
“WHO FOR THE WHAT”: Trump’s ‘Justice For All’ song for Jan 6 rioters reaches #1 on iTunes, sparking hilarious reactions

“WHO FOR THE WHAT”: Trump’s ‘Justice For All’ song for Jan 6 rioters reaches #1 on iTunes, sparking hilarious reactions refreshDate)) || (!!!refreshCookie && userSlug)) { refreshUserCookies(); } function refreshUserCookies() { pureJSAjaxGetWithCredentialsFlag(‘’, function(res) { console.log(res); }, function failed() { console.error(“Failed to refresh tokens”); }, true); } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + “=”; var ca = document.cookie.split(‘;’); for(var i = 0; i 0) { attributes.forEach(function(attribute) { script.setAttribute(attribute.key, attribute.value); }); } function loadScript() { if (attachTo) { attachTo.appendChild(script); } else { document.head.appendChild(script); } } var scriptLoaded = false; function loadScriptOnInteraction() { if (scriptLoaded) return; scriptLoaded = true; loadScript(); } if (onUserInteraction) { document.addEventListener(“scroll”, loadScriptOnInteraction, { once: true }); document.addEventListener(“mousemove”, loadScriptOnInteraction, { once: true }); document.addEventListener(“touchmove”, loadScriptOnInteraction, { once: true }); } else { loadScript(); } }); } ]]> ‘, ‘”‘: ‘”‘, “‘”: ‘'’ }; return text.replace(/[&”‘]/g, function(m) { return map[m]; }); } function extendedEncodeURIComponent(str) { return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function(c) { return ‘%’ + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); }); } ]]> = 12) { amOrPm = “PM”; } if (hour > 12) { hour = hour – 12; } return hour + “:” + minute + ” ” + amOrPm; } function getShortDayNames() { return [‘Sun’, ‘Mon’, ‘Tue’, ‘Wed’, ‘Thu’, ‘Fri’, ‘Sat’]; } function getFullDayNames() { return [‘Sunday’, ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’]; } function getFormattedDate(isoDatetime) { var currentDate = new Date(); var matchDate = new Date(isoDatetime); var tomorrowDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); var monthNames = getShortMonthNames(); var dayNames = getShortDayNames(); var currentDateString = currentDate.getDate() + ‘-‘ + currentDate.getMonth() + ‘-‘ + currentDate.getFullYear(); var matchDateString = matchDate.getDate() + ‘-‘ + matchDate.getMonth() + ‘-‘ + matchDate.getFullYear(); var tomorrowDateString = tomorrowDate.getDate() + ‘-‘ + tomorrowDate.getMonth() + ‘-‘ + tomorrowDate.getFullYear(); var localTime = matchDate.toLocaleTimeString().replace(/:dds/, ” “); var timeZone = matchDate.toString().match(/((.*))/).pop(); return dayNames[matchDate.getDay()] + “, ” + matchDate.getDate() + ” ” + monthNames[matchDate.getMonth()] + ” ” + matchDate.getFullYear() + “, ” + localTime + ” ” + timeZone; } function timeSince(isoDateString) { var date = new Date(isoDateString); var monthNames = [“Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, “Apr”, “May”, “Jun”, “Jul”, “Aug”, “Sep”, “Oct”, “Nov”, “Dec”]; var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() – date) / 1000); var interval = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); if(interval > 6) { return date.getDate() + ” ” + monthNames[date.getMonth()] + “, ” + date.getFullYear(); } if (interval > 1) { return interval + ” days ago”; } if(interval === 1) { return “1 day ago”; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); if (interval === 1) { return interval + ” hr ago”; } if (interval > 1) { return interval + ” hrs ago”; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60); if (interval === 1) { return “1 min ago”; } if (interval > 1) { return interval + ” mins ago”; } return Math.floor(seconds) + ” seconds ago”; } function updateTimeStringsToFormatTimeSince() { var isPendingContent = window.location.hash === ‘#pending’; var timeElements = $all(‘.keeda-time-since’); for (var i = 0; i < timeElements.length; i++) { var isoDateString = timeElements[i].getAttribute('data-iso-string'); var timeSinceVal = timeSince(isoDateString); if(timeElements[i].classList.contains("author-post-time") && !timeSinceVal.includes("ago")) { timeElements[i].innerHTML = ""; } else if (isPendingContent) { timeElements[i].innerHTML = (timeSinceVal + "
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Trumps song with J6 Prison Choir sparks memefest online (Image via Getty Images, Twitter/@DM3710Liberty)Trumps song with J6 Prison Choir sparks memefest online (Image via Getty Images, Twitter/@DM3710Liberty)Trumps song with J6 Prison Choir sparks memefest online (Image via Getty Images, Twitter/@DM3710Liberty)

Former US President Donald Trump released a charity single titled Justice For All on Friday, March 10, 2023. The single was released in collaboration with a choir of men who are being held in a Washington DC prison for riots that took place at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The song features an alternate between the J6 Prison Choir, which has 20 men singing the national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, and Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. It ends with the prisoners chanting, “U-S-A!”

The song was trending on iTunes and soon crossed Miley Cyrus‘s Flowers to reach the #1 spot on the music streaming platform.

As news of Justice For All reaching the top spot spread, internet users were left stunned, with one person even commenting:

A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @hohpovhoe)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @hohpovhoe)Flowers, others claimed “society has failed” them.

A few Twitterati called out the rioters stating that their sentence was justice being served.

A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @madeingermany)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @madeingermany)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @actualjack)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @adrianlittles)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @bealover89)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @foodconsumer61)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @alexanderofc)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @lovingemwasred)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @PrinceJayHitch)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @ObsessedSmiler)A comment Reacting to 'Justice For All' (Image via Twitter/ @luckyUchis)police officer at the Capitol.

On January 6, 2021, following Joe Biden’s presidential victory, Trump called the election “rigged” and told his supporters to “fight like h*ll” to block Biden’s certification. A mob then infamously attacked the US Capitol, leading to nine deaths and hundreds of convictions.

It was reported that a video was in production which would have footage from the riots and clips of Trump “performing patriotic acts during his presidency.” It is set to debut on far-right activist Steve Bannon’s podcast, War Room.


While the former president recorded his parts of the song at his home in Mar-a-Lago a few weeks ago, the imprisoned men recorded theirs over a jailhouse phone. An unidentified major recording artist reportedly produced the song that runs 2 minutes and 20 seconds long.

The song doesn’t come as a surprise as the former president has always expressed sympathy for the rioters, frequently claiming that they were facing “unfair treatment.” However, many have strongly criticized the project.

Trump is set to deliver a speech on Saturday afternoon at the Conservative Political Action Conference in DC.

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