
Putin ‘moved into bunker’ after Kremlin rocked by flu outbreak

Vladimir Putin ‘moved into bunker’ after Kremlin rocked by major flu | World | News | January sales

The Russian leader is a notorious hypochondriac who used to insist on a uniquely long table during the coronavirus pandemic when hosting visitors.

13:08, Tue, Dec 13, 2022 | UPDATED: 15:38, Tue, Dec 13, 2022

Putin’s ‘black hands’ and health analysed by Lord Dannatt

Vladimir Putin has been spending increasing amounts of time in “bunker-type premises” due to Ukraine’s newly-apparent ability to strike Russian territories deep behind the front lines, while an outbreak of flu in the Kremlin has excited his hypochondriac tendencies once again. According to Russian sources, a major flu outbreak has hit Kremlin officials with Putin’s annual address to the upper house of Parliament expected to be cancelled in light of this revelation. The Russian autocrat has already cancelled his yearly press conference, reportedly over fears the event will be “hijacked” by those with “anti-war feelings”, and further reports claim Putin is now looking to hide away in a bunker while the apparent flu, the longer range Ukrainian strikes and the anti-war sentiment prevail. 

After the destruction of two Russian airfields hundreds of miles from Ukraine, including Engels air base, which was known to contain strategic bombers used to carry out strikes against Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, reports have said Putin is “seriously concerned” for his safety. 

“The recent strike on military airfields deep in Russia has caused Putin serious concern,” said General SVR Telegram channel.

The outlet added that Putin and his close family have now decided to spend their annual New Year vacation in a bunker east of the Ural Mountains, as opposed to their usual spot by the Black Sea. 

The new location is more than 1300 kilometres (848 miles) west of Moscow and more than 1,000 miles from Ukraine; his usual Black Sea holiday destination would put him within the range of Ukraine’s most recent strikes. 


Vladimir Putin is reportedly fleeing to the Ural Mountains

Vladimir Putin is reportedly fleeing to the Ural Mountains due to “serious concern” for his safety (Image: GETTY )

Putin accused of being a paedophile in explosive unearthed report from Litvinenko inquiry

An inquiry examined the “highly personal attacks” the ex-spy made about Vladimir Putin, including that the president had destroyed “compromising materials” collected against him.

The report contained myriad allegations and intelligence on both Mr Litvinenko and Putin.

Read more HERE.

The General SVR Telegram channel, which claims to have intelligence from Kremlin insiders, said Putin’s “security measures” to ensure his safety against Ukrainian strikes has “really intensified”. 

They reported: “Attacks on military airfields in Russia have seriously alarmed Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Despite the president’s order to strengthen security measures at strategic facilities, the already prohibitive security measures of Vladimir Putin himself have really intensified. Putin has begun to spend more time in bunker-type premises.”

It comes as media outlets reported that “many people in the Kremlin were down with flu”, attributing the infection disclosure to Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

READ MORE: Putin braces for financial plight as war drains Russia’s budget [REPORT] 

Dmitry Peskov is alleged to have leaked

Dmitry Peskov is alleged to have leaked the flu outbreak in the Kremlin (Image: GETTY )

And on Tuesday, Verstka media outlet reported that Putin is likely to abandon his address to the upper house of parliament. 

The announcement came just a day after Peskov announced that Putin would not hold his annual press conference, a tradition that has stood for over a decade. 

The media outlet suggested his withdrawal from the upper house was because he had nothing new to say on the war. 

This morning, the British Ministry of Defence suggested Putin had cancelled his press conference because he was afraid of “anti war feelings” derailing the event. 

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Ukraine Armed Forces

Ukraine’s Armed Forces have made significant advances towards Crimea (Image: GETTY )

The set of unusual cancellations and changes in holiday plans, all of which are long-standing indulgences of Putin – last year, he spoke for four hours during his press conference about the brilliance of Russia – followed by a series of humiliations in Ukraine. 

Putin was reported to have believed the invasion, which began on February 24, would be complete in a matter of days, but as the war enters its tenth month, nearly 100,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine, the Russian border with NATO is set to double with Finland’s accession and the domestic economic is quickly collapsing. 

What’s more, on the battlefield, Crimea in the south now looks like it could be recaptured by Ukraine’s liberating forces, a move that would spell disaster for Russia as they would lose access to Sevastopol, their only warm water port permitting them to trade during the winter months. 

Putin’s cancellations and move to the Ural Mountains, reports have suggested, could be the prelude to his total withdrawal from the public as his “special military operation” collapses. 

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