
The EU Mission for the Support of Palestinian Police and Rule of Law

EUPOL COPPS Adviser visits illegal dumping sites in Al-Ram district

EUPOL COPPS Adviser visits illegal dumping sites in Al-Ram district

On the 26 September 2022, EUPOL COPPS Mission visited illegal dumping sites in Al-Ram district, south of Ramallah, to determine the extent of damage for the environment. The visit to the two areas — Jabaa and Qalandya — was arranged by Environmental Quality Authority, Governor of Jerusalem District and Al – Ram Municipality.   The types of waste that the joint group witnessed on the illegal dumpsites includes different kinds of waste, such as construction waste, hazardous waste (asphalt, painting, electrical, sanitary installations, rubber, glass, plastic and metal).   The joint team also noticed a strong smell of rotten organic material. On one of the dumpsites there was on fire, sending heavy smoke billowing out of the area, which poses a potential health hazard.   “Open waste dumping has many grave outcomes such as low soil quality, ground water contamination and spread of deadly diseases. With human population multiplying in thousands, it is critical to come up with safer disposal options,” said Michael Ljungqvist, the Mission’s Adviser Environmental Investigations.   EUPOL COPPS, which provides support to the Palestinian Civil Police and the Judiciary, has recently paid special attention to environmental issues in order to assist Palestinian counterparts in maintaining a clean environment.  

2022-09-28 EUPOL COPPS met with the Ministry of Justice Human rights section for the third time in a row in in process of review the Corrections and Rehabilitation Centres (Prison) Law

EUPOL COPPS met with the Ministry of Justice Human rights section for the third time in a row in in process of review the Corrections and Rehabilitation Centres (Prison) Law

On the 29 Aug, the Mission met with the Ministry of Justice Human rights section for the third time in a row in in process of review the Corrections and Rehabilitation Centres (Prison) Law. The meetings came after the Mission’s proposal on required amendments and updates of the law. The mission have highlighted recommendations from the recent presented UN Committee against Torture report of Palestine, when processing the draft.

2022-08-31 Joined by our International Partners, EUPOL COPPS CP and PPIO Teams led a joint outreach mission to Tubas and Aqqaba

Joined by our International Partners, EUPOL COPPS CP and PPIO Teams led a joint outreach mission to Tubas and Aqqaba

Joined by our International Partners, EUPOL COPPS Community Policing and PPIO teams led a joint outreach mission to Tubas district and nearby Aqqaba village, to continue to strengthen our fruitful working relationship with our PCP counterparts in all districts.   The mission met with the District Police and Civilian Authorities, as well as with the Commander and Crew of the Mobile Police Station, a very useful tool in the execution of the day – to – day mandate of the PCP, and which will be further upgraded in the coming months though a EUPOL COPPS project.  

2022-08-30 EUPOL COPPS advisers discuss future plans with senior Palestinian police officers

EUPOL COPPS advisers discuss future plans with senior Palestinian police officers

Two EUPOL COPPS police advisers met last week with counterparts from Palestinian Civil Police (PCP) to discuss future support that the Mission can provide, in close coordination with donor countries.   Giovanni Modica, Senior Police Adviser- District Coordinator and Ozkan Baran, Police Adviser Planning and Policy met Brigadiers Ramadan Awad, Imad Ibrahim and Raed Assaf from the PCP who briefed the visiting Mission’s advisers during which a diverse overview of their day-today work and challenges.



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Written by Ethiotime1

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