
Sudan is bordered by which of the following countries?1. Ethiopia2. Chad3. KenyaSelect the correct answer using the code given below:a)1 onlyb)1 and 2 onlyc)2 and 3 onlyd)1, 2 and 3Correct answer is option ‘B’. Can you explain this answer?

“; html += “Add ” + classTitle + ““; if (data.length > 1) { html += “Remove ” + classTitle + ““; } html += “”; $(“.ER_Model_Header”).html(“

Change/Add ” + classTitle + “

“); $(“.ER_Model_Content”).html(html); $(“.ER_Model_Footer”).html(“”); $(“.ER_Model_Footer”).hide(); $(“.ER_Model”).modal({ animation: true, backdrop: ‘static’, keyboard: false, show: true }); } }, error: function (a, b, c) { console.log(a + “,” + b + “,” + c); _HideLoader(); } }) }; // getcatforchangeclass = function (callfor) { _ShowLoader(); $.ajax({ type: “POST”, data: “{}”, url: “/UserData/GetUserCategoryList”, contentType: “application/json;charset=utf-8”, dataType: “json”, success: function (data) { console.log(data); if (data.length > 0) { try { closeNav(); } catch (e) { } var html = “”; html += “”; html += “”;

var isSchoolClassHidden = “”;
try {
isSchoolClassHidden = $(“#isSchoolClassHidden”).val();
catch (e) { }
var classTitle = “Exam”;
if (isSchoolClassHidden != undefined && isSchoolClassHidden != null && isSchoolClassHidden != “” && (isSchoolClassHidden.toLocaleLowerCase() == “true” || isSchoolClassHidden == true)) { classTitle = “Class”; }

if (callfor != undefined && callfor != null && callfor != “” && callfor == “r”) {

Remove ” + classTitle + “

“); } else { $(“.ER_Model_Header”).html(“

Change ” + classTitle + “


animation: true,
backdrop: ‘static’,
keyboard: false,
show: true
else {
error: function (a, b, c) {
console.log(a + “,” + b + “,” + c);

removeoldclass = function (callfor) {
var catids = “”;
var totalcatcount = $(“.changeclasscatdiv”).length;
var selectedcatcount = $(“.changeclasscatdivselected”).length;
$.each($(“.changeclasscatdivselected”), function () {
catids += $(this).attr(“dataid”) + “,”;
if (catids != undefined && catids != null && catids != “”) {
type: “POST”,
data: “{catId: ‘” + catids + “‘}”,
url: “/UserData/RemoveEnrolledCategoryCourses”,
contentType: “application/json;charset=utf-8”,
dataType: “json”,
success: function (data) {
if (data.Status == 200) {
if (callfor != undefined && callfor != null && callfor != “” && callfor == “r” && selectedcatcount < totalcatcount) { _ShowLoader(); window.location.href = "/home"; } else { $(".ER_Model_Content").html(""); var _UserCourseCategoryWidget = '/Course/UserCourseCategoryWidget'; $.get(_UserCourseCategoryWidget, function (data) { var widgetHTML = "

” + data + “

“; $(“.ER_Model_Content”).html(widgetHTML); var OldHeader = $(“.wid_hdr”).html(); var newHeader = “”; //newHeader += ““; //newHeader += “

Welcome to EduRev

“; newHeader += “”;
//newHeader += “”;
$(“.ER_Model_Content”).css(“padding”, “0px”);
$(“.ER_Model .modal-content”).css(“margin-top”, “0px”);
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$(“.ER_Model .modal-header”).hide();
$(“.ER_Model .modal-footer”).hide();
$(“.wid_hdr h1 img”).css(“margin-left”, “25px”);
try {
//getCatList(4, ‘catList’, ‘direct’);
catch (e) {

error: function (a, b, c) {
console.log(a + “,” + b + “,” + c);
else {
alert(“Please select any interest”);

selectcatForRemove = function (catid, callfor) {
if (callfor != undefined && callfor != null && callfor != “” && callfor == “r”) {
var totalcatcount = $(“.changeclasscatdiv”).length;
var selectedcatcount = $(“.changeclasscatdivselected”).length;
//if (selectedcatcount < parseInt(totalcatcount - 1)) { $(".changeclasscatdiv" + catid).addClass("changeclasscatdivselected"); $(".changeclasscata" + catid).attr("onclick", "unselectcatForRemove('" + catid + "','" + callfor + "')"); $(".changeclasscaticonsimg" + catid).attr("src", ''); $(".removecaterrormsg").hide(); $(".divforRemoveClassbtn").show(); //} //else { // if (totalcatcount == 1) { // $(".divforRemoveClassbtn").hide(); // $(".removecaterrormsg").show(); // $(".removecaterrormsg").html("You must have at least one learning goal. You can't remove all categories Cancel“); // } // else { // $(“.removecaterrormsg”).show(); // $(“.removecaterrormsg”).html(“You must have at least one learning goal. You can’t remove all categories”);
// }

else {
$(“.changeclasscatdiv” + catid).addClass(“changeclasscatdivselected”);
$(“.changeclasscata” + catid).attr(“onclick”, “unselectcatForRemove(‘” + catid + “‘,'” + callfor + “‘)”);
$(“.changeclasscaticonsimg” + catid).attr(“src”, ‘’);

unselectcatForRemove = function (catid, callfor) {
$(“.changeclasscatdiv” + catid).removeClass(“changeclasscatdivselected”);
$(“.changeclasscata” + catid).attr(“onclick”, “selectcatForRemove(‘” + catid + “‘,'” + callfor + “‘)”);
$(“.changeclasscaticonsimg” + catid).attr(“src”, ‘’);
if (callfor != undefined && callfor != null && callfor != “” && callfor == “r”) {
if ($(“.changeclasscatdivselected”).length == 0) {
else {
else {
if ($(“.changeclasscatdivselected”).length == 0) {

openDirectCatePopup = function () {
var _UserCourseCategoryWidget = ‘/Course/UserCourseCategoryWidget’;
$.get(_UserCourseCategoryWidget, function (data) {
var widgetHTML = “

” + data + “

“; $(“.ER_Model_Content”).html(widgetHTML); var OldHeader = $(“.wid_hdr”).html(); var newHeader = “”; //newHeader += ““; //newHeader += “

Welcome to EduRev

“; var cntryhtml = “”; newHeader += “” + cntryhtml+””;
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$(“.ER_Model .modal-header”).hide();
$(“.ER_Model .modal-footer”).hide();
$(“.wid_hdr h1 img”).css(“margin-left”, “25px”);
try {
//getCatList(4, ‘catList’, ‘direct’);
catch (e) {

UnAttemptedTestList_pp = function () {
try {
catch (e) {

var ht_cr = $(“.unattepmtedTestData_courses”).html().trim(“n”);
if (ht_cr == “”) {
unattemptedTestBak = function () {
UnAttemptedTestList = function (courseId) {
type: “POST”,
data: “{courseId:” + courseId + “}”,
url: “/Quiz/UnAttemptedTestList”,
contentType: “application/json;charset=utf-8”,
dataType: “text”,
success: function (data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);

if (data != “” && data != null && data != undefined && data.length > 0) {
var row = “”;
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { row += ""; row += "

” + data[j][“ParentSubcourseTitle”] + “

for (var i = 0; i < data[j]["testList"].length; i++) { row += "

“+ data[j][“testList”][i][“totalQues”] + ” Ques | ” + data[j][“testList”][i][“time”] + ” Mins”;
if (data[j][“testList”][i][“isInfinity”] == true && data[j][“testList”][i][“isPurchased”] == false) {
row += ” | Unlock”;
row += “

“; } row += “”; } $(“.unattepmtedTestData”).html(row); } else { $(“.unattepmtedTestData”).html(“

No unattempted test available

error: function (a, b, c) {
console.log(a + “,” + b + “,” + c);
var moreEnrolledCourses = “View All”;
purchasedCourses = function (onlyunattempted) {
var uid = $(“#uid”).val();
if (uid != “-1”) {
type: “POST”,
url: “/Course/purchasedCourses”,
contentType: “application/json;charset=utf-8”,
data: “{UserId: ”,NeedCourseProgress:’1′}”,
dataType: “json”,
async: true,
success: function (data) {
var enrolledCoursesHTML = “”;
if (data != undefined && data != null && data != “”) {
var row = “”;
var mobileViewHtml = “”;
var mobileViewHeaderHtml = “”;
var filterhtml = “”;
var headerText = “”;
var DataJson = data;
var count = 0;
var ShowLength = DataJson.purchasedCourses.length;
var TotalLength = ShowLength;
var show_course_block = “”;
var maxcourseshow = 8;
var showMoreCount = parseInt(parseInt(TotalLength) – parseInt(maxcourseshow));
var shmrimgarr = ““; var showMoreTxt = “”; if (showMoreCount == 1) { showMoreTxt = “View ” + showMoreCount + ” more course”; } else { showMoreTxt = “View ” + showMoreCount + ” more courses”; } var showMoreHTML = ““; //var showMoreHTMLMob = ““; enrolledCoursesHTML = “

var hasCourseWithQuiz = 0;
//var catFilter = [];

if (ShowLength > 0) {

headerText += “”; headerText += “

my courses

“; headerText += “”;

mobileViewHtml = “

mobileViewHeaderHtml += “”; mobileViewHeaderHtml += “

my courses

“; mobileViewHeaderHtml += ““; mobileViewHeaderHtml += “”;

for (var i = 0; i < ShowLength; i++) { var link = "/courses/" + DataJson.purchasedCourses[i]["CourseId"] + "_" + DataJson.purchasedCourses[i]["LinkName"]; if (i > parseInt(maxcourseshow – 1)) {
show_course_block = “show_course_block”;
else {
show_course_block = “”;
var percentage = “”;
var coursescatids = “”;
for (var l = 0; l < DataJson.purchasedCourses[i]["CategoryIdList"].length; l++) { coursescatids += DataJson.purchasedCourses[i]["CategoryIdList"][l]["CategoryId"] + "_"; } mobileViewHtml += "

mobileViewHtml += “


if (DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“QuizCount”] == null || DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“QuizCount”] == “” || DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“QuizCount”] == “0”) {

else {
hasCourseWithQuiz = parseInt(parseInt(hasCourseWithQuiz) + 1);
enrolledCoursesHTML += “



if (DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“CourseProgressPercentage”] != undefined && DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“CourseProgressPercentage”] != null && DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“CourseProgressPercentage”] != ”) {
percentage = DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“CourseProgressPercentage”];
//var link = “/courses/” + DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“CourseId”] + “_” + DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“LinkName”];
var imgURL = “”;

if (DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“featureImage”] == “”) {
imgURL = DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“IconImage”];
else {
imgURL = DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“featureImage”];

//var courseids = DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“CategoryIdList”];

row += “”;
//var catFilterObject = {
// “CategoryId”: DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“CategoryId”],
// “CategoryName”: DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“CategoryName”]

//var outfilter = [];
//for (var i = 0, l = catFilter.length; i < l; i++) { // var unique = true; // for (var j = 0, k = outfilter.length; j < k; j++) { // if (catFilter[i].CategoryId === outfilter[j].CategoryId) { // unique = false; // } // } // if (unique) { // outfilter.push(catFilter[i]); // } //} if (DataJson.userCategoriesOfInterest.length > 1) {
filterhtml += “”;

enrolledCoursesHTML += “

” + DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“Title”] + “

mobileViewHtml += ““;
mobileViewHtml += “

” + DataJson.purchasedCourses[i][“Title”] + “

if (ShowLength > 0) {
mobileViewHtml += “”; } $(“#hiddenuserhascoursewithtest”).val(hasCourseWithQuiz); if (hasCourseWithQuiz > 0) { $(“.unattepmtedTestData_courses”).html(enrolledCoursesHTML); $(“.unattepmtedTestData_courses”).show(); $(“.unatdtstcrshdr”).show(); $(“.unattdtst_bck”).hide(); } else { $(“.otr_opn_unatdtst”).hide(); $(“.otr_opn_unatdtst_a”).hide(); $(“.unatdtstcrshdr”).html(“”); $(“.unattepmtedTestData_courses”).html(“

No tests available in the enrolled courses

“); $(“.unattepmtedTestData_courses”).show(); //$(“.unatdtstcrshdr”).show(); //$(“.unattdtst_bck”).hide(); } $(“.unattepmtedTestData”).hide(); row = “

” + row + “

“; if (count > parseInt(maxcourseshow)) { var showMoreCount = parseInt(parseInt(TotalLength) – parseInt(maxcourseshow)); var shmrimgarr = ““;
var showMoreTxt = “”;
if (showMoreCount == 1) {
showMoreTxt = “View ” + showMoreCount + ” more course”;
else {
showMoreTxt = “View ” + showMoreCount + ” more courses”;
if ($(“#refreshCoursesList”).val() != undefined && $(“#refreshCoursesList”).val() != null && $(“#refreshCoursesList”).val() != “” && ($(“#refreshCoursesList”).val() == “1” || $(“#refreshCoursesList”).val() == 1)) {
var sh_mr = “

“; moreEnrolledCourses = “View ” + parseInt(parseInt(TotalLength) – parseInt(maxcourseshow)) + ” more courses” + shmrimgarr; row = sh_mr + row; } else { $(“.mycourses_showmore”).html(showMoreHTML); //$(“.mycourses_showmore_mob”).html(showMoreHTMLMob); //row = row + showMoreHTML; //row += ““;
moreEnrolledCourses = “View ” + parseInt(parseInt(TotalLength) – parseInt(maxcourseshow)) + ” more courses” + shmrimgarr;
if (onlyunattempted != null && onlyunattempted != undefined && onlyunattempted != “” && onlyunattempted == true) { }
else {
if (row.length > 0) {
$(“.mycourses”).css(“display”, “inline-block”);
$(“.ed_innerBox_courses”).css(“display”, “inline-block”);
$(“.ed_innerBox_courses”).css(“width”, “100%”);

row = headerText + filterhtml + row;

mobileViewHtml = mobileViewHeaderHtml + filterhtml + mobileViewHtml;
var screenWidth = screen.width;
if ($(“#refreshCoursesList”).val() != undefined && $(“#refreshCoursesList”).val() != null && $(“#refreshCoursesList”).val() != “” && ($(“#refreshCoursesList”).val() == “1” || $(“#refreshCoursesList”).val() == 1)) {
if (screenWidth != null && screenWidth != undefined && screenWidth < 500) { $(".mycourses").html(mobileViewHtml); } else { $(".mycourses").html(row); } } else { if (screenWidth != null && screenWidth != undefined && screenWidth < 500) { $(".mycourses").html(mobileViewHtml); } else { $(".mycourses").append(row); } } } } //setTimeout(function () { //${ // exclude: ['rgb(0,0,0)'] // too many black pixels //}); //}, 5000); } else { $(".otr_opn_unatdtst").hide(); $(".otr_opn_unatdtst_a").hide(); $(".unatdtstcrshdr").html(""); $(".unattepmtedTestData_courses").html("

No tests available in the enrolled courses

“); $(“.unattepmtedTestData_courses”).show(); //$(“.unatdtstcrshdr”).show(); //$(“.unattdtst_bck”).hide(); } }, error: function (a, b, c) { console.log(a + “,” + b + “,” + c); } }); } }; showmorepurchased_courses = function (ctrl, hide_ctrl) { $(ctrl).show(); //$(hide_ctrl).html(“View Less”); //$(hide_ctrl).attr(“onclick”, “showlesspurchased_courses(‘” + ctrl + “‘,'” + hide_ctrl + “‘)”); $(hide_ctrl).html(“View all courses”); $(hide_ctrl).attr(“onclick”, “gotoallcourse();”); } showlesspurchased_courses = function (ctrl, hide_ctrl) { $(ctrl).hide(); $(hide_ctrl).html(moreEnrolledCourses); //$(hide_ctrl).text(“View All”); $(hide_ctrl).attr(“onclick”, “showmorepurchased_courses(‘” + ctrl + “‘,'” + hide_ctrl + “‘)”); }

0) { usr_sb = “1”; } try { firebase_anltcs.logEvent(“sb_” + usr_sb + “_” + txt + “_” + pageName); } catch (e) { } }); } catch (e) { } } ]]>


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Written by Ethiotime1

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