This report provides very detailed coverage of Ethiopia’s business culture in 14 categories for more than 60 topics. Categories include the local business experience, decision making, meetings, negotiating, entertaining, attire, women in business, time orientation, and others. Country, business, trade, and other overviews are provided as well.
Understanding Ethiopia’s business culture is fundamental for succeeding in business meetings, negotiating contracts, business entertaining, and establishing long-lasting business relationships,

This is our most popular business report and is essential information for foreign businesspeople wishing to do business in Ethiopia. This includes importers, exporters, overseas buyers, logistics professionals, bankers, attorneys, consultants, as wells as students of international trade and development. (The negotiating module is considered by many to be worth the price of the entire report.)
World Trade Press country reports are used extensively by diplomats, travelers, global businesses, students, teachers, government officials, trade promotion organizations, international banks, NGOs, and agencies of foreign governments.
Contents: This Ethiopia—Business Culture Report contains 14 content modules, 30+ photographs, and a minimum of 20 pages of editorial.
The 14 content modules for Ethiopia are:
- Country Overview
- Country Facts
- Business Overview
- Trade Overview
- Country Political Map
- The Business Experience
- Decision Making
- Meetings
- Negotiating
- Business Entertaining
- Business Attire
- Businesswomen
- Business Hours
- Time Orientation
Users: World Trade Press country reports are used extensively by diplomats, travelers, global businesses, students, teachers, government officials, trade promotion organizations, international banks, NGOs, and agencies of foreign governments.
Note: This report is drawn from the World Trade Press proprietary “Global Knowledgebase” which is constantly updated by our global team of researchers, writers, cartographers, photographers, illustrators, government sources, and contract information providers. All reports are generated in real time and contain the most current information available.
Report Date: April 22, 2024
Delivery Format: PDF download in letter (8.5” x 11”) format.
Usage: For individual and small group usage only. Not for reproduction, distribution, or posting.
Copyright: Copyright 2000-2024 by World Trade Press. All Rights Reserved.
Price: US$9.00 / €9,00

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