wikimapia Satellite”,”mtype-wmap”:”Wikimapia Map”,”mapshift-area-legend-shift-vectors-list”:”Details”,”mapshift-area-legend-shift-vectors-list-show”:”show”,”mapshift-area-legend-shift-vectors-list-hide”:”hide”,”mapshift-area-legend-shift-vectors-list-good”:”Accepted vector”,”mapshift-area-legend-shift-vectors-list-bad”:”Rejected vector”,”mapshift-area-legend-shift-vectors-list-none”:”Shift is not needed”,”mapshift-area-legend-shift-vectors-list-empty”:”This shift is empty”,”mapshift-area-legend-shift-vectors-needed-count”:”This area requires %n% more users to participate”,”sp-pages-50-levels”:”5+ level”,”geoloc”:”My location”,”menu-report”:”Report a bug”,”show-menu-cancel-deletion”:”Cancel deletion”,”menu-about”:”About Wikimapia”,”del-marked-short”:”marked for deletion”,”you-are-attaching-to-linear-0″:”You are attaching segments to the existing street”,”you-are-attaching-to-linear-1″:”You are attaching segments to the existing railroad”,”you-are-attaching-to-linear-2″:”You are attaching segments to the existing ferry route”,”you-are-attaching-to-linear-10″:”You are attaching segments to the existing river”,”hotels-price-from”:”from”,”wikimapia-extras”:”Extras”,”wikimapia-old”:”Old Wikimapia”,”level-up-1″:”Thanks for joining us! As a registered user you have now been granted the first Wikimapia user level. Now you can edit places created by others and upload photos. Read more about editing the map here. Have a nice start and good luck!\nPro tip: Taking the time to make accurate outlines with the polygon tool will give you more recognition.”,”level-up-11″:”Excellent! You have reached the second user level. Now you can create and edit roads, rivers, railroads on Wikimapia. Read about how to edit linear features here. Don’t stop!\nPro tip: When marking roads and rivers, don’t forget to zoom in more and add more points for curves. Quality is the road to success!”,”level-up-21″:”You’re unstoppable! It is now the third user level. Wikimapia community thanks you for your contribution!\nPro tip: Adding a suitable category gives places an identity and makes searches much more easier!”,”level-up-31″:”You have just reached 4th user level by sharing your knowledge and helping other people. Great, keep up the good work!\nPro tip: Distinguishing between buildings and non-buildings with the building check box will make you distinguished!”,”level-up-41″:”You have once again proved yourself as a knowledgeable and experienced user by reaching the 5th user level. Keep going!\nPro tip: You’ll get more exposure and your edits will be more interesting if you add a description about your places!”,”level-up-51″:”Wow! Your user level is now 6. It’s a real achievement! People from all over the world will be grateful for the knowledge and effort you’ve put into Wikimapia for them.\nPro tip: People have read how good your places are, now let them see how good they are. Do this by adding photos of the places you mark!”,”level-up-61″:”You have just reached the 7th user level. One more step and you will be on the on the top!”,”level-up-71″:”User level 8! You are now at the top, we’ve ran out of levels! But it’s not the end – please keep on bringing your knowledge to the world and see what’s next.”,”answer-how-know”:”Please take a couple of seconds to answer a question”,”question-how-know”:”How did you learn about us?”,”answer-how-know-choose”:”choose”,”answer-how-know-other-social”:”Other social network”,”answer-how-know-other-search”:”Other search engine”,”button-how-know-ok”:”OK”,”button-how-know-skip”:”Skip”,”answer-how-know-thank”:”Thank you!”,”poly-click-to-start”:”Click on the map to start drawing”,”poly-finish-polygon”:”Finish polygon before saving”,”experience-points-count”:”%1 experience points”,”switch-to-satellite”:”Please, switch to satellite view in order to edit”,”add-poly-describe”:”Outline the place on the map then describe it”,”edit-reset-sure”:”Are you sure you want to do that? Your input will be lost!”,”all-tools”:”All tools”,”topmenu-donate”:”Donate to Wikimapia”,”cityguide-tab-map-meta-descr”:”Map of %city% city u2013 Explore city map of %city% city with hospitals, hotels, airports, roads, museums etc.”,”cityguide-tab-map-meta-keywords”:”%city% map, %city% city map, map of %city%”,”cityguide-tab-tagged-title”:”%category% in %city% city”,”cityguide-tab-tagged-meta-keywords”:”%city% %category% list, %category% of %city%”,”cityguide-page-num-title”:”Page %num%”,”cityguide-tab-streets-meta-descr”:”Complete list of streets in %city% city. All streets in %city% city”,”cityguide-tab-streets-meta-keywords”:”%city% city streets,streets of %city% city”,”cityguide-photos-title”:”%place% in %city% city”,”cityguide-tab-photos-meta-descr”:”Best photos of %city% city. Recent photos in %city% city”,”cityguide-tab-photos-meta-keywords”:”%city% city photos, photos of %city% city”,”cityguide-tab-main-title-button”:”Overview”,”cityguide-tab-map-title-button”:”Map”,”cityguide-tab-comments-title-button”:”Comments”,”cityguide-tab-photos-title-button”:”Photos”,”cityguide-tab-tags-title-button”:”Tags”,”cityguide-tab-streets-title-button”:”Streets”,”show-menu-promote”:”Promote this place”,”poly-rotate”:”Rotate”,”poly-rotate-stop”:”Stop rotating”,”done”:”Done”,”cityguide-tag-objects-text”:”Browse all %city% city places with category \”%category%\”. All of them were added by volunteers and locals around the world.”,”poly-scale”:”Scale”,”poly-scale-stop”:”Stop scaling”,”search-for”:”Search for %1″,”add-place-here”:”Add new place here”,”category-activity”:”Activity”,”poly-edit”:”Edit”,”no-objects-found”:”No objects found”,”no-objects-selected”:”No objects selected”,”edit-bounds”:”Edit bounds to contain objects you want to edit”,”select-edit-polygons”:”Select objects and edit their outlines”,”show-objects”:”Show objects”,”something-wrong”:”Something went wrong, please repeat the last action”,”poly-delete-outline”:”Delete outline”,”poly-cancel-edit”:”Cancel your edit”,”poly-continue-drawing”:”Continue drawing”,”poly-continue-editing”:”Continue editing”,”ny-notification”:”Win a New Year present from Wikimapia!”,”show-menu-on-map”:”Show on map”,”distlistbut”:”Back to list”,”linear-cancel-edit”:”Discard your edit”,”linear-continue-editing”:”Continue editing”,”h-map”:”Here Map”,”h-sat”:”Here Satellite”,”h-hyb”:”Here Hybrid”,”edit-unfinished-exit”:”You haven’t finished editing. Do you want to leave without saving?”,”exit-editor”:”You are going to exit editor”,”show-menu-cancel-undeletion”:”Cancel undeletion”,”delete-select-reason”:”Please, select a reason”,”polygon-merge-points”:”Merge points”,”polygon-close-poly”:”Close outline”,”polygon-merge-leave”:”Leave as is”,”poly-ortho”:”Square the corners”,”poly-circularize”:”Turn into circle”,”poly-scale-cancel”:”Cancel scaling”,”poly-rotate-cancel”:”Cancel rotation”,”poly-click-to-complete”:”Click first point to complete drawing”,”category-no-objects-found”:”No objects found, zoom out or drag the map”,”awards-tell-friends”:”Tell your friends:”,”motto”:”Wikimapia – Let’s describe the whole world!”}},”name”:”English”,”lang”:”en”}, langName : window.languagesNative[window.languageIso], zoom : 12, user: {“newMessages”:0,”id”:0,”name”:””,”level”:1} }, ns.Control.URLHash.parseHash(window.location.hash, true)); params.base = “w”; = new ns.LatLng(, params.lon); params.lang = ns.Lang.selectUserLanguage(params.lang, this.forceUserLanguage); = new ns.App(params); })(window.Wikimapia); ]]>


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Written by Ethiotime1

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