Giovannone, Nikole; Theodore, Rachel M. – Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2021
Purpose: The extant literature suggests that individual differences in speech perception can be linked to broad receptive language phenotype. For example, a recent study found that individuals with a smaller receptive vocabulary showed diminished lexically guided perceptual learning compared to individuals with a larger receptive vocabulary. Here,…
Descriptors: Individual Differences, Genetics, Auditory Perception, Speech Communication
Ristanto, Rizhal Hendi; Ahmad, Arin Sabrina; Komala, Ratna – Participatory Educational Research, 2022
Based on the development of education in Indonesia today, teachers still teach in ways that make students memorize lessons. A learning model is needed that can support students to think critically. One of the learning models that can support students to think critically is through guided discovery learning model with argument mapping. This study…
Descriptors: Critical Thinking, Thinking Skills, Environmental Education, Science Instruction
Zhou, Longjun; Li, Chungang – Science Insights Education Frontiers, 2020
Autonomous learning not only requires students to self-monitor and adjust their cognition, emotions, motivation, behavior, and environment, but also requires the creation of external environments and the provision and support of teaching strategies. Protocol-guided learning is a localized teaching strategy in the mainland of China. This study…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Independent Study, Academic Achievement, Personal Autonomy
Margunayasa, I. Gede; Dantes, Nyoman; Marhaeni, A. A. I. N.; Suastra, I. Wayan – International Journal of Instruction, 2019
This research was aimed to analyze the effect of interaction between guided inquiry learning and cognitive style on students’ science learning achievement. This study was a quasi-experiment with a 2×2 factorial design. The study was done with the fifth grade students in Singaraja City. The sample was selected using multi stage random sampling and…
Descriptors: Cognitive Style, Science Achievement, Experimental Groups, Control Groups
Simamora, Rustam E.; Saragih, Sahat; Hasratuddin – International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 2019
Qualified learning materials is needed in the efforts to improve the quality of teaching-learning mathematics. Qualified learning materials can be obtained through development research. Learning materials in this study were learning materials that were developed based on guided discovery learning model. The learning materials was also developed by…
Descriptors: Self Efficacy, Mathematics Education, Discovery Learning, Problem Solving
Kunnath, Bobby; Kriek, Jeanne – African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2018
The study aimed to determine the most effective of three pedagogies to improve Grade 12 learners’ understanding of the photoelectric effect when the teaching was done using chalk and talk, guided learning with computer simulations (CS) as a demonstration tool and semi-autonomous learning where the learners used the CS individually with limited…
Descriptors: Grade 12, Secondary School Science, Computer Simulation, Science Instruction
Hastuti, Intan Dwi; Surahmat; Sutarto; Dafik – International Journal of Instruction, 2020
This study aimed to analyse the effect of guided inquiry learning in improving metacognitive skill of elementary school students in fractional materials. This type of research was a mixed of quantitative and qualitative methods. The subjects of this study consisted of 55 fifth grade students. Two learning models — the guided inquiry learning and…
Descriptors: Active Learning, Inquiry, Discovery Learning, Mathematics Instruction
Boehman, Jessica; Eynon, Bret; de Goeas-Malone, Michele; Goodman, Ed; Rogers-Cooper, Justin – International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2021
LaGuardia Community College is pursuing a sustained, multi-layered strategy to place learning, teaching, and cohesive curriculum at the center of a guided learning pathway. Implemented in both general education and disciplinary majors collegewide, our Learning Matters core competencies offer faculty powerful tools they use to design, enact,…
Descriptors: Community Colleges, College Curriculum, Educational Change, Educational Strategies
Anugrah Putra, Chandra; Sonedi – Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2021
Purpose: This research aims at investigating the increase in teaching and learning activities by using guided teaching model and what effect it makes on the achievement on learning outcomes. Guided teaching facilitates teaching and decision-making abilities of the students. Research Methodology: The study was carried out on a sample of 290…
Descriptors: Social Sciences, Outcomes of Education, Teaching Models, Foreign Countries
Van Mol, Christof – Teaching Sociology, 2021
This note discusses a class activity that was developed for first-year bachelor students in sociology to understand homogamy theory. Taught in a “classical” deductive way, this theory proved to be difficult to remember and describe on the examination. Starting from inductive learning, and more specifically, (structured) inquiry-guided…
Descriptors: College Freshmen, Sociology, Marriage, Social Theories
Eason, Sarah H.; Ramani, Geetha B. – Child Development, 2020
This study examined parent-child math talk within three contexts (formal learning; guided play; unguided play) in order to identify characteristics of activities supporting high-quality math engagement. Seventy-two dyads of parents and 4- and 5-year-olds were observed using a set of toy foods; instructions and materials varied across conditions.…
Descriptors: Parent Child Relationship, Young Children, Mathematics Instruction, Parent Attitudes
Yurniwati; Hanum, Latipa – Journal on Mathematics Education, 2017
This research aims to find information about the improvement of mathematics achievement of grade five student through guided discovery learning. This research method is classroom action research using Kemmis and Taggart model consists of three cycles. Data used in this study is learning process and learning results. Learning process data is…
Descriptors: Foreign Countries, Mathematics Achievement, Elementary School Mathematics, Elementary School Students
Pausé, Cat; McCarroll, Elizabeth M. – Interactive Learning Environments, 2022
E-learning emphasizes collaborative learning through the use of Web 2.0. The tools of Web 2.0 advocate open collaboration, interactive technology, and personalized learning that promotes expanding the scope of teacher/student/course interaction, as well as advancing the social construction of knowledge, an important component of socio-cultural…
Descriptors: Social Media, Electronic Learning, Web 2.0 Technologies, College Students
Dickson-Karn, Nicole M.; Orosz, Steven – Journal of Chemical Education, 2021
Proper sampling techniques are of the utmost importance in obtaining accurate and precise results in chemical analysis. A Python language computer simulation providing fast feedback on sampling concepts and statistics was delivered to students through Google Colab. Students used the simulation to aid in their exploration of sampling and sampling…
Descriptors: Programming Languages, Chemistry, Computer Simulation, Sampling
Lou, Anna J.; Jaeggi, Susanne M. – Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2020
There have been many practical obstacles for teachers to implement evidence-based educational technology, especially in STEM classrooms. By implementing learning principles related to Cognitive Load Theory, we developed an innovative Technology-Assisted Guided Learning (TAGL) approach and its web-based instructional tool, combining expertise from…
Descriptors: Prior Learning, Achievement Gap, Computer Assisted Instruction, Chemistry
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