UNICEF supports students, schools, and teachers across the country with materials, training, and technical support. We also support informal learning opportunities for children in emergencies.
Together with partners, we’re working to help every child access their right to quality education – particularly the most disadvantaged.

The foundation of a child’s educational success depends on their early years. Together with the Ministry of Education, UNICEF is helping to strengthen a new primary, pre-primary, and secondary curriculum, which will ultimately help over 26 million children by 2030. UNICEF is also helping train teachers on early childhood development and play-based learning.
Children displaced by conflict and climate change cannot be left behind. In support of refugee and IDP children, UNICEF and partners run programmes through the Bete or ‘My Home’ approach, which integrates education and child protection work and creates safe spaces for learning, psychological support, social services, and skills development for children and young people affected by emergencies or protracted crises.
With partners, UNICEF works to improve educational gender parity. This includes supporting gender clubs where boys and girls can discuss issues affecting them, including child marriage, gender-based violence, and female genital mutilation.
UNICEF works to scale up accessibility and inclusion in the education system for children with disabilities. This includes investing in accessible classrooms, teacher training, and access to assistive tools and technology. We are also working with the Government of Ethiopia to scale up access to digital learning.
UNICEF also helps keep children healthy and in school by installing water, sanitation, and menstrual hygiene management facilities and providing iron and folic acid supplements for adolescent girls.
Each programme is implemented with the Government of Ethiopia at the federal or regional level and/or with civil society NGO partners. UNICEF uses its range of experience, knowledge, and influence to leverage larger investments and improve the quality, efficiency, equality, and effectiveness of Ethiopia’s education system.
UNICEF also co-chairs the Ethiopia Education Cluster, a coordination mechanism for partners working to support or provide Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises. In addition, UNICEF co-chairs the Ethiopia Education Technical Working Group/GPE Local Education Group, a coordination mechanism for donor partners and the Ministry of Education.