Distance between Yirga ‘Alem, Ethiopia and Kennett, Missouri, United States
12845 km
7982 miles
6936 nautical miles
Visualization on a map – Shortest path between Yirga ‘Alem and Kennett
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Distance between cities
Yirga ‘Alem, Ethiopia to Vinton, Louisiana
Clintwood, Virginia to Kennett, Missouri
Yirga ‘Alem, Ethiopia to Heppner, Oregon
West Sayville, New York to Kennett, Missouri
Yirga ‘Alem, Ethiopia to Nikiski, Alaska
Shelley, Idaho to Kennett, Missouri
Yirga ‘Alem, Ethiopia to Galion, Ohio
New Hyde Park, New York to Kennett, Missouri
Yirga ‘Alem, Ethiopia to Lucciana, France
Pedro Martinez, Spain to Kennett, Missouri
Yirga ‘Alem, Ethiopia to Kruckow, Germany
Conop, Romania to Kennett, Missouri
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