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Employees, officers and directors of Sponsor, and its parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, franchisees, advertising and promotion agencies, manufacturers or distributors of promotion materials and their immediate families (parents, children, siblings, spouse) or members of the same household (whether related or not) of such employees, officers, directors are not eligible to participate. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply.”,”Conditions and Restrictions: You may not use the Promotion in a manner that violates any law, infringes or violates the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene or outside the spirit and intent of the Promotion, as such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination and disqualification from the Promotion, forfeiture of any coupons given. In addition, you may not (i) tamper with the Promotion, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot or other device or artifice to participate or receive any benefit in the Promotion. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROMOTION MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.”,”TERMINATION: Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Promotion and/or any coupons at any time without notice. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any participation in the Promotion for breach of these Terms, or for taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Terms. Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to prohibit you from participating in any aspect of the Promotion or change the coupons irrespective of the value of the original coupons if Sponsor deems or suspects that you have engaged in or have attempted to engage in any of the following: (a) acting in violation of these Terms; or (b) damaging, tampering with or corrupting the operation of the Promotion or Temu platform; or (c) acting with intent to annoy, harass or abuse any other person; or (d) any inappropriate, uncooperative, disruptive, fraudulent, potentially fraudulent, or unusual behavior or activity; or (e) activity deemed in the sole discretion of Sponsor to be generally inconsistent with the intended operation of the Promotion. Any decision Sponsor makes relating to termination or suspension of your participation in the Promotion shall be final and binding in all respects. Sponsor shall be the sole determiner in cases of suspected abuse, fraud, or breach of these Terms and Conditions or intent of these Terms and Conditions.”,”Taxes: All taxes applicable to any benefits provided by Sponsor under this Agreement will be your responsibility and Sponsor shall not pay any amounts for federal, state or municipal income tax, withholding tax, social security, unemployment or worker’s compensation. If Sponsor is required to file with the Internal Revenue Service a Form 1099-MISC, U.S. Information Return for Recipients of Miscellaneous Income or a Form 1042-S, Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding, reflecting the Rewards paid by Sponsor to you, then you will be required to complete and submit a Form W-9 or Form W-8 (Series) to Sponsor.”,”CONFIDENTIALITY: Both Sponsor and you acknowledge that either party may acquire confidential information concerning the other party pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, and hereby agree that they shall not use any such information for any purpose, except as otherwise expressly permitted hereunder. You further agree not to disclose or provide any such information to any third party and to take all necessary measures to prevent any such disclosure.”,”RELEASE: By participating in the Promotion, you release Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, advertising and promotions agencies and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense, including, without limitation, property damages, personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in any way connected to the Promotion and/or the use of any Rewards.”,”INDEMNIFICATION: You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Sponsor and its representatives and agents harmless from and against any and all third party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising from, or related to any breach by you of any of these Terms and Conditions or any violation by you of applicable law.”,”GOVERNING LAW: The laws of the State of New York shall govern these Promotion Terms and Conditions. You hereby expressly consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the courts located in New York for all matters arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions or your participation in the Promotion.”,”LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no responsibility or liability is assumed by the Sponsor for technical problems or technical malfunction arising in connection with any of the following occurrences which may affect the operation of this Promotion and/or Temu platform: hardware or software errors; faulty computer, telephone, cable, satellite, network, electronic, wireless or Internet connectivity or other online or other communication problems; errors or limitations of any Internet service providers, servers, hosts or providers; garbled, jumbled or faulty data transmissions; failure of any e-mail transmissions to be sent or received; lost, late, delayed or intercepted e-mail transmissions; inaccessibility of the Temu platform in whole or in part for any reason; traffic congestion on the Internet or Temu platform; unauthorized human or non-human intervention of the operation of the Promotion, including without limitation, unauthorized tampering, hacking, theft, virus, bugs, worms; or destruction of any aspect of the Promotion, or loss, miscount, misdirection, inaccessibility or unavailability of an account used in connection with the Promotion.”,”To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby agree that: (i) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion or any coupons shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (ii) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with participating in this Promotion, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (iii) under no circumstances will you or anyone else be permitted to obtain awards for and you hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.”,”WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EVERYTHING ON TEMU PLATFORM IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.”,”PRIVACY. The personal information collected, processed and used as part of the Promotion will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s privacy policy (you may find it on Temu App, ”Settings”>”About Temu” >”Privacy & Cookie Policy” or at Sponsor and/or its service providers may contact you about your participation in the Promotion.”,”Translation. The translated versions of these Terms are provided for your reference only. 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These Rules are a binding agreement between you and Sponsor and will govern your participation in the Promotion. “,”Sponsor reserves the right to modify these Rules at any time, without notice to you, so it is important to check the Rules periodically. Participation in the Promotion and/or claim of products offered under the Promotion is considered acceptance of these Rules and any modified Rules included therein. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend or modify any aspect of the Promotion thereunder at any time without notice.”,”REWARD(S): A registered user who has placed 2 orders or lesser (orders with a price of 0 are excluded) on Temu App can join this Promotion by clicking on the Promotion link (“Link”) or searching the Promotion code (“Code”). 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All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. “,”CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS: Limit one Reward per user. There may be different Links and Codes in this Promotion. Reward will be exhausted once you place your order in this Promotion and will expire after such period displayed on the paged. Restrictions and additional Reward terms may apply.”,”Sponsor may delay a Reward for the purposes of investigation and may refuse to verify and process any transaction Sponsor deems, in its sole discretion, to be fraudulent, suspicious, in violation of these Rules. All of Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding.”,”You may not use the Promotion in a manner that violates any law, infringes or violates the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene or outside the spirit and intent of the Promotion, as such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination and disqualification from the Promotion, forfeiture of any coupons given. In addition, you may not (i) tamper with the Promotion, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot or other device or artifice to participate or receive any benefit in the Promotion. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROMOTION MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.”,”TERMINATION: Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Promotion and/or any coupons at any time without notice. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any participation in the Promotion for breach of these Rules, or for taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Rules. Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to prohibit you from participating in any aspect of the Promotion if Sponsor deems or suspects that you have engaged in or have attempted to engage in any of the following: (a) acting in violation of these Rules; or (b) damaging, tampering with or corrupting the operation of the Promotion or Temu platform; or (c) acting with intent to annoy, harass or abuse any other person; or (d) any inappropriate, uncooperative, disruptive, fraudulent, potentially fraudulent, or unusual behavior or activity; or (e) activity deemed in the sole discretion of Sponsor to be generally inconsistent with the intended operation of the Promotion. Any decision Sponsor makes relating to termination or suspension of your participation in the Promotion shall be final and binding in all respects. Sponsor shall be the sole determiner in cases of suspected abuse, fraud, or breach of these Rules and Conditions or intent of these Rules and Conditions. “,”RELEASE: By participating in the Promotion, you release Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, advertising and promotions agencies and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense, including, without limitation, property damages, IP infringements, personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in any way connected to the Promotion and/or any Rewards. “,”INDEMNIFICATION: You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Sponsor and its representatives and agents harmless from and against any and all third party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising from, or related to any breach by you of any of these Rules and Conditions or any violation by you of applicable law. “,”GOVERNING LAW: The laws of the State of New York shall govern these Rules. You hereby expressly consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the courts located in New York for all matters arising in connection with these Rules or your participation in the Promotion. “,”PUBLICITY/USAGE RIGHTS: “,”Participation in the Promotion and/or receipt or use of Reward constitutes the users’ consent for use of his/her Photo, name, likeness, voice, opinions, statements, biographical information, and/or hometown and state for promotional or advertising purposes in any media, worldwide, now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity, without further review, notification, payment, or consideration (unless prohibited by law).”,”LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no responsibility or liability is assumed by the Sponsor for technical problems or technical malfunction arising in connection with any of the following occurrences which may affect the operation of this Promotion and/or Temu platform: hardware or software errors; faulty computer, telephone, cable, satellite, network, electronic, wireless or Internet connectivity or other online or other communication problems; errors or limitations of any Internet service providers, servers, hosts or providers; garbled, jumbled or faulty data transmissions; failure of any e-mail transmissions to be sent or received; lost, late, delayed or intercepted e-mail transmissions; inaccessibility of the Temu platform in whole or in part for any reason; traffic congestion on the Internet or Temu platform; unauthorized human or non-human intervention of the operation of the Promotion, including without limitation, unauthorized tampering, hacking, theft, virus, bugs, worms; or destruction of any aspect of the Promotion, or loss, miscount, misdirection, inaccessibility or unavailability of an account used in connection with the Promotion. “,”To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby agree that: (i) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (ii) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with participating in this Promotion, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (iii) under no circumstances will you or anyone else be permitted to obtain awards for and you hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. “,”WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EVERYTHING ON TEMU PLATFORM IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. “,”PRIVACY: Any information you submit is subject to Sponsor’s privacy policy located at “,”DISCLAIMER: By participating, you release Instagram/TikTok/Youtube and its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, employees, directors, agents, advertising agencies, from any and against any and all injury, loss or damage caused or claimed to be caused by your participation in the Promotion and/or the acceptance, awarding, receipt, use and/or misuse of the Reward. 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Limit one coupon per purchase.
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Coupon may not be traded or transferred and cannot be redeemed for cash.
Improper use or redemption constitutes fraud. Coupons not properly used or redeemed will be void.
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Then, enter the code here.”,”useAppCode”:”Use the code generated by authenticator app”,”sixDigitCode”:”six-digit code”,”passwordValidation”:{“minimumcharsWarning”:”Minimum 6 characters required”,”atLeast8Chars”:”Must be at least 8 characters”,”mininum8chars”:”Minimum 8 characters required”,”chooseStrongerPassword”:”Please choose a stronger password. 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The code expires after 2 hours. “,”enterYourEmailAddressBelow”:”Enter your email address below, and we’ll send you a 6-digit password reset code.”,”confirmYourEmailAddressBelow”:”Confirm your email address below, and we’ll send you a 6-digit password reset code.”,”encryptedTitle”:”All data will be encrypted”,”signInCheckout”:”Sign in to checkout”,”byContinueVia”:”By continuing, you agree to our {0} and {1}.”,”twitter_x”:”X”,”enterPhoneNumber”:”Enter phone number”,”enterEmail”:”Enter email”,”resendCodeV2″:”{0}s Resend code”,”inputBindPasswordV2″:”Please enter your password to link your {0} account.”,”phoneCodeNoReceiveTip”:{“title”:”Didn’t receive the code?”,”tip1″:”1. Make sure your phone number is correct.”,”tip2″:”2. If you still don’t see the code, try another way to verify your identity”},”emailCodeNoReceiveTip”:{“title”:”Didn’t receive the email?”,”tip1″:”1. Make sure your email address is correct.”,”tip2″:”2. Please check your spam folder.”,”tip3″:”3. 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Please check your internet connection and try again.”,”phoneChangeFromTo”:”Your mobile phone number has been changed from {{val1}} to {{val2}}. The new mobile phone number can be used to sign in to Temu account.”,”phoneChanged”:”Your mobile phone number has been changed”,”mobileVerifySuccess”:”Verification successfully”,”verifyDeletePhone”:”The Temu account corresponding to this phone number has applied for deletion and has been frozen. After editing the phone number, the previous application for account deletion will be cancelled and you can sign in to your account.n”,”editMobile”:”Edit your mobile phone number”,”mobileMightNot”:”Your mobile phone number {{val}} might not have been able to receive our Temu verification code. you can always edit the mobile phone number on your Temu account to another one.”,”codeTip2″:”2. If you still don’t see the code,”,”codeTip1″:”1. Make sure your phone number is correct.”,”didNotReceiveCode”:”Didn’t receive the code?”,”accSwitchRegion”:”Your account in {{val1}} is not available to sign in on the {{val2}} website, please switch to the {{val1}} website to sign in.”,”accDeleted”:”Your account has been deleted”,”verifySign”:”Verify your identity to sign in”,”continueDeletion”:”Continue deletion”,”troubleSignInPanel”:{“title”:”Trouble signing in?”,”resetPswDesc”:”If you registered an account with your email address, but forgot your password, you can reset your password.”,”resetPswBtn”:”Reset your password”,”findAccountDesc”:”If you forgot your account, you can try to find your account by email, mobile phone number or Order ID.”,”findAccountBtn”:”Find your account”},”troubleSignIn”:”Trouble signing in?”,”similarEmails”:”The accounts below are similar to the email {{val}} you entered and has already placed orders.”,”similarEmail”:”The account below is similar to the email {{val}} you entered and has already placed orders.”,”addPasswordTips”:”You haven’t added a password for your Temu account yet. You can use email verification code to sign in your Temu account.”,”addPassSucc”:”Add password successfully”,”accountBelowHasUsed”:”The account below has used your phone number #{} to place orders.”,”signInToThisAccount”:”Sign in to this account to continue.”,”notYourAccount”:”Not your account?”,”ifOneOfIsYourAccount”:”If one of these is your account, you can sign in directly.”,”addTemuPassword”:”Add a Temu password”,”useToCreateNewAccount”:”Use #{} to create a new account”,”viewMore”:”View more”,”temuPassword”:”*Temu password”,”ifItsYourAccount”:”If it is your account, you can sign in directly.”,”notYourAccounts”:”Not your accounts?”,”afterSign”:”After signing in, your phone number will be automatically associated with this account, and you can use your phone number to sign in to this account in the future.”,”useEmailCodeSignIn”:”Use email verification code to sign in”,”accountBelowUsed”:”The accounts below have used your phone number #{} to place orders.”,”welcomebackTitle”:”Welcome back”,”addPassword”:”Add a password to your account”,”forAccountSecurity”:”For your account security, please add a password to your account. You can use it to sign in more quickly next time.”,”notNow”:”Not now, continue shopping”,”editMailBtn”:”Edit your email”,”changeMailGuideTip”:”Your email {{val}} might not have been able to receive our Temu emails. You can always edit the email on your Temu account to another one.”,”verifyItem”:{“MOBILE”:{“title”:”Use SMS verification code to verify identity”,”desc”:”We will send an SMS verification code to {{val}}”},”MAIL_PASSWORD”:{“title”:”Use password to verify identity”,”desc”:”Please enter your password to verify your identity”},”GOOGLE”:{“title”:”Use Google account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”FACEBOOK”:{“title”:”Use Facebook account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”TWITTER”:{“title”:”Use X account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”APPLE”:{“title”:”Use Apple account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”LINE”:{“title”:”Use Line account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”CHALLENGE_QUESTION”:{“title”:”Answer security questions”,”desc”:”Please answer some security questions to verify your identity.”}},”inputVeriCode”:”input verification code”,”yourAccount”:”your account”,”yourProfilePhoto”:”your profile photo”,”clearMyText”:”clear my text filed”,”close”:”close”,”temuAccountPassword”:”Please enter your Temu account password”,”temuAccount”:”Temu account:”,”continueShopping”:”Continue shopping”,”passwordResetTip”:”Your password has been reset”,”phonePrivacy”:” You will receive an SMS for verification purposes only. Message and data rates may apply.”,”sdkLoadFailTip”:”Sign in failed. Please check your internet connection and try again.”,”questionVerifyDisableTip”:”You have tried many times, please try again later.”,”guestRegisterBtnText”:”Create to save your order”,”guestEmailRegister”:”You can also create an account to submit and save your order by the way”,”guestEmailSignIn”:”You can also sign in to your account to submit and save your order by the way”,”createNewPassword”:”Create New Password”,”twitter”:”Twitter”,”or”:”Or continue with other ways”,”facebook”:”Facebook”,”google”:”Google”,”apple”:”Apple”,”mailVerificationCode”:”Password reset code”,”questionVerifyTip”:”Please answer some security questions to verify your identity.”,”guestEmailVerify”:”Email verification in progress”,”chooseVerifyChannelText1″:”For your security, we need to make sure it’s really you. You have another way to verify your identity.”,”enterMailVerifyCodeTitle”:”Enter the password reset code”,”questionVerifyTitle”:”Answer security questions”,”addAccount”:”Add account”,”switchAccounts”:”Switch accounts”,”forgotTitle”:”Forgot password”,”resetNewPasswordText”:”Enter a new password you would like to associate with your account below.”,”mailVerifyTip”:”We’ll email you a verification code.”,”verifyTip”:”We’ll send you a verification code.”,”systemBusy”:”System busy, please try again later.”,”loginFailed”:”Login failed, please try again later.”,”linkError”:”Linking failed, please try again later.”,”loginWithTwitterFailed”:”Login with your Twitter account failed. Please try again”,”loginWithAppleFailed”:”Login with your Apple account failed. Please try again”,”loginWithGoogleFailed”:”Login with your Google account failed. Please try again”,”loginWithFacebookFailed”:”Login with your Facebook account failed. Please try again”,”linkYourAccount”:”Link your account”,”verificationCode”:”Verification code”,”verificationCodeToEmail”:”A verification code is sent to this email”,”guestLoginTitle1″:”Your email has already been registered,”,”guestLoginTitle2″:”please sign in”,”verificationCodeToMobile”:”A verification code is sent to this mobile number”,”sms”:”SMS”,”ok”:”OK”,”emailInputErrorText”:”Please enter a valid email address.”,”emailPhoneLoginBtn2″:”Use email or phone number”,”emailPhoneLoginBtn1″:”Email / Phone”,”backDialogCancelBtn”:”Leave”,”backDialogConfirmBtn”:”Continue”,”firstCouponDialogTitle”:”Enjoy these special offers after signing in! Are you sure you want to leave now?”,”pleaseEnterAPassword”:”Please enter a password”,”guestSignIn”:”Sign in to checkout”,”asGuest”:”Continue as a guest or”,”mobileVerifyCodeSendedText”:”To continue, complete this verification step. We’ve sent a verification code to”,”mailVerifyCodeSendedText”:”To continue, complete this verification step. 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The previous application for account deletion will be cancelled.”,”accountLinked”:”Account linked”,”inputBindPassword”:”Please enter your password to link your”,”bindEamilInfo”:”It looks like you already have an Temu account.”,”countryRegion”:”Country / Region”,”location”:”Location”,”oneNumber”:”At least one number”,”oneletter”:”At least one letter”,”minimumchars”:”Minimum 6 characters required.”,”minimumcharsWarning”:”Must be at least 6 characters.”,”newPasswordLabel”:”New Password”,”createNewPasswordTitle”:”Create a new password”,”resendCode”:”Resend code”,”verifyCodeSendedText”:”A verification code is sent to”,”enterVerifyCodeTitle”:”Enter the verification code”,”resendSuccess”:”Resend Successfully”,”submitBtn”:”Submit”,”confirmVerifiyCodeText”:”Confirm your email address and we will send a password reset code.”,”back”:”Back”,”emailLabel”:”Email”,”signin”:”Sign in”,”signinRegister”:”Sign in / Register”,”createAccount”:”Create your account”,”registerBtn”:”Register”,”continueWith”:”OR”,”accountInputPlaceHolder”:”Email or phone number”,”forgotPassword”:”Forgot password?”,”emailAddress”:”Email address”,”welcomeback”:”Welcome back!”,”register”:”Register”,”continueBtn”:”Continue”,”signinbtn”:”Sign in”,”toRegister”:”Registration is easy, just fill in the password.”,”passwordLabel”:”Password”},”bec-fe.web-sku-selector”:{“addToBasket”:”Add to cart”,”LocalMallRecommendPopup”:{“localWarehouse”:”Local warehouse”,”localWarehousesThresholds”:”Providers that ship from local warehouses offer free shipping when certain thresholds are met.”},”activityEndIn”:”Ends in”,”sizeGuideV2″:{“howToMeasure”:”How to measure”,”bodyMeasurements”:”Body measurements”,”productDetail”:”Product details”,”tip”:”The data is measured manually and may have minor discrepancies.”,”howToMeasureBody”:”How to measure body”,”howToMeasureProduct”:”How to measure product”},”jpBtnText”:{“jpBtnText1″:”Add to cart”,”jpBtnText2″:”Add to cart”},”ageConfirmation”:{“errorMessage”:”Failed to verify your age, please try again later.”,”yes”:”Yes”,”no”:”No”,”ok”:”OK”},”Editor”:{“personalize”:”Personalize”,”approximatePreview”:”Approximate preview”,”overflowNotice”:”Scale in the red box”,”image”:”Image”,”text”:”Text”,”uploadImg”:”Upload an image”,”enterText”:”Please enter your personalization here. (Text only)”,”uploadRequirement”:”Please upload an image.”,”textRequirement”:”Please enter your personalization text.”,”fileSizeRequirement”:”Your file is too big, upload a file no larger than {{val}}MB in JPEG or PNG format.”,”fileFormatRequirement”:”Your file is in the wrong format, upload a file no larger than {{val}}MB in JPEG or PNG format.”,”imgRiskRequirement”:”After carefully reviewing your submission, the image in your personalization could not be uploaded. You can delete the image and reupload one.”,”textRiskRequirement”:”After carefully reviewing your submission, the text in your personalization could not be uploaded. 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We expressly reserve the right to reject any non-compliant materials.”,”sensitiveTitle”:”Personalized Product Terms and Conditions”,”save”:”Save”,”delDesc”:”Are you sure you want to delete this personalization?”,”delConfirm”:”Confirm”,”delCancel”:”Cancel”,”changeUnSave”:”You have information that has not been updated.”,”editDisableDesc”:”Due to changes in custom templates, we do not support this edit yet.”,”singleSkuAddToCartDesc”:”Personalize this item to add to cart.”,”link”:{“temuOfUse”:”/terms-of-use.html”,”guideline”:”/community-guidelines.html”},”update”:”Update”},”networkError”:”Please check your network connection and try again”,”AddedPlural”:”Added”,”personalization”:{“title”:”Personalization (free) “,”tips”:”Please add your personalized content”},”addOrderWithCountDown”:”<1>{{val1}}, “,”new_add_to_cart”:”Add to cart”,”copy”:{“CopiedSuccessfully”:”Copied successfully”,”CopyFailed”:”Copy failed”,”Copy”:”Copy”},”linePriceExplain”:{“price-explanation_content”:”· Items on may display a strikethrough price, which is the manufacturer’s suggested retail price for the item, the price provided by the merchandise partners, or the price offered by other retailers at or above that price in the past 90 days. n· The price may not necessarily reflect the product’s prevailing market price.”,”price-explanation_content_fr”:”This is the lowest price of the product on Temu in the last 30 days before the price reduction was applied.”,”price-explanation_content_fr_activity”:”Items on Temu may display a strikethrough price, which is the suggested or recommended retail price of a product set by the manufacturer and provided by a manufacturer, supplier, or merchandise partners. “,”price-was_content”:”The Was price is the product’s regular price paid by customers for a product on over the last 90 days, excluding promotional prices.”},”main_detail”:{“descriptionTitle”:”Description”,”descriptionMore”:”See all”,”seeMore”:”See more”,”sizeTablePerfix”:”Click”,”sizeTableBuffix”:”below”,”priceInfo”:{“priceLabelPopupBtn”:”OK”},”altDetails”:”details”,”goodsDetailTitle”:”Details”,”goodsImage”:”Goods Image”},”toCartButtonText”:”View cart”,”unSelectedSkuFavNotice”:”Select <1>{{unSelectedSpecs}} to add to wishlist”,”unSelectedSkuNotice”:”Select <1>{{unSelectedSpecs}} to add to cart”,”mobile_tip”:”We will notify you when this item comes back in stock by sending a text message to <0/>“,”email_tip_v2”:”We will notify you when this item comes back in stock by email to <0/>.”,”mobile_email”:”We will notify you when this item comes back in stock by sending a text message to <0/> and email to <1/>.”,”quickLook”:{“title”:”Quick look”},”unselected_sku_tip_new”:”Please select {{specs}}”,”remove_and_add_floatlayer”:{“soldOut”:”Sold out”,”alreadyInCart”:”Already in cart”,”selected_1″:” (1 item selected) “,”selected”:” ({{amount}} items selected) “,”button”:”Remove”,”unSelectNotice”:”Please select items to remove”,”addCardFail”:”Failed to add item”,”addCartFail”:”Failed to add item. 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You can bind your email address to get email updates and log in later.”,”mobile_suffix_tip”:”. You can bind your email address to get email updates and log in later.”,”mobile_prefix_tip”:”We will notify you when this item comes back in stock by sending a text message to”,”email_tip”:”We will notify you when this item comes back in stock by email to”,”mobile_email_suffix_tip”:”and email to”,”mobile_email_prefix_tip”:”We will notify you when this item comes back in stock by sending a text message to”,”VerifyCodeInput”:{“resend_code”:”Resend code”,”resend_successfully”:”Resend Successfully”,”header_tip”:”Enter the verification code”,”send_to_tip”:”A verification code was sent to “},”subscribed_successfully”:”Subscribed successfully”,”Success”:{“prefix_tip”:”You’ve added an email to your account. 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A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING.//nThe following official rules (“Rules”) contain important information regarding the LUCKY DRAW SWEEPSTAKES (“Program”). These Rules are part of and subject to the Temu Terms of Use (“TOU”) you entered into with the party determined by Section 1 of the TOU (“Sponsor”). For any conflicting terms between these Rules and the TOU, the terms of these Rules shall prevail. The translated version of the Rules are provided for your reference only. If there are any discrepancies between the English version and versions in other languages, the English version shall always prevail. Please read the following Rules carefully. These Rules are a binding agreement between you and Sponsor and will govern your participation in this Program. //nSponsor reserves the right to modify these Rules at any time, without notice to you, so it is important to check the Rules periodically. Participation in the Program and/or redemption of any Prize (defined below) constitutes your acceptance of these Rules. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Prize at any time, including the availability of any Prizes or benefits, without notice. //nELIGIBILITY. To be eligible for the Program, you must be at least 18 years old and of legal capacity to form a binding contract and be a New User (defined below) on a Temu. A New User is defined as a person who (i) did not previously have an account on a Temu, (ii) downloaded the Temu App, (iii) registered an account on the Temu App, and (iv) joined the Program within 24 hours of the download. The Program is only available for designated locations. Switching locations may cause disqualification from the Program. Employees of Sponsor and their immediate family members living in the same household are not eligible for the Program. You cannot participate in the Program if it would violate your employer’s policies. The Program is provided to individuals only. //nTHE PROGRAM. By clicking on the “Stop” or “Get all in app” button (expression may vary), you agree to enroll as an entrant of the Program (“Entrant”). In the Program, an Entrant may be presented with a wheel to spin. Where the wheel lands will determine the designated discount and designated number of products (if applicable) (“Number of Discoutned Products”) to which the designated discount applies (“Prize”) as indicated therein. Some Entrants may be presented with a Prize without being required to spin the wheel. The Prize to which each Entrant receives may vary. //nTo redeem a Prize, an Entrant must satisfy the eligibility requirements (as indicated above), make the relevant purchases on the Temu App and satisfy minimum order quantity as indicated on the Program page. Where the number of products selected to be purchased meets or exceeds the minimum order quantity, the Prize will only be applicable to products selected with the lowest monetary values and capped by the Number of Discoutned Products indicated on the Prize (if applicable). //nTo the extent the purchased products have not been dispatched for delivery, any refund or return of any products to which the Prize applies will cause all other products to which the Prize applies and purchased in the same transaction to be refunded or returned (as the case maybe). For the avoidance of doubt, this does not apply to undiscounted products purchased in the same transaction.//nTIME LIMIT. Redemption of the Prize will be subject to a time limit as indicated on the Program page in the Temu App.//nCONDITIONS. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Prize of equal or greater value at any time in its sole discretion, including, without limitation, when a Prize is no longer available. Restrictions and additional rules may apply. Prizes will not be issued upon termination of the Program, if an Entrant is or becomes ineligible for the Program, or when any high-risk or suspicious activity is detected (as specified in the section titled “Restrictions” below). Sponsor will review Entrant’s eligibility before arranging issuance of any Prize. Unless otherwise stated, Prizes are not transferable and may not be redeemed for cash. Prizes are void where prohibited by law.//nSponsor may delay Prizes for investigation purposes and may refuse to verify and process any transaction Sponsor deems, in its sole discretion, to be fraudulent, suspicious, or in violation of these Rules. All of Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding. Entrants may be required to sign and return, where legal, an affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release following issuance of Prizes.//nRESTRICTIONS. Users who participate in this Program must be real people and Entrants cannot create or procure the creation of multiple, fictitious, or fake accounts to participate in the Program. Entrants may not use the Program in a manner that violates any law or infringes or violates the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene, or outside the spirit and intent of the Program, as such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination and disqualification from the Program, forfeiture of any Prize accrued, and/or cancellation and forfeiture of any Prize. In addition, Entrants may not (i) tamper with the Program, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot, or other device or artifice to participate in or receive any benefit from the Program. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.//nCODE OF CONDUCT. Sponsor believes in full transparency and in full, fair, and effective disclosures of material facts relating to Entrant’s relationship with Sponsor. Entrants should disclose their connection to Sponsor when speaking favorably about or otherwise promoting the Program. Entrants must comply with any applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding endorsement and advertising. //nTERMINATION. The Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Prize at any time, including the availability of any Prize, without notice. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any Entrant’s participation in the Program for breach of these Rules, or for taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Rules. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to prohibit any Entrant from participating in any aspect of the Program or change the Prize if Sponsor deems or suspects that such Entrant has engaged in or has attempted to engage in any of the following: (i) acting in violation of these Rules; (ii) damaging, tampering with, or corrupting the operation of the Program or Temu; (iii) acting with intent to annoy, harass, or abuse any other person; (iv) any inappropriate, uncooperative, disruptive, fraudulent, potentially fraudulent, or unusual behavior or activity; or (v) activity deemed in the sole discretion of Sponsor to be generally inconsistent with the intended operation of the Program. Any decision Sponsor makes relating to termination or suspension of any Entrant’s participation in the Program shall be final and binding in all respects.//nTAXES. All taxes applicable to any Prize or other benefits provided by Sponsor under these Rules will be Entrant’s sole responsibility and Sponsor shall not be responsible for any such taxes. //nCONFIDENTIALITY. Entrant acknowledges that Entrant may acquire confidential information concerning Sponsor in connection with the Program, and hereby agrees that Entrant shall not use any such information for any purpose, except as otherwise expressly permitted hereunder or under the TOU. Entrant further agrees not to disclose or provide any such information to any third party and to take all necessary measures to prevent any such disclosure.//nRELEASE. By participating in the Program, Entrant agrees to release and hold harmless Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, and advertising and promotions agencies, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liabilities for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense, including, without limitation, property damages and liability for personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in connection with the Program and/or the use of any Prizes. //nINDEMNIFICATION. Without limiting the indemnification provisions in the TOU, each Entrant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any and all third-party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including without limitation, attorney’s fees and costs, arising from or in connection with any breach by Entrant of these Rules or any violation by Entrant of applicable law. //nPUBLICITY/USAGE RIGHTS: Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, participation in the Program and/or receipt or use of Rewards constitutes a Member’s consent for Sponsor to use and publish the user name and profile picture of such Member’s Temu account for the purposes of the Program in the country/region where the Member is located, now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity without further notification.//nNO WARRANTY. WITHOUT LIMITING THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY TERMS IN THE TOU, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EVERYTHING ON THE TEMU IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. //nPRIVACY. The personal information collected, processed and used as part of or during the Program will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s Privacy Policy (you may also find it on Temu App, SETTINGS > PRIVACY). Sponsor and/or its service providers may contact Entrants about their participation in the Program.//nGENERAL. Entrants may not assign, delegate, or transfer these Rules, or Entrant’s rights and obligations hereunder, to any other person in any way (by operation of law or otherwise) without Sponsor’s prior written consent, and any attempted assignment, subcontract, delegation, or transfer in violation of the foregoing will be null and void. Sponsor may transfer, assign, or delegate these Rules and its rights and obligations hereunder to any other person without Entrant’s consent. If any provision of these Rules is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated, to the minimum extent necessary, so that these Rules shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.//nApple is not a sponsor.//nLast updated date: December 6, 2023.”},”collected-coupons”:”Congrats! 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Limit one Offer per user for one order. Offer subjects to the time limit and other conditions as displayed on the page.

Consumers must pay shipping fees (unless free shipping applied) and sales tax.

Not valid in conjunction with any other coupon or offer.

Offers are not transferrable or redeemable for cash.

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Participation in the Program and/or redemption of Rewards (defined below) constitutes your acceptance of these Rules. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Reward at any time, including the availability of any Rewards or benefits, without notice. ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for the Program, you must be at least 18 years old and of legal capacity to form a binding contract. The Program is only available for designated countries or regions. Switching countries or regions may cause disqualification from the Program. Employees of Sponsor and their immediate family members living in the same household are not eligible for the Program. You cannot participate in the Program if it would violate your employer’s policies. The Program is provided to individuals only. THE PROGRAM: If the number of items purchased on the Program page in ONE order is equivalent to the threshold as indicated within the time limit displayed on the page, you can get a designated number of free items in that order. (“Reward“) You agree to join this Program by picking the items on the Program page. One purchase/pick for each item. Reward will be void if you cancel or refund the order, whether in full or partially. Only new users are eligible for this Program. New User is a user who has never placed any order on Temu app. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Reward of equal or greater value, e.g., Temu credits (To learn more about Temu credits, please visit:, at any time in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to, if a Reward is no longer available. Rewards may only be available while supplies last. Restrictions and additional Rules may apply. Rewards will not be issued upon termination of Program or if the Member is or becomes ineligible for the Program. Sponsor will review Member’s eligibility before arranging delivery of the Reward. Unless otherwise stated, Rewards are not transferable and may not be redeemed for cash. Rewards are void where prohibited by law. Sponsor may delay a Reward for the purposes of investigation and may refuse to verify and process any transaction Sponsor deems, in its sole discretion, to be fraudulent, suspicious, or in violation of these Rules. All of the Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding, including decisions as to whether a Qualifed Referral is satisfied or a Reward is earned pursuant to these Rules. RESTRICTIONS.  Users who participate in this Program must be real people and Member cannot create or procure creation of multiple, fictitious, or fake accounts to make Qualified Referrals or participate in the Program. Members may not use the Program in a manner that violates any law or infringes or violates the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene, or outside the spirit and intent of the Program, as such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination and disqualification from the Program, forfeiture of any Reward accrued, cancellation and forfeiture of any Reward, and/or deactivation of any Referral Link. In addition, Members may not (i) tamper with the Program, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot, or other device or artifice to participate in or receive any benefit from the Program. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. MEMBER’S CODE OF CONDUCT: Sponsor believes in full transparency and in full, fair, and effective disclosures of material facts relating to Member’s relationship with Sponsor. Member should disclose Member’s connection to Sponsor when speaking favorably about or otherwise promoting the Program. Members must comply with any applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding endorsement and advertising. TERMINATION: The Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Reward at any time, including the availability of any Reward, without notice. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any Member’s participation in the Program for breach of these Rules, or for taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Rules. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to prohibit any Member from participating in any aspect of the Program or change the Reward irrespective of the value of the original Reward if Sponsor deems or suspects that such Member has engaged in or has attempted to engage in any of the following: (a) acting in violation of these Rules; (b) damaging, tampering with, or corrupting the operation of the Program or Temu; (c) acting with intent to annoy, harass, or abuse any other person; (d) any inappropriate, uncooperative, disruptive, fraudulent, potentially fraudulent, or unusual behavior or activity; or (e) activity deemed in the sole discretion of Sponsor to be generally inconsistent with the intended operation of the Program. Any decision Sponsor makes relating to termination or suspension of any Member’s participation in the Program shall be final and binding in all respects. Sponsor shall be the sole determiner in cases of suspected abuse, fraud, or breach of these Rules or intent of these Rules. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS: Nothing in these Rules implies any employment or joint venture relationship between Sponsor and Member. As an independent contractor, Member shall not receive or be entitled to a salary or any other benefits or privileges Sponsor provides to its employees. Sponsor and Member agree that: (i) Member will be treated as an independent contractor with respect to Member’s role under these Rules for all purposes, including, federal, state, territorial, regional, and local tax purposes and for all other purposes and Sponsor will not withhold or pay over on behalf of Member any amounts relating to federal, state, territorial, regionional, or local income taxes, unemployment compensation, workers compensation, social security, or other taxes or assessments; (ii) Member will never be asked to perform tasks, duties, or otherwise which will render Member’s services to be those of an employee; (iii) Member will not be provided great detail or strict guidelines about how to participate in the Program, but will rely on Member’s own expertise; (iv) Member may perform tasks at Member’s own discretion on Member’s own schedule, and Member may elect the hours (if any) during which Member puts effort against the tasks; and (v) Sponsor has no right to exercise any control whatsoever over Member’s daily activities. TAXES: All taxes applicable to any benefits provided by Sponsor under these Rules will be your responsibility and Sponsor shall not pay any amounts for income tax, withholding tax, social security, unemployment, or worker’s compensation. If Sponsor is required to file any tax forms, such as Form 1099-MISC or U.S. Information Return for Recipients of Miscellaneous Income, reflecting the Rewards paid by Sponsor to Member, then Member will be required to complete and submit the corresponding materials/forms such as Form W-9 to Sponsor. CONFIDENTIALITY: Both Sponsor and Member acknowledge that either party may acquire confidential information concerning the other party pursuant to the provisions of these Rules, and hereby agree that they shall not use any such information for any purpose, except as otherwise expressly permitted hereunder or under the TOU. Member further agrees not to disclose or provide any such information to any third party and to take all necessary measures to prevent any such disclosure. RELEASE: By participating in the Program, Members release Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, and advertising and promotions agencies, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, “Released Parties“) from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense, including, without limitation, property damages and liability for personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in any way connected to the Program and/or the use of any Rewards. INDEMNIFICATION: Members agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Sponsor and its representatives and agents harmless from and against any and all third-party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising from or related to any breach by Member of any of these Rules or any violation by Member of applicable law. PUBLICITY/USAGE RIGHTS: Participation in the Program and/or receipt or use of a Reward constitutes the Member’s consent for use of his/her photo, name, likeness, voice, opinions, statements, biographical information, and/or hometown and state for promotional or advertising purposes in any media, worldwide, now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity, without further review, notification, payment, or consideration (unless prohibited by law). LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: WITHOUT LIMITING THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY TERMS IN TOU, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EVERYTHING ON THE TEMU IS PROVIDED “AS IS“ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. PRIVACY. The personal information collected, processed and used as part of or during the Program will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s Privacy Policy (you may find it on Temu App, SETTINGS > PRIVACY). Sponsor and/or its service providers may contact Members about their participation in the Program. 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These are so buttery soft! I am getting ready to purchase more in different colors! LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM! I am 5’6 140lbs. I bought the L(8/10). I washed and dried them in the dryer and the length, for me, is perfect. They are high waisted, which I like because, that way, you don’t get that muffin top.”,”name”:”msteed5260″,”reviewTime”:”yesterday”,”time”:”Feb 1, 2023″,”picture”:””},{“score”:5,”goodsId”:601099512047019,”comment”:”Got a lot of compliments and I love the material.😍”,”name”:”Regina Douglas”,”time”:”Apr 24, 2023″,”picture”:””},{“score”:5,”goodsId”:601099511749383,”comment”:”This size S fits my daughter perfectly. She’s 5’2, about 110 lbs. She likes to wear it both on and off her shoulders. The sweater is soft and very good quality, just like the photo. I might buy the other colors too.”,”name”:”Martha Pongracic”,”time”:”Feb 17, 2023″,”picture”:””},{“score”:5,”goodsId”:601099513141741,”comment”:”Pleasantly surprised. This is super cute and soft leather like feel. 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Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend or modify any aspect of the Promotion thereunder at any time without notice.//nREWARD(S): A registered user who has placed 2 orders or lesser (orders with a price of 0 are excluded) on Temu App can join this Promotion by clicking on the Promotion link (“Link”) or searching the Promotion code (“Code”). By joining this Promotion, a user will receive such discount as displayed on the Promotion page for the next order it place in the Promotion page, which may be subject to conditions displayed on the Promotion page such as a limitation of total savings of the Reward. //nRewards are void if prohibited or restricted by law. Rewards are not transferable or redeemable for cash and not refundable. //nELIGIBILITY: Offer limited to residents of the contiguous United States, aged 18 or older. Employees, officers and directors of Sponsor, and its parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, franchisees, advertising and promotion agencies, manufacturers or distributors of promotion materials and their immediate families (parents, children, siblings, spouse) or members of the same household (whether related or not) of such employees, officers, directors are not eligible to participate. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. //nCONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS: Limit one Reward per user. There may be different Links and Codes in this Promotion. Reward will be exhausted once you place your order in this Promotion and will expire after such period displayed on the paged. Restrictions and additional Reward terms may apply.//nSponsor may delay a Reward for the purposes of investigation and may refuse to verify and process any transaction Sponsor deems, in its sole discretion, to be fraudulent, suspicious, in violation of these Rules. All of Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding.//nYou may not use the Promotion in a manner that violates any law, infringes or violates the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene or outside the spirit and intent of the Promotion, as such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination and disqualification from the Promotion, forfeiture of any coupons given. In addition, you may not (i) tamper with the Promotion, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot or other device or artifice to participate or receive any benefit in the Promotion. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROMOTION MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.//nTERMINATION: Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Promotion and/or any coupons at any time without notice. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any participation in the Promotion for breach of these Rules, or for taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Rules. Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to prohibit you from participating in any aspect of the Promotion if Sponsor deems or suspects that you have engaged in or have attempted to engage in any of the following: (a) acting in violation of these Rules; or (b) damaging, tampering with or corrupting the operation of the Promotion or Temu platform; or (c) acting with intent to annoy, harass or abuse any other person; or (d) any inappropriate, uncooperative, disruptive, fraudulent, potentially fraudulent, or unusual behavior or activity; or (e) activity deemed in the sole discretion of Sponsor to be generally inconsistent with the intended operation of the Promotion. Any decision Sponsor makes relating to termination or suspension of your participation in the Promotion shall be final and binding in all respects. Sponsor shall be the sole determiner in cases of suspected abuse, fraud, or breach of these Rules and Conditions or intent of these Rules and Conditions. //nRELEASE: By participating in the Promotion, you release Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, advertising and promotions agencies and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense, including, without limitation, property damages, IP infringements, personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in any way connected to the Promotion and/or any Rewards. //nINDEMNIFICATION: You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Sponsor and its representatives and agents harmless from and against any and all third party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising from, or related to any breach by you of any of these Rules and Conditions or any violation by you of applicable law. //nGOVERNING LAW: The laws of the State of New York shall govern these Rules. You hereby expressly consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the courts located in New York for all matters arising in connection with these Rules or your participation in the Promotion. //nPUBLICITY/USAGE RIGHTS: //nParticipation in the Promotion and/or receipt or use of Reward constitutes the users’ consent for use of his/her Photo, name, likeness, voice, opinions, statements, biographical information, and/or hometown and state for promotional or advertising purposes in any media, worldwide, now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity, without further review, notification, payment, or consideration (unless prohibited by law).//nLIMITATION OF LIABILITY: To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no responsibility or liability is assumed by the Sponsor for technical problems or technical malfunction arising in connection with any of the following occurrences which may affect the operation of this Promotion and/or Temu platform: hardware or software errors; faulty computer, telephone, cable, satellite, network, electronic, wireless or Internet connectivity or other online or other communication problems; errors or limitations of any Internet service providers, servers, hosts or providers; garbled, jumbled or faulty data transmissions; failure of any e-mail transmissions to be sent or received; lost, late, delayed or intercepted e-mail transmissions; inaccessibility of the Temu platform in whole or in part for any reason; traffic congestion on the Internet or Temu platform; unauthorized human or non-human intervention of the operation of the Promotion, including without limitation, unauthorized tampering, hacking, theft, virus, bugs, worms; or destruction of any aspect of the Promotion, or loss, miscount, misdirection, inaccessibility or unavailability of an account used in connection with the Promotion. //nTo the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby agree that: (i) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (ii) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with participating in this Promotion, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (iii) under no circumstances will you or anyone else be permitted to obtain awards for and you hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. //nWITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EVERYTHING ON TEMU PLATFORM IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. //nPRIVACY: Any information you submit is subject to Sponsor’s privacy policy located at //nDISCLAIMER: By participating, you release Instagram/TikTok/Youtube and its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, employees, directors, agents, advertising agencies, from any and against any and all injury, loss or damage caused or claimed to be caused by your participation in the Promotion and/or the acceptance, awarding, receipt, use and/or misuse of the Reward. The Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram/TikTok/Youtube. //nTranslation. The translated versions of these Terms are provided for your reference only. If there are any discrepancies between the English version and versions in other languages, the English version shall always prevail.//nSPONSOR: //nWhaleco Inc.//nSuite 355, 31 St. James Avenue//nBoston, Massachusetts 02116//nUSA//nLast updated date: November 18, 2022″},”kolCodeDownload”:{“title”:”Download Temu App to get”,”btn”:”Download Now”,”subTitle1″:”New app users only”,”subTitle2″:”New users”,”coupon”:”Coupon Bundle”,”Discount”:”Discount”,”off”:”OFF”,”free”:”#1 Free App”,”text”:”Don’t wanna download yet? Go shopping with”,”textV2″:”Don’t wanna download yet? 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Here are some common fraud cases for reference.”,”report_in_time”:”If you come across anything suspicious, please report it in time”,”see_more_scam”:”If you need further assistance, please contact us.”,”promotions_anti_scam_text”:”Please be wary of scam campaigns and messages imitating Temu, such as paying a shipping fee to get a free gift. Remember that Temu does not charge customers extra fees via text or email. Here are some common fraud cases for reference.”,”anti_fraud_reminder_popup_title”:”Security reminder”,”creditAntiReport”:”If you come across anything suspicious, please report it in time”,”creditAntiContact”:”If you need further assistance, please contact us.”,”creditAntiDesc”:”For your safety, please be wary of clicking on suspicious links or messages. If you find that this link is not an official Temu link, do not enter your name, phone number, bank card number, or other personal information. Here are some common fraud cases for reference.”,”creditAntiTitle”:”Please be wary of scam messages and links, Temu won’t ask customers for extra fees via SMS or email.”,”ok”:”OK”,”link”:”If you come across anything suspicious, please contact us”,”desc”:”Temu values your privacy and security. We will never send requests for extra payments by SMS or email. If you receive any requests claiming to be from Temu, we strongly suggest you ignore them and do not click on any links they may contain.”,”title”:”Security reminder”},””:{“customer-service”:”Customer service”,”temu”:”Temu”,”Messages”:”Messages”},”dn11″:{“rule_ko”:”The following official rules (these “Rules”) contain important information regarding the APP NEW USER SUPER DISCOUNT PROGRAM (the “Program”). These Rules are part of and subject to the Temu Terms of Use (“TOU”) you entered into with the party determined by Section 1 of the TOU (“Sponsor”). For any conflicting terms between these Rules and the TOU, the terms of these Rules shall prevail. Please read the following Rules carefully. Please read the following Rules carefully. These Rules are a binding agreement between you and Sponsor and will govern your participation in this Program. These Rules for Reference (“Terms”) are just for your reference before you enroll in this Program and would not exert a binding effect.nnSponsor reserves the right to modify these Rules at any time, without notice to you, so it is important to check the Rules periodically. Participation in the Program and/or redemption of Rewards (defined below) constitutes your acceptance of these Rules. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Reward at any time, including the availability of any Rewards or benefits, without notice.nnELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for the Program, you must be at least 18 years old and of legal capacity to form a binding contract. The Program is only available for designated countries or regions. Switching countries or regions may cause disqualification from the Program. Employees of Sponsor and their immediate family members living in the same household are not eligible for the Program. You cannot participate in the Program if it would violate your employer’s policies. The Program is provided to individuals only.nnTHE PROGRAM: By visiting the Program page or clicking on the “Spin” button (expression may be changed in different versions), you agree to enroll as a member of the Program (“Member”). In the Program, Members can get a certain value of discount subject to such conditions as displayed on the page (“Reward(s)”). To be eligible for the Reward, you must purchase a minimum number of products in your first order within Time Limit (defined below); such minimum threshold amount will be displayed on the Program page. Once you meet this requirement, the Reward will be applied to a designated number of products in this order. In addition, Members should meet the general purchasing requirements of the Sponsor when shopping in the Republic of Korea.nnTo be eligible for the Program, you should be a New App User. A “New App User” means a real person who (i) downloads the Temu application on a particular device for the first time, (ii) registers an account on the Temu application for the first time using such device, and (iii) joins the Program.nnEvery Member will get the best reward in the interface displayed in the Program page simulating a “jackpot”, “wheel” or “cards”, which is for illustrative purposes only. This Program does not involve any form of chance, auctions or contests and is based on objective criteria.nnTIME LIMIT: The “Time Limit” for the Program is as displayed on the Program page.nnCONDITIONS. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Reward of equal or greater value, e.g., Temu credits (To learn more about Temu credits, please visit:, at any time in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to, if a Reward is no longer available. Rewards may only be available while supplies last. Restrictions and additional Rules may apply. Rewards will not be issued upon termination of Program or if the Member is or becomes ineligible for the Program. Sponsor will review Member’s eligibility before arranging delivery of the Reward. Unless otherwise stated, Rewards are not transferable and may not be redeemed for cash. Rewards are void where prohibited by law. nnSponsor may delay a Reward for the purposes of investigation and may refuse to verify and process any transaction Sponsor deems, in its sole discretion, to be fraudulent, suspicious, or in violation of these Rules. All of the Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding, including decisions as to whether a Reward is earned pursuant to these Rules. nnRESTRICTIONS. Users who participate in this Program must be real people and Member cannot create or procure creation of multiple, fictitious, or fake accounts to participate in the Program. Members may not use the Program in a manner that violates any law or infringes or violates the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene, or outside the spirit and intent of the Program, as such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination and disqualification from the Program, forfeiture of any Reward accrued, cancellation and forfeiture of any Reward. In addition, Members may not (i) tamper with the Program, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot, or other device or artifice to participate in or receive any benefit from the Program. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.nnNO SPAM. Members must comply with all up-to-date “spam” laws. For example, emails must be created and distributed in a personal manner. Bulk email distribution, distribution to strangers, or any other use of the services described herein in a manner outside the intent of the Program is expressly prohibited and may be grounds for immediate termination and further legal action. Any distribution of a referral link that could constitute unsolicited commercial email or “spam” under any applicable law or regulation is expressly prohibited and will be grounds for immediate termination of a Member account and exclusion from the Program. The Sponsor has no obligation to monitor the Program or any communications; however, Sponsor may choose to do so and block any email messages, remove any such content, or prohibit any use of the Program in violation of these Rules.  Members who do not comply with the law, including “spam” laws, are obligated to indemnify the Released Parties (defined below) against any liabilities, costs, and expenses it incurs as a result of such non-compliance.nnMEMBER’S CODE OF CONDUCT: Sponsor believes in full transparency and in full, fair, and effective disclosures of material facts relating to Member’s relationship with Sponsor. Member should disclose Member’s connection to Sponsor when speaking favorably about or otherwise promoting the Program. Members must comply with any applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding endorsement and advertising.nnTERMINATION: The Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Reward at any time, including the availability of any Reward, without notice. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any Member’s participation in the Program for breach of these Rules, or for taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Rules. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to prohibit any Member from participating in any aspect of the Program or change the Reward irrespective of the value of the original Reward if Sponsor deems or suspects that such Member has engaged in or has attempted to engage in any of the following: (a) acting in violation of these Rules; (b) damaging, tampering with, or corrupting the operation of the Program or Temu; (c) acting with intent to annoy, harass, or abuse any other person; (d) any inappropriate, uncooperative, disruptive, fraudulent, potentially fraudulent, or unusual behavior or activity; or (e) activity deemed in the sole discretion of Sponsor to be generally inconsistent with the intended operation of the Program. Any decision Sponsor makes relating to termination or suspension of any Member’s participation in the Program shall be final and binding in all respects. Sponsor shall be the sole determiner in cases of suspected abuse, fraud, or breach of these Rules or intent of these Rules. nnINDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS: Nothing in these Rules implies any employment or joint venture relationship between Sponsor and Member. As an independent contractor, Member shall not receive or be entitled to a salary or any other benefits or privileges Sponsor provides to its employees. Sponsor and Member agree that: (i) Member will be treated as an independent contractor with respect to Member’s role under these Rules for all purposes, including, federal, state, territorial, regional, and local tax purposes and for all other purposes and Sponsor will not withhold or pay over on behalf of Member any amounts relating to federal, state, territorial, regional, or local income taxes, unemployment compensation, workers compensation, social security, or other taxes or assessments; (ii) Member will never be asked to perform tasks, duties, or otherwise which will render Member’s services to be those of an employee; (iii) Member will not be provided great detail or strict guidelines about how to participate in the Program, but will rely on Member’s own expertise; (iv) Member may perform tasks at Member’s own discretion on Member’s own schedule, and Member may elect the hours (if any) during which Member puts effort against the tasks; and (v) Sponsor has no right to exercise any control whatsoever over Member’s daily activities.nnTAXES: All taxes applicable to any benefits provided by Sponsor under this Agreement will be your responsibility and Sponsor shall not pay any amounts for income tax, withholding tax, social security, unemployment or worker’s compensation.nnCONFIDENTIALITY: Both Sponsor and Member acknowledge that either party may acquire confidential information concerning the other party pursuant to the provisions of these Rules, and hereby agree that they shall not use any such information for any purpose, except as otherwise expressly permitted hereunder or under the TOU. Member further agrees not to disclose or provide any such information to any third party and to take all necessary measures to prevent any such disclosure.nnRELEASE: By participating in the Program, Members release Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, advertising and promotions agencies and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense, including, without limitation, property damages and liability for personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in any way connected to the Program and/or the use of any Rewards. nnINDEMNIFICATION: Members agree to indemnify, defend and hold Sponsor and its representatives and agents harmless from and against any and all third-party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising from, or related to any breach by Member of any of these Rules or any violation by Member of applicable law.nnPUBLICITY/USAGE RIGHTS: Participation in the Program and/or receipt or use of Reward constitutes the Member’ consent for use of his/her photo, name, likeness, voice, opinions, statements, biographical information, and/or hometown and state for promotional or advertising purposes in any media, worldwide, now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity, without further review, notification, payment, or consideration (unless prohibited by law).nnLIMITATION OF LIABILITY: WITHOUT LIMITING THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY TERMS IN TOU, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EVERYTHING ON TEMU IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. nnPRIVACY. The personal information collected, processed and used as part of or during the Program will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s Privacy Policy (you may find it on Temu App, SETTINGS > PRIVACY). Sponsor and/or its service providers may contact Members about their participation in the Program.nnApple is not a sponsor.nnnLast updated date: April 11, 2024.”,”rule”:”NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR TO WIN. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING.nThe following official rules (“Rules”) contain important information regarding the LUCKY DRAW SWEEPSTAKES (“Program”). These Rules are part of and subject to the Temu Terms of Use (“TOU”) you entered into with the party determined by Section 1 of the TOU (“Sponsor”). For any conflicting terms between these Rules and the TOU, the terms of these Rules shall prevail. The translated version of the Rules are provided for your reference only. If there are any discrepancies between the English version and versions in other languages, the English version shall always prevail. Please read the following Rules carefully. These Rules are a binding agreement between you and Sponsor and will govern your participation in this Program. nSponsor reserves the right to modify these Rules at any time, without notice to you, so it is important to check the Rules periodically. Participation in the Program and/or redemption of any Prize (defined below) constitutes your acceptance of these Rules. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Prize at any time, including the availability of any Prizes or benefits, without notice. nELIGIBILITY. To be eligible for the Program, you must be at least 18 years old and of legal capacity to form a binding contract and be a New User (defined below) on a Temu. A New User is defined as a person who (i) did not previously have an account on a Temu, (ii) downloaded the Temu App, (iii) registered an account on the Temu App, and (iv) joined the Program within 24 hours of the download. The Program is only available for designated locations. Switching locations may cause disqualification from the Program. Employees of Sponsor and their immediate family members living in the same household are not eligible for the Program. You cannot participate in the Program if it would violate your employer’s policies. The Program is provided to individuals only. nTHE PROGRAM. By clicking on the “Stop” or “Get all in app” button (expression may vary), you agree to enroll as an entrant of the Program (“Entrant”). In the Program, an Entrant may be presented with a wheel to spin. Where the wheel lands will determine the designated discount and designated number of products (if applicable) (“Number of Discoutned Products”) to which the designated discount applies (“Prize”) as indicated therein. Some Entrants may be presented with a Prize without being required to spin the wheel. The Prize to which each Entrant receives may vary. nTo redeem a Prize, an Entrant must satisfy the eligibility requirements (as indicated above), make the relevant purchases on the Temu App and satisfy minimum order quantity as indicated on the Program page. Where the number of products selected to be purchased meets or exceeds the minimum order quantity, the Prize will only be applicable to products selected with the lowest monetary values and capped by the Number of Discoutned Products indicated on the Prize (if applicable). nTo the extent the purchased products have not been dispatched for delivery, any refund or return of any products to which the Prize applies will cause all other products to which the Prize applies and purchased in the same transaction to be refunded or returned (as the case maybe). For the avoidance of doubt, this does not apply to undiscounted products purchased in the same transaction.nTIME LIMIT. Redemption of the Prize will be subject to a time limit as indicated on the Program page in the Temu App.nCONDITIONS. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Prize of equal or greater value at any time in its sole discretion, including, without limitation, when a Prize is no longer available. Restrictions and additional rules may apply. Prizes will not be issued upon termination of the Program, if an Entrant is or becomes ineligible for the Program, or when any high-risk or suspicious activity is detected (as specified in the section titled “Restrictions” below). Sponsor will review Entrant’s eligibility before arranging issuance of any Prize. Unless otherwise stated, Prizes are not transferable and may not be redeemed for cash. Prizes are void where prohibited by law.nSponsor may delay Prizes for investigation purposes and may refuse to verify and process any transaction Sponsor deems, in its sole discretion, to be fraudulent, suspicious, or in violation of these Rules. All of Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding. Entrants may be required to sign and return, where legal, an affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release following issuance of Prizes.nRESTRICTIONS. Users who participate in this Program must be real people and Entrants cannot create or procure the creation of multiple, fictitious, or fake accounts to participate in the Program. Entrants may not use the Program in a manner that violates any law or infringes or violates the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene, or outside the spirit and intent of the Program, as such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination and disqualification from the Program, forfeiture of any Prize accrued, and/or cancellation and forfeiture of any Prize. In addition, Entrants may not (i) tamper with the Program, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot, or other device or artifice to participate in or receive any benefit from the Program. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.nCODE OF CONDUCT. Sponsor believes in full transparency and in full, fair, and effective disclosures of material facts relating to Entrant’s relationship with Sponsor. Entrants should disclose their connection to Sponsor when speaking favorably about or otherwise promoting the Program. Entrants must comply with any applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding endorsement and advertising. nTERMINATION. The Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Prize at any time, including the availability of any Prize, without notice. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any Entrant’s participation in the Program for breach of these Rules, or for taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Rules. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to prohibit any Entrant from participating in any aspect of the Program or change the Prize if Sponsor deems or suspects that such Entrant has engaged in or has attempted to engage in any of the following: (i) acting in violation of these Rules; (ii) damaging, tampering with, or corrupting the operation of the Program or Temu; (iii) acting with intent to annoy, harass, or abuse any other person; (iv) any inappropriate, uncooperative, disruptive, fraudulent, potentially fraudulent, or unusual behavior or activity; or (v) activity deemed in the sole discretion of Sponsor to be generally inconsistent with the intended operation of the Program. Any decision Sponsor makes relating to termination or suspension of any Entrant’s participation in the Program shall be final and binding in all respects.nTAXES. All taxes applicable to any Prize or other benefits provided by Sponsor under these Rules will be Entrant’s sole responsibility and Sponsor shall not be responsible for any such taxes. nCONFIDENTIALITY. Entrant acknowledges that Entrant may acquire confidential information concerning Sponsor in connection with the Program, and hereby agrees that Entrant shall not use any such information for any purpose, except as otherwise expressly permitted hereunder or under the TOU. Entrant further agrees not to disclose or provide any such information to any third party and to take all necessary measures to prevent any such disclosure.nRELEASE. By participating in the Program, Entrant agrees to release and hold harmless Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, and advertising and promotions agencies, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liabilities for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense, including, without limitation, property damages and liability for personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in connection with the Program and/or the use of any Prizes. nINDEMNIFICATION. Without limiting the indemnification provisions in the TOU, each Entrant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any and all third-party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including without limitation, attorney’s fees and costs, arising from or in connection with any breach by Entrant of these Rules or any violation by Entrant of applicable law. nPUBLICITY/USAGE RIGHTS: Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, participation in the Program and/or receipt or use of Rewards constitutes a Member’s consent for Sponsor to use and publish the user name and profile picture of such Member’s Temu account for the purposes of the Program in the country/region where the Member is located, now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity without further notification.nNO WARRANTY. WITHOUT LIMITING THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY TERMS IN THE TOU, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EVERYTHING ON THE TEMU IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. nPRIVACY. The personal information collected, processed and used as part of or during the Program will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s Privacy Policy (you may also find it on Temu App, SETTINGS > PRIVACY). Sponsor and/or its service providers may contact Entrants about their participation in the Program.nGENERAL. Entrants may not assign, delegate, or transfer these Rules, or Entrant’s rights and obligations hereunder, to any other person in any way (by operation of law or otherwise) without Sponsor’s prior written consent, and any attempted assignment, subcontract, delegation, or transfer in violation of the foregoing will be null and void. Sponsor may transfer, assign, or delegate these Rules and its rights and obligations hereunder to any other person without Entrant’s consent. If any provision of these Rules is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated, to the minimum extent necessary, so that these Rules shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.nApple is not a sponsor.nLast updated date: December 6, 2023.”},”rules”:{“dnx_ko”:”The following official rules (these “Rules”) contain important information regarding the APP NEW USER DISCOUNT PROGRAM (the “Program”). These Rules are part of and subject to the Temu Terms of Use (“TOU”) you entered into with the party determined by Section 1 of the TOU (“Sponsor”). For any conflicting terms between these Rules and the TOU, the terms of these Rules shall prevail. Please read the following Rules carefully. Please read the following Rules carefully. These Rules are a binding agreement between you and Sponsor and will govern your participation in this Program. These Rules for Reference (“Terms”) are just for your reference before you enroll in this Program and would not exert a binding effect.nnSponsor reserves the right to modify these Rules at any time, without notice to you, so it is important to check the Rules periodically. Participation in the Program and/or redemption of Rewards (defined below) constitutes your acceptance of these Rules. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Reward at any time, including the availability of any Rewards or benefits, without notice.nnELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for the Program, you must be at least 18 years old and of legal capacity to form a binding contract. The Program is only available for designated countries or regions. Switching countries or regions may cause disqualification from the Program. Employees of Sponsor and their immediate family members living in the same household are not eligible for the Program. You cannot participate in the Program if it would violate your employer’s policies. The Program is provided to individuals only. nnTHE PROGRAM: By visiting the Program page or clicking on the “Spin” button (expression may be changed in different versions), you agree to enroll as a member of the Program (“Member”). In the Program, Members can get a certain value of discount subject to such conditions as displayed on the page (“Reward(s)”) which is only applicable to the first order you placed on a designated page for designated products within Time Limit (defined below), subject to displayed on the Program page. In addition, Members should meet the general purchasing requirements of the Sponsor when shopping in the Republic of Korea.nnTo be eligible for the Program, you should be a New App User. A “New App User” means a real person who (i) downloads the Temu application on a particular device for the first time, (ii) registers an account on the Temu application for the first time using such device, and (iii) joins the Program.nnEvery Member will get the best reward in the interface displayed in the Program page simulating a “jackpot”, “wheel” or “cards”, which is for illustrative purposes only. This Program does not involve any form of chance, auctions or contests and is based on objective criteria.nnTIME LIMIT: The “Time Limit” for the Program is as displayed on the Program page.nnCONDITIONS. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Reward of equal or greater value, e.g., Temu credits (To learn more about Temu credits, please visit:, at any time in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to, if a Reward is no longer available. Rewards may only be available while supplies last. Restrictions and additional Rules may apply. Rewards will not be issued upon termination of Program or if the Member is or becomes ineligible for the Program. Sponsor will review Member’s eligibility before arranging delivery of the Reward. Unless otherwise stated, Rewards are not transferable and may not be redeemed for cash. Rewards are void where prohibited by law. nnSponsor may delay a Reward for the purposes of investigation and may refuse to verify and process any transaction Sponsor deems, in its sole discretion, to be fraudulent, suspicious, or in violation of these Rules. All of the Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding, including decisions as to whether a Reward is earned pursuant to these Rules. nnRESTRICTIONS. Users who participate in this Program must be real people and Member cannot create or procure creation of multiple, fictitious, or fake accounts to participate in the Program. Members may not use the Program in a manner that violates any law or infringes or violates the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene, or outside the spirit and intent of the Program, as such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination and disqualification from the Program, forfeiture of any Reward accrued, cancellation and forfeiture of any Reward. In addition, Members may not (i) tamper with the Program, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot, or other device or artifice to participate in or receive any benefit from the Program. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.nnNO SPAM. Members must comply with all up-to-date “spam” laws. For example, emails must be created and distributed in a personal manner. Bulk email distribution, distribution to strangers, or any other use of the services described herein in a manner outside the intent of the Program is expressly prohibited and may be grounds for immediate termination and further legal action. Any distribution of a referral link that could constitute unsolicited commercial email or “spam” under any applicable law or regulation is expressly prohibited and will be grounds for immediate termination of a Member account and exclusion from the Program. The Sponsor has no obligation to monitor the Program or any communications; however, Sponsor may choose to do so and block any email messages, remove any such content, or prohibit any use of the Program in violation of these Rules.  Members who do not comply with the law, including “spam” laws, are obligated to indemnify the Released Parties (defined below) against any liabilities, costs, and expenses it incurs as a result of such non-compliance.nnMEMBER’S CODE OF CONDUCT: Sponsor believes in full transparency and in full, fair, and effective disclosures of material facts relating to Member’s relationship with Sponsor. Member should disclose Member’s connection to Sponsor when speaking favorably about or otherwise promoting the Program. Members must comply with any applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding endorsement and advertising.nnTERMINATION: The Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Reward at any time, including the availability of any Reward, without notice. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any Member’s participation in the Program for breach of these Rules, or for taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Rules. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to prohibit any Member from participating in any aspect of the Program or change the Reward irrespective of the value of the original Reward if Sponsor deems or suspects that such Member has engaged in or has attempted to engage in any of the following: (a) acting in violation of these Rules; (b) damaging, tampering with, or corrupting the operation of the Program or Temu; (c) acting with intent to annoy, harass, or abuse any other person; (d) any inappropriate, uncooperative, disruptive, fraudulent, potentially fraudulent, or unusual behavior or activity; or (e) activity deemed in the sole discretion of Sponsor to be generally inconsistent with the intended operation of the Program. Any decision Sponsor makes relating to termination or suspension of any Member’s participation in the Program shall be final and binding in all respects. Sponsor shall be the sole determiner in cases of suspected abuse, fraud, or breach of these Rules or intent of these Rules. nnINDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS: Nothing in these Rules implies any employment or joint venture relationship between Sponsor and Member. As an independent contractor, Member shall not receive or be entitled to a salary or any other benefits or privileges Sponsor provides to its employees. Sponsor and Member agree that: (i) Member will be treated as an independent contractor with respect to Member’s role under these Rules for all purposes, including, federal, state, territorial, regional, and local tax purposes and for all other purposes and Sponsor will not withhold or pay over on behalf of Member any amounts relating to federal, state, territorial, regional, or local income taxes, unemployment compensation, workers compensation, social security, or other taxes or assessments; (ii) Member will never be asked to perform tasks, duties, or otherwise which will render Member’s services to be those of an employee; (iii) Member will not be provided great detail or strict guidelines about how to participate in the Program, but will rely on Member’s own expertise; (iv) Member may perform tasks at Member’s own discretion on Member’s own schedule, and Member may elect the hours (if any) during which Member puts effort against the tasks; and (v) Sponsor has no right to exercise any control whatsoever over Member’s daily activities.nnTAXES: All taxes applicable to any benefits provided by Sponsor under this Agreement will be your responsibility and Sponsor shall not pay any amounts for income tax, withholding tax, social security, unemployment or worker’s compensation.nnCONFIDENTIALITY: Both Sponsor and Member acknowledge that either party may acquire confidential information concerning the other party pursuant to the provisions of these Rules, and hereby agree that they shall not use any such information for any purpose, except as otherwise expressly permitted hereunder or under the TOU. Member further agrees not to disclose or provide any such information to any third party and to take all necessary measures to prevent any such disclosure.nnRELEASE: By participating in the Program, Members release Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, advertising and promotions agencies and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense, including, without limitation, property damages and liability for personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in any way connected to the Program and/or the use of any Rewards. nnINDEMNIFICATION: Members agree to indemnify, defend and hold Sponsor and its representatives and agents harmless from and against any and all third-party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising from, or related to any breach by Member of any of these Rules or any violation by Member of applicable law.nnPUBLICITY/USAGE RIGHTS: Participation in the Program and/or receipt or use of Reward constitutes the Member’ consent for use of his/her photo, name, likeness, voice, opinions, statements, biographical information, and/or hometown and state for promotional or advertising purposes in any media, worldwide, now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity, without further review, notification, payment, or consideration (unless prohibited by law).nnLIMITATION OF LIABILITY: WITHOUT LIMITING THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY TERMS IN TOU, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EVERYTHING ON TEMU IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. nnPRIVACY. The personal information collected, processed and used as part of or during the Program will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s Privacy Policy (you may find it on Temu App, SETTINGS > PRIVACY). Sponsor and/or its service providers may contact Members about their participation in the Program.nnApple is not a sponsor.nnLast updated date: April 7, 2024.”,”dnx”:”The following official rules (these “Terms”) contain important information regarding the LUCKY DRAW PROMOTION (the “Promotion”) sponsored by Whaleco Inc. (“Sponsor”, “we” or “us”). Please read the following Terms carefully. By entering the Promotion, you (i) agree to be bound by these Terms, including all eligibility requirements, and (ii) agree to be bound by the decisions of the Promotion judges, which are final and binding in all matters relating to the Promotion.nnSponsor reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time, without notice to you, so it is important to check the Terms periodically. Participation in the Promotion and/or redemption of Rewards is considered acceptance of these Terms and any modified terms included therein. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend or modify any aspect of the Promotion and/or any Reward at any time, including the availability of any Rewards or benefits, without notice. nELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for the Promotion, you must be a legal resident of the fifty (50) United States and Washington, D.C. and over 18 years of age and be a New User on Temu. A New User is defined as a user registered on Temu and has never placed any order on Temu. Employees of Sponsor and their immediate family members living in the same household of Sponsor are not eligible for Promotion. You cannot participate in Promotion if it would violate your employer’s policies or Terms. The Promotion is provided to individuals only. nTHE PROMOTION: By clicking on the “Spin” button (expression may be changed in different versions), a user agrees to enroll as a member of the Promotion (“Member”). In the Promotion, a Member can get a discount subject to such conditions as displayed on the page (“Reward”) which is only applicable to purchasing only one item on a designated page within 24 hours after you land on the Promotion page on Temu App .nREWARD. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Reward of equal or greater value, at any time in its sole discretion. Restrictions and additional terms may apply. Rewards will not be issued upon termination of Promotion or if the Member is or becomes ineligible for the Promotion. Sponsor will review Member’s eligibility before arranging delivery of the Reward. Unless otherwise stated, Rewards are not transferable and may not be redeemed for cash. Rewards are void where prohibited by law.nnSponsor may delay a Reward for the purposes of investigation and may refuse to verify and process any transaction Sponsor deems, in its sole discretion, to be fraudulent, suspicious, or in violation of these Terms. All of the Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding, including decisions as to whether a Qualifying Referral is satisfied or a Reward is earned pursuant to these Terms. nnRESTRICTIONS. An Member must be real people and Members must create or procure creation of multiple, fictitious or fake accounts to participate in the Promotion. Members may not use the Promotion in a manner that violates any law, infringes or violates the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene or outside the spirit and intent of the Promotion, as such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination and disqualification from the Promotion, forfeiture of any Reward accrued, cancellation and forfeiture of any Reward. In addition, Members may not (i) tamper with the Promotion, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot or other device or artifice to participate or receive any benefit in the Promotion. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROMOTION MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.nnMEMBER’S CODE OF CONDUCT: Sponsor believes in full transparency and in full, fair and effective disclosures of material facts relating to Member’s relationship with Sponsor. Sponsor requires that all Members abide by the FTC’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising ( (“FTC Endorsement Guides”). Per the FTC Endorsement Guides, Member should disclose Member’s connection to Sponsor when speaking favorably about or otherwise promoting the Promotion. nnTERMINATION: Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Promotion and/or any Reward at any time, including the availability of any Reward, without notice. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any Member’s participation in the Promotion for breach of these Terms, or for taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Terms. Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to prohibit any Member from participating in any aspect of the Promotion or change the Reward irrespective of the value of the original Reward if Sponsor deems or suspects that such Member has engaged in or has attempted to engage in any of the following: (a) acting in violation of these Terms; or (b) damaging, tampering with or corrupting the operation of the Promotion or Temu; or (c) acting with intent to annoy, harass or abuse any other person; or (d) any inappropriate, uncooperative, disruptive, fraudulent, potentially fraudulent, or unusual behavior or activity; or (e) activity deemed in the sole discretion of Sponsor to be generally inconsistent with the intended operation of the Promotion. Any decision Sponsor makes relating to termination or suspension of any Member’s participation in the Promotion shall be final and binding in all respects. Sponsor shall be the sole determiner in cases of suspected abuse, fraud, or breach of these Terms or intent of these Terms. nnINDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS: Nothing in this Agreement implies any employment or joint venture relationship between Sponsor and Member. As an independent contractor, Member shall not receive nor be entitled to a salary or any other benefits or privileges Sponsor provides to its employees. Sponsor and Member agree that: (i) Member will be treated as an independent contractor with respect to Member’s role under this Agreement for all purposes, including, federal, state, and local tax purposes and for all other purposes and Sponsor will not withhold or pay over on behalf of Member any amounts relating to federal, state or local income taxes, unemployment compensation, workers compensation, social security or other taxes or assessments; (ii) Member will never be asked to perform tasks, duties, or otherwise which will render Member’s services to be that of an employee; (iii) Member will not be provided great detail or strict guidelines about how to participate in Promotion but will rely on Member’s own expertise; (iv) Member may perform tasks at Member’s own discretion on Member’s own schedule, and Member may elect the hours (if any) during which Member puts effort against the tasks; and (v) Sponsor has no right to exercise any control whatsoever on Member’s daily activities.nnTAXES: All taxes applicable to any Rewards provided by Sponsor under this Agreement will be Member’s responsibility and Sponsor shall not withhold or pay any amounts for federal, state or municipal income tax, social security, unemployment or worker’s compensation. If Sponsor is required to file with the Internal Revenue Service a Form 1099-MISC, U.S. Information Return for Recipients of Miscellaneous Income, reflecting the Rewards paid by Sponsor to Member, then Member will be required to complete and submit a Form W-9 to Sponsor. nnCONFIDENTIALITY: Both Sponsor and Member acknowledge that either party may acquire confidential information concerning the other party pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, and hereby agree that they shall not use any such information for any purpose, except as otherwise expressly permitted hereunder. Member further agrees not to disclose or provide any such information to any third party and to take all necessary measures to prevent any such disclosure.nnRELEASE: By participating in the Promotion, Members release Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, advertising and promotions agencies and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense, including, without limitation, property damages, personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in any way connected to the Promotion and/or the use of any Rewards. nnINDEMNIFICATION: Members agree to indemnify, defend and hold Sponsor and its representatives and agents harmless from and against any and all third party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising from, or related to any breach by Member of any of these Terms or any violation by Member of applicable law. nnPUBLICITY/USAGE RIGHTS: nExcept to the extent prohibited by applicable law, participation in the Program and/or receipt or use of Rewards constitutes a Member’s consent for Sponsor to use and publish the user name and profile picture of such Member’s Temu account for the purposes of the Program in the country/region where the Member is located, now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity without further notification.nnGOVERNING LAW: The laws of the State of New York shall govern these Terms. Member hereby expressly consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the courts located in New York for all matters arising in connection with these Terms or Member’s participation in the Promotion. nnLIMITATION OF LIABILITY: To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no responsibility or liability is assumed by the Sponsor for technical problems or technical malfunction arising in connection with any of the following occurrences which may affect the operation of this Promotion and/or Temu: hardware or software errors; faulty computer, telephone, cable, satellite, network, electronic, wireless or Internet connectivity or other online or other communication problems; errors or limitations of any Internet service providers, servers, hosts or providers; garbled, jumbled or faulty data transmissions; failure of any e-mail transmissions to be sent or received; lost, late, delayed or intercepted e-mail transmissions; inaccessibility of the Temu in whole or in part for any reason; traffic congestion on the Internet or Temu; unauthorized human or non-human intervention of the operation of the Promotion, including without limitation, unauthorized tampering, hacking, theft, virus, bugs, worms; or destruction of any aspect of the Promotion, or loss, miscount, misdirection, inaccessibility or unavailability of an Account used in connection with the Promotion. nnTo the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby agree that: (i) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion or any Points or Rewards shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (ii) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with participating in this Promotion, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (iii) under no circumstances will you or anyone else be permitted to obtain awards for and you hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. nnWITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EVERYTHING ON TEMU IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. nnPRIVACY. The personal information collected, processed and used as part of the Promotion will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s privacy policy (you may find it on Temu App, SETTINGS > PRIVACY). Sponsor and/or its service providers may contact Members about their participation in the Promotion. nnApple is not a sponsor.nnWhaleco Inc.nSuite 355, 31 St. James AvenuenBoston, Massachusetts 02116nUSA nnLast updated date: March 31, 2023. “},”end_in”:{“day_txt”:”d”,”ends_in_countdown”:”Ends in”},”bec-fe.popup-download-ui-pc”:{“PCSendCouponModal”:{“percent”:”%”,”off”:”OFF”,”countdownText”:”Ends in”,”orders”:”Orders {{minAmount}}+, capped at {{maxAmount}}”,”signToGet”:”Sign in to get”,”exclusiveGift”:”Your exclusive gift”,”SurpriseGift”:”Surprise gift for you”,”addMore”:”Add <0>{{remainAmount}} more to use”,”cappedAt”:”Capped at {{cappedAmount}}”,”saved”:”Saved”,”backup_result_sub_title”:”Your network connection has crashed,please try again later.”,”re_receive_fail_sub_title”:”You have already participated in this promotion and the coupon can only be redeemed once.”,”risk_result_sub_title”:”Your request was declined as we detected unusual activity inconsistent with the intended operation of the program.”,”not_new_user_fail_sub_title”:”You are not eligible for this coupon.”,”opps_title”:”Opps!”,”rule_ok”:”OK”,”has_coupon_title”:”You have already participated in this promotion.”,”loginCouponText”:”Expires in”,”error_default”:”Your network connection has crashed,please try again later.”},”ScanGuide.AndroidScanTip”:”If you use <0>Android device <1 />open your <0>Google’s camera to scan”,”ScanGuide.AndroidSteps”:[“Open Google”,”Click camera”,”Scan the QR code”],”ScanGuide.IosScanTip”:”If you use <0>iOS device <1 />open your <0>phone’s camera to scan”,”ScanGuide.System”:[“iOS”,”Android”],”ScanGuide.IosSteps”:[“Open camera”,”Scan the QR code”],”PCDownloadHomeModal”:{“rules”:”Rules”,”countdownText”:”Ends in”},”PCDownloadModal”:{“title”:”Download the Temu App”,”scanTips”:”Scan the QR code to download”,”benefitOrder”:”Order Status”,”benefitService”:”Customer Support”,”benefitEvents”:”App-only Events”,”pwaTitle”:”Get the Temu App to enjoy”,”pwaScanQrCode”:”Scan the QR code with your phone camera”,”pwaInstall”:”Install Temu on your desktop”,”pwaSplit”:”Or”,”pwaGetNow”:”Get now”,”pwaServiceList”:[{“service”:”Order Status”,”logo”:””,”logoNew”:””},{“service”:”Customer Support”,”logo”:””,”logoNew”:””},{“service”:”App-only Events”,”logo”:””,”logoNew”:””}]},”PCBenefitDownloadModal”:{“rules”:”Rules”,”openCamera”:”Open camera”,”qrInfo”:”Scan the QR code”,”off”:”OFF”,”countdownText”:”Ends in”,”step1″:{“floatTurnImg”:”//”,”titleImg”:”//”,”titleImgCAD”:”//”,”basePlateImg”:”//”,”spinButton”:”//”,”plateCoupons”:”coupons”,”floatTurntable”:”BONUS COUPONS”},”step3″:{“newUser”:”App new user gift”,”claim”:”Claim in App”},”step4″:{“floatCouponImg”:”//”,”pwaScanQrCode”:”Open your phone’s camera to scan”,”pwaInstall”:”Install Temu on your desktop”,”pwaGetNow”:”Get now”,”floatCoupon”:”coupons”,”couponBundle”:”coupon bundle”}},”AppStore.Download.GooglePlayHref”:””,”AppStore.Download.GooglePlayDesc”:”Get it on”,”AppStore.Download.GooglePlayTitle”:”Google Play”,”AppStore.Download.GooglePlayImage”:””,”AppStore.Download.AppStoreDesc”:”Download on the”,”AppStore.Download.AppStoreTitle”:”App Store”,”AppStore.Download.AppStoreImage”:””,”AppStore.Download.AppStoreHref”:”″},”affiliate_biz_common”:{“all-user-benefits”:{“save-big”:”SAVE BIG”,”shop-now”:”Shop now”,”site-wide”:”SITEWIDE”},”origin_amount”:{“about_amount”:”About {{amount}}”,”orders”:”Order {{minAmount}}+”},”free-gifts-for-you”:”FREE gifts for you”,”get-now”:”Get Now”,”limited_time_offer”:”Limited time offer”,”save_big”:”Save Big”,”dk3_new_ui”:{“title”:”Save more in App”,”bubble_text”:”{{user}} saved {{amount}} with coupons”,”use_coupon_in_app”:”Use {{amount}} in App”,”limited_time_special_offer”:”Limited Time Offer”,”temu_picks”:”Temu Picks”,”free_gifts”:”FREE GIFT”,”claim_your_free_gift”:”Claim your FREE gifts”,”influencer_pick”:{“top_picks”:”recommend”}},”tc-normal”:”You can only get {{couponBundle}} Coupon Bundle within 1 hour of app download and first login. If you have previously downloaded the app (including uninstalling and reinstalling), you will not be eligible for this offer.”,”tc-reinstall”:”You can get {{couponBundle}} Coupon Bundle if you (a) download and register with Temu for the first time on the Temu application within 1 hour of download ; or (b) uninstall the Temu application and subsequently re-install the application at least 14 days after the uninstall within 1 hour of download.”,”commission_up_to_trans”:”{{commission}}%{{upToStr}}”,”commission_text”:”{{commission}}%”,”commission_html”:”{{commission}}%”,”apple_rule”:”Apple is not a sponsor.”,”kolGoodsDownload”:{“count_down_copy_writing”:”Seize the moment”},”coupon_guide”:{“title”:”Only {{time}} hours left before restoring the original price”,”title-v2″:”Only {{time}} hour(s) left before the coupon expires”,”title-one-hour”:”Less than 1 hour left before restoring the original price”,”title-one-hour-v2″:”Less than 1 hour left before the coupon expires”},”channel-goods-banner”:{“title”:”24H LIMITED-TIME OFFER”},”dk18″:{“shareText”:”I just discovered the best limited-time discount on Temu! 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Save extra {{saveMoney}}!”,”go-to-cart”:”Go to cart”,”place-order-save-money”:”Place your order now, save extra {{money}}”,”pick-more-to-save-inline”:”Pick {{money}} more to save extra

{{saveMoney}}”},”sale”:”SALE”,”share_to_friends”:”Share the best price to friends”,”share_text_copied”:”Share text copied”,”noChannelGoodsQAReasn”:{“CART_EXIST_GOODS”:”One Shopping cart can only add one item with the ‘Exclusive Deal’ price. You can still add it at a discounted price.”,”NO_CHANNEL_PRICE”:”Sorry, Items at Exclusive Deal prices are sold out. You can still buy it at a discounted price.”,”USER_NO_QA”:”Only new App users can purchase ‘Exclusive Deal’ products. You can still buy it at a discounted price.”,”GOODS_SOLD_OUT”:”Sorry, Items at Exclusive Deal prices are sold out. You can still buy it at a discounted price.”},”hot-sale-text”:[“Best Sellers”,”Sales Soared”,”User Favorites”,”Hot among New Users”,”Trending Now”,”Influencer Picks”],”search”:”Search”,”person_has_pick”:”{{name}}’s pick”,”safe_bar”:{“free_shipping”:”Free shipping”,”within_30_days”:”Price adjustment within 30 days”},”only_1_item_available”:”Only 1 item available”,”you_got_the_best_prize”:”You got the best prize!”,”THANKS”:”THANKS”,”barrage”:”{{nickname}} earned {{amountText}} Coupon Bundle”,”cps-retain-popup”:{“dont-miss-best-prize”:”Don’t miss your best prize !”,”dont-miss-coupon”:”Don’t miss your coupon !”,”give-up”:”Give Up”,”shop-now”:”Shop Now”,”save-now”:”Save Now”,”sign-in-to-claim”:”Sign in to Claim”,”expire-in”:”Expire in”,”cart-can-save”:”Your cart is eligible to Save {{money}}”,”pick-more-to-save”:”Pick {{amount}} more to Save {{money}}”},”new_app_users_only_short”:”New App Users Only”,”channel-goods-v2″:{“limit-title”:”Only new app user can purchase”,”native-limit-title”:”A new App user can only purchase one Exclusive Deal item”,”flash-sale”:”Exclusive Deal”,”best_price”:”Best Price”,”off”:”{{discount}}%OFF”,”off-two”:”-{{discount}}%”,”selling-fast”:”Selling fast”,”download-dialog-title”:”Download Temu app to get your exclusive best price!”,”get-now”:”Get Now”,”limit-toast”:”A new App user can only purchase one Exclusive Deal item”,”limit-toast-two”:”Sorry,only new App users can purchase ‘Exclusive Deal’ products.”,”reason”:”Only new app users can purchase ‘Exclusive Deal’ products. But you can still buy it at a discounted price.”},”celebration”:{“title”:”Anniversary Gift for You!”,”collect_now”:”Collect Now”,”dk3_icon_pc”:””,”dk3_icon_mobile”:””,”24_hour_text”:”24H LIMITED-TIME OFFER FOR YOU”,”anniversary_gift”:”Anniversary Gift for You!”,”anniversary_gift_title”:”Anniversary gift”},”browser-task-two”:{“tips”:”Just browse for {{time}}s more to get a no threshold coupon!”},”off_coupon_in_app”:”Temu: {{CouponAmount}}% OFF Coupon in App”,”kol-cps-coupon-dnlp”:{“get”:”Get”,”apple_star”:”4.6″,”apple_comment”:”438k”,”google_star”:”4.6″,”google_comment”:”826k”,”coupon_bundle_in_app”:”Temu: {{CouponAmount}} Coupon Bundle in App”,”open”:”OPEN”,”no_benefit_title”:”Temu:Team Up,Price Down”,”no_benefit_sub_title”:”Shop anywhere with our App”,”get_v2″:”GET”},”browser-task”:{“time”:”Browse for {{time}}s “,”no_threshold”:”No threshold”,”collect”:”Collect({{time}}s)”,”congrats”:”Congrats! You made it!”,”tips”:”Just browse for {{time}}s more to get a no threshold coupon!”},”categories”:”Categories”,”affiliate”:{“end_in”:”Ends in”,”end_in_v2″:”Ends in”,”left”:”left”,”off”:”OFF”,”only_timer”:””,”auto_jump_app_timer”:”({{time}}s)”,”sign_in_to_claim_countdown”:”Sign in to Claim({{sec}}s)”},”end_in”:”Ends in”},”affiliate_rule”:{“origin_currency_rule”:{“rules”:”Rules”,”coupon_rule_v1″:”Explanation of displayed value

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Due to changes in the exchange rate happening in real time, the {{currency}} amounts are for reference only.”,”coupon_rule_v2″:”Explanation of displayed value

The coupon bundle’s value is in {{originCurrency}} and the total value is {{originAmount}} and can be used on qualified orders. {{amount}} is converted based on the {{originCurrency}} to {{currency}} exchange rate.

Due to changes in the exchange rate happening in real time, the {{currency}} amount is for reference only.”,”coupon_rule_v3″:”The coupon bundle’s value is in {{originCurrency}} and the total value is {{originAmount}} and can be used on qualified orders. {{amount}} is converted based on the {{originCurrency}} to {{currency}} exchange rate. Due to changes in the exchange rate happening in real time, the {{currency}} amount is for reference only.”},”tc-korean”:”

The following official rules (these “Rules”) contain important information regarding the AFFILIATE COUPON BUNDLE PROGRAM (the “Program”). These Rules are part of and subject to the Temu Terms of Use (“TOU”) you entered into with the party determined by Section 1 of the TOU (“Sponsor”). For any conflicting terms between these Rules and the TOU, the terms of these Rules shall prevail. Please read the following Rules carefully. These Rules are a binding agreement between you and Sponsor and will govern your participation in this Program. These Rules for Reference (“Terms”) are just for your reference before you enroll in this Program and would not exert a binding effect.

Sponsor reserves the right to modify these Rules at any time, without notice to you, so it is important to check the Rules periodically. Participation in the Program and/or redemption of Rewards (defined below) constitutes your acceptance of these Rules. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Reward at any time, including the availability of any Rewards or benefits, without notice.

ELIGIBILITY:To be eligible for the Program, you must be at least 18 years old and of legal capacity to form a binding contract. The Program is only available for designated countries or regions. Switching countries or regions may cause disqualification from the Program. Employees of Sponsor and their immediate family members living in the same household are not eligible for the Program. You cannot participate in the Program if it would violate your employer’s policies. The Program is provided to individuals only.

THE PROGRAM:By clicking on the link, you agree to enroll as a member of the Program (“Member”). As part of the Program, Members will receive a coupon bundle for the Temu App, valued as shown on the page (“Reward(s)”), after downloading and installing the Temu App. The conditions for using the coupon and its expiration time are displayed on the program page.

To be eligible for the Program, you should be a New App User. A “New App User” means a real person who (i) downloads the Temu application on a particular device for the first time, (ii) registers an account on the Temu application for the first time using such device, and (iii) joins the Program.

TIME LIMIT:The “Time Limit” for the Program is as displayed on the Program page.

CONDITIONS. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Reward of equal or greater value, e.g., Temu credits (To learn more about Temu credits, please visit:, at any time in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to, if a Reward is no longer available. Rewards may only be available while supplies last. Restrictions and additional Rules may apply. Rewards will not be issued upon termination of Program or if the Member is or becomes ineligible for the Program. Sponsor will review Member’s eligibility before arranging delivery of the Reward. Unless otherwise stated, Rewards are not transferable and may not be redeemed for cash. Rewards are void where prohibited by law.

Sponsor may delay a Reward for the purposes of investigation and may refuse to verify and process any transaction Sponsor deems, in its sole discretion, to be fraudulent, suspicious, or in violation of these Rules. All of the Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding, including decisions as to whether a Reward is earned pursuant to these Rules.

RESTRICTIONS. Users who participate in this Program must be real people and Member cannot create or procure creation of multiple, fictitious, or fake accounts to participate in the Program. Members may not use the Program in a manner that violates any law or infringes or violates the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene, or outside the spirit and intent of the Program, as such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination and disqualification from the Program, forfeiture of any Reward accrued, cancellation and forfeiture of any Reward. In addition, Members may not (i) tamper with the Program, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot, or other device or artifice to participate in or receive any benefit from the Program. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.

NO SPAM. Members must comply with all up-to-date “spam” laws. For example, emails must be created and distributed in a personal manner. Bulk email distribution, distribution to strangers, or any other use of the services described herein in a manner outside the intent of the Program is expressly prohibited and may be grounds for immediate termination and further legal action. Any distribution of a referral link that could constitute unsolicited commercial email or “spam” under any applicable law or regulation is expressly prohibited and will be grounds for immediate termination of a Member account and exclusion from the Program. The Sponsor has no obligation to monitor the Program or any communications; however, Sponsor may choose to do so and block any email messages, remove any such content, or prohibit any use of the Program in violation of these Rules. Members who do not comply with the law, including “spam” laws, are obligated to indemnify the Released Parties (defined below) against any liabilities, costs, and expenses it incurs as a result of such non-compliance.

MEMBER’S CODE OF CONDUCT: Sponsor believes in full transparency and in full, fair, and effective disclosures of material facts relating to Member’s relationship with Sponsor. Member should disclose Member’s connection to Sponsor when speaking favorably about or otherwise promoting the Program. Members must comply with any applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding endorsement and advertising.

TERMINATION: The Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel, change, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Program and/or any Reward at any time, including the availability of any Reward, without notice. Sponsor may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any Member’s participation in the Program for breach of these Rules, or for taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Rules. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to prohibit any Member from participating in any aspect of the Program or change the Reward irrespective of the value of the original Reward if Sponsor deems or suspects that such Member has engaged in or has attempted to engage in any of the following: (a) acting in violation of these Rules; (b) damaging, tampering with, or corrupting the operation of the Program or Temu platform; (c) acting with intent to annoy, harass, or abuse any other person; (d) any inappropriate, uncooperative, disruptive, fraudulent, potentially fraudulent, or unusual behavior or activity; or (e) activity deemed in the sole discretion of Sponsor to be generally inconsistent with the intended operation of the Program. Any decision Sponsor makes relating to termination or suspension of any Member’s participation in the Program shall be final and binding in all respects. Sponsor shall be the sole determiner in cases of suspected abuse, fraud, or breach of these Rules or intent of these Rules.

INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS: Nothing in these Rules implies any employment or joint venture relationship between Sponsor and Member. As an independent contractor, Member shall not receive or be entitled to a salary or any other benefits or privileges Sponsor provides to its employees. Sponsor and Member agree that: (i) Member will be treated as an independent contractor with respect to Member’s role under these Rules for all purposes, including, federal, state, territorial, regional, and local tax purposes and for all other purposes and Sponsor will not withhold or pay over on behalf of Member any amounts relating to federal, state, territorial, regional, or local income taxes, unemployment compensation, workers compensation, social security, or other taxes or assessments; (ii) Member will never be asked to perform tasks, duties, or otherwise which will render Member’s services to be those of an employee; (iii) Member will not be provided great detail or strict guidelines about how to participate in the Program, but will rely on Member’s own expertise; (iv) Member may perform tasks at Member’s own discretion on Member’s own schedule, and Member may elect the hours (if any) during which Member puts effort against the tasks; and (v) Sponsor has no right to exercise any control whatsoever over Member’s daily activities.

TAXES: All taxes applicable to any benefits provided by Sponsor under this Agreement will be your responsibility and Sponsor shall not pay any amounts for income tax, withholding tax, social security, unemployment or worker’s compensation.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Both Sponsor and Member acknowledge that either party may acquire confidential information concerning the other party pursuant to the provisions of these Rules, and hereby agree that they shall not use any such information for any purpose, except as otherwise expressly permitted hereunder or under the TOU. Member further agrees not to disclose or provide any such information to any third party and to take all necessary measures to prevent any such disclosure.

RELEASE: By participating in the Program, Members release Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, advertising and promotions agencies and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense, including, without limitation, property damages and liability for personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in any way connected to the Program and/or the use of any Rewards.

INDEMNIFICATION: Members agree to indemnify, defend and hold Sponsor and its representatives and agents harmless from and against any and all third-party claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising from, or related to any breach by Member of any of these Rules or any violation by Member of applicable law.

PUBLICITY/USAGE RIGHTS: Participation in the Program and/or receipt or use of Reward constitutes the Member’ consent for use of his/her photo, name, likeness, voice, opinions, statements, biographical information, and/or hometown and state for promotional or advertising purposes in any media, worldwide, now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity, without further review, notification, payment, or consideration (unless prohibited by law).


PRIVACY. The personal information collected, processed and used as part of or during the Program will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s Privacy Policy (you may find it on Temu App, SETTINGS > PRIVACY). Sponsor and/or its service providers may contact Members about their participation in the Program.

Apple is not a sponsor.

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The submitted appeal only means that a specialist will look over your account suspension, along with any information you shared. Submitting an appeal does not guarantee that you’ll regain access to your account.”,”confirmTitle”:”Confirmation sent to:”,”expectedTitle”:”Expected response time:”,”expectedTime”:”Within two weeks”,”ok”:”OK”},”suspendedAppeal”:{“title”:”File an appeal”,”appealTitle”:”Why are you appealing your account suspension?”,”appealDisplayTexts1001″:[{“text”:”The dispute about Temu charges between me and my financial institution has been settled.”,”hint”:”Tell us more information about the resolution of the dispute about Temu charges between you and your financial institution.”,”placeholder”:”Please give as many details as possible.”},{“text”:”Other reason”,”hint”:”Tell us the reason for your appeal.”,”placeholder”:”Please give as many details as possible.”}],”appealDisplayTexts1002″:[{“text”:”The amount of refund requests for my orders is reasonable.”,”hint”:”Tell us the reasons why you think the amount of refund requests for your orders is reasonable.”,”placeholder”:”Please give as many details as possible.”},{“text”:”Other reason”,”hint”:”Tell us the reason for your appeal.”,”placeholder”:”Please give as many details as possible.”}],”emailTitle”:”Your email address”,”noSelect”:”Please select at least one reason and upload the document.”,”noUploadPic”:”Please upload at least one picture.”,”noDetailContent”:”Please enter the details.”,”noEmail”:”Please enter an email address.”,”submit”:”Submit”},”suspendedDetail”:{“title”:”Account has been suspended”,”infoTitle”:”Account suspension details”,”dateTip”:”Date of suspension:”,”reasonTip”:”Reason for suspension:”,”btnTxt”:”File an appeal”,”viewMore”:”View more”},”phoneCodeNoReceiveTip”:{“title”:”Didn’t receive the code?”,”tip1″:”1. Make sure your phone number is correct.”,”tip2″:”2. If you still don’t see the code, try another way to verify your identity”},”emailCodeNoReceiveTip”:{“title”:”Didn’t receive the email?”,”tip1″:”1. Make sure your email address is correct.”,”tip2″:”2. Please check your spam folder.”,”tip3″:”3. If you still don’t see the email, try another way to verify your identity”},”thirdButtonContinueWithV2″:”Continue with {{val}}”,”successTip”:{“emailAdd”:”Email added successfully”},”mobileCheck”:{“title”:”Verification required”,”desc”:”We will send you a text to verify this phone number: {{val}}”,”cancelText”:”Cancel”,”confirmText”:”OK”},”bindSuccess”:{“MOBILE_BIND”:{“title”:”You’ve added a phone numer to your account.”,”btnText”:”OK”},”MOBILE_CHANGE_BIND”:{“title”:”Your mobile phone number has been changed”,”desc”:”Your mobile phone number has been changed from {{oldVal}} to {{newVal}}. The new mobile phone number can be used to sign in to Temu account.”,”btnText”:”Continue shopping”},”MAIL_BIND”:{“title”:”You’ve added an email to your account.”,”btnText”:”OK”},”MAIL_CHANGE_BIND”:{“title”:”Your email has been changed”,”desc”:”Your email has been changed from {{oldVal}} to {{newVal}}. The new email can be used to sign in to Temu account and reset your password if you forget it.”,”btnText”:”Continue shopping”}},”emailInput”:{“add”:{“title”:”Add an email address”,”desc”:”Enter the email address you would like to associate with your account below.”,”btnText”:”Submit”,”placeholder”:”Enter your email address”},”modify”:{“title”:”Enter a new email address”,”desc”:”Please enter the new email address you would like to associate with your account below.”,”btnText”:”Continue”},”empty”:”Please enter an email address.”,”unvalid”:”Please enter a valid email address.”},”phoneInput”:{“add”:{“title”:”Add a mobile phone number”,”desc”:”Enter the mobile phone number you would like to associate with your account below.”,”btnText”:”Submit”},”modify”:{“title”:”Switch mobile phone number”,”desc”:”Enter the new mobile phone number you would like to associate with your account below.”,”btnText”:”Continue”},”empty”:”Please enter a valid mobile.”},”Cancel”:”Cancel”,”verifySuccess”:{“title”:”Verification successful!”,”LOGIN”:{“desc”:”This is really your account! You can use this account to continue shopping.”,”btnText”:”Continue shopping”},”MOBILE_BIND”:{“desc”:”This is really your account! For your account security and next sign-in, you can add a new mobile phone number to your account.”,”btnText”:”Add a new mobile phone number”},”MOBILE_CHANGE_BIND”:{“desc”:”We’ve confirmed this is your account! Your mobile phone number, {{val}}, might not be receiving our Temu verification code. You can edit the mobile phone number on your Temu account if needed.”,”btnText”:”Edit your mobile phone number”},”MAIL_BIND”:{“desc”:”This is really your account! For your account security and next sign-in, you can add a new email address to your account.”,”btnText”:”Add a new email address”},”MAIL_CHANGE_BIND”:{“desc”:”We’ve confirmed this is your account! Your email, {{val}}, might not be receiving our Temu emails. You can edit the email on your Temu account.”,”btnText”:”Edit your email address”},”notNow”:”Not now, continue shopping”},”verifyCode”:{“mobile”:{“title”:”Enter the verification code”,”desc”:”To continue, complete this verification step. We’ve sent a verification code to the phone number {{val}}. Please enter it below.”,”systemBusy”:”System busy, please try again later.”,”tipsVo”:{“title”:”Didn’t receive the code?”,”desc1″:”1. Make sure your phone number is correct.”,”desc2″:””,”desc3_1″:”2. If you still don’t see the code, “,”desc3_2″:” try another way to verify your identity”}},”email”:{“title”:”Enter the verification code”,”desc”:”To continue, complete this verification step. We’ve sent a verification code to the email {{val}}. Please enter it below.”,”systemBusy”:”System busy, please try again later.”,”label”:”Verification code”,”tipsVo”:{“title”:”Didn’t receive the email?”,”desc1″:”1. Make sure your email address is correct.”,”desc2″:”2. Please check your spam folder.”,”desc3_1″:”3. If you still don’t see the email,”,”desc3_2″:” try another way to verify your identity”}}},”systemBusy”:”System busy, please try again later”,”Continue”:”Continue”,”passwordInput”:{“title”:”Enter your password”,”desc”:”Please enter your Temu password for {{val}} to verify your identity.”,”noNickNameDesc”:”Please enter your password to verify your identity.”,”btnText”:”Submit”},”verifyCodePanel”:{“title”:”Enter the verification code”,”mailDesc”:”To continue, complete this verification step. We’ve sent a verification code to the email {{val}}. Please enter it below.”,”smsDesc”:”To continue, complete this verification step. We’ve sent a verification code to {{val}}. Please enter it below.”,”notReceiveTip”:{“title”:”Didn’t receive the email?”,”desc1″:”1. Make sure your email address is correct.”,”desc2″:”2. Please check your spam folder.”,”desc3_1″:”3. 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You have several ways to verify your identity.”,”noVerifyItemDesc”:”You don’t have any way to verify your identity, please contact customer service.”,”verifyItem”:{“MAIL_VERIFY_CODE”:{“title”:”Use email verification code to verify identity”,”desc”:”We will send a verification code to the email {{val}}.”},”MOBILE”:{“title”:”Use SMS verification code to verify identity”,”desc”:”We will send an SMS verification code to {{val}}”},”MAIL_PASSWORD”:{“title”:”Use password to verify identity”,”desc”:”Please enter your password to verify your identity”},”GOOGLE”:{“title”:”Use Google account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”FACEBOOK”:{“title”:”Use Facebook account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”TWITTER”:{“title”:”Use X account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”APPLE”:{“title”:”Use Apple account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”LINE”:{“title”:”Use Line account to verify identity”,”desc”:””},”CHALLENGE_QUESTION”:{“title”:”Answer security questions”,”desc”:”Please answer some security questions to verify your identity.”,”disableTip”:”You have tried many times, please try again later.”},”MOBILE_CHALLENGE_QUESTIONS”:{“title”:”Answer security questions”,”desc”:”Please answer some security questions to verify your identity.”,”disableTip”:”You have tried many times, please try again later.”}}},”switchAccountPanel”:{“title”:”You are not signed in to the following account, please sign in again.”,”apple”:”Apple”,”twitter”:”X”,”facebook”:”Facebook”,”google”:”Google”,”line”:”Line”,”thirdButtonContinueWith”:”Continue with”,”thirdButtonContinueWithV2″:”Continue with {{val}}”,”cancel”:”Cancel”},”error”:”System busy, please try again later”,”verifyByPassword”:{“title”:”Enter your password”,”mailDesc”:”Please enter your Temu password for {{val}} to edit email address.”,”inputLabel”:”Password”,”submitBtn”:”Submit”},”successPanel”:{“title”:”Your email has been changed”,”submitBtn”:”Continue shopping”},”emailInputPanel”:{“title”:”Enter a new email address”,”desc”:”Enter the new email address you would like to associate with your account below.”,”inputLabel”:”Email address”,”submitBtn”:”Continue”,”empty”:”Please enter an email address.”,”unvalid”:”Please enter a valid email address.”}},”bec-fe.web-shopping-cart”:{“By”:”By”,”AdultsConfirm”:{“yes”:”Yes, continue to checkout”,”no”:”No, remove items and continue”,”yes2″:”Yes”,”no2″:”No”,”notAdultsSuccess”:”We have moved adult items to your Unavailable items section.”,”NoConnection”:”Please check your network connection and try again.”},”All”:”All”,”GoodsSelectPopup”:{“total”:”Total:”,”Checkout”:”Checkout”,”emptyDesc”:”It is empty”,”emptySubDesc”:”No viewable items”,”recv3EmptyToast”:”No viewable items. 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Your wishlist has reached its limit, please remove some items to make space for new ones.”},”RemindCusPopup”:{“Title”:”Added to cart”,”Submit”:”Submit”}},””:{“Yes”:”Yes”,”No”:”No”},”bec-fe.popup-sms-modal-pc”:{“successTipsCa”:”Reply’Y’ to confirm your subscription”,”subscribe”:”Subscribe to texts to get”,”declareCa”:” *You agree to receive autodialed marketing messages and shopping cart reminders on this number. Consent not required to purchase goods. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency may vary. Text STOP or ARRET to opt out. Text HELP, AIDE, or INFO for help. <1>Privacy policy and <3>Terms of Use.”,”benifitTime”:”Time-limited deals”,”benifitCoupon”:”Exclusive coupons”,”defaultTips”:”You enter an invalid phone number”,”benefitCar”:”Order Status”,”successTips”:”Thank you for subscribing!”,”benefitPaper”:”Order confirmation”,”benefitGift”:”Texts-only events”,”submit”:”Submit”,”title”:”Subscribe to texts to get”,”declare”:” *You agree to receive autodialed marketing messages on this number. 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Text STOP to opt out and HELP for help. <1>Privacy policy and <3>Terms of Use.”,”privatePolicy”:”Privacy policy”,”and”:”and”,”termsPolicy”:”Terms of Use”,”discount”:”No minimum, capped at $30″,”noMinimum”:”No minimum, capped at “},”successTips”:”Thank you for subscribing!”,”correctTips”:”Please enter the correct mobile number.”,”defaultTps”:”You enter an invalid phone number”},”bec-fe.web-pay”:{“securityAndPrivate”:”All data will be encrypted”,”MobileInputPopupPhoneNumberNDigitsHint”:”Phone number must be {0} digits long.”,”buy_with”:”Buy with “,”retryPaymentFailed”:”Retry payment failed, please try again later”,”pay_error_network”:”Network connection dropped so your payment did not go through. Please check your network connection and try again or use a different payment method.”,”switch_payment_method”:”Switch payment method”,”try_again”:”Try again”,”cashAppText”:”Use <0>Cash App or your phone’s camera to scan the code.”,”scanToPay”:”Scan to Pay”,”Temu”:”Temu”,”cash_app_pay”:”Cash App Pay”,”MbWayMobileInputPopupPlaceholderShort”:”Input phone number”,”MbWayMobileInputEmptyHint”:”Please enter a phone number.”,”resendCodeCountDown”:”{{number}}s Resend code”,”codNetworkError”:”Network error, please try again.”,”codOverClock”:”You have resent many times. Please try again later.”,”codTryAgain”:”Please try again later”,”codSystemBusy”:”System busy, Please try again later”,”codIncrorrectCode”:”Incorrect verification code.”,”codVerifySuccess”:”Phone verified successfully”,”VerificationRequired”:”Verification required”,”resendCode”:”Resend Code”,”securitySentence”:”All data will be encrypted”,”braintree_paybefore_title”:”Order total”,”PleaseInputAValidCode”:”Please input a valid code.”,”Continue”:”Continue”,”Ok”:”Ok”,”VerificationCode”:”Verification code”,”MbWayMobileInputPopupPlaceholder”:”Please input 9 digits phone number”,”MbWayMobileInputPopupPhoneNumber9DigitsHint”:”Phone number must be 9 digits long.”,”MbWayMobileInputPopupButtonText”:”Continue”,”paypalConformDialog”:{“title”:”Please click the button to complete your purchase.”,”itemsTotal”:”Item(s) total”},”Security_code_is_invalid”:”Security code is invalid.”,”Please_input_CVV”:”Please input CVV.”,”PaypalPayContent”:”Paypal”,”Please_check_billing_address”:”Please check billing address.”,”OrderProcessErr”:”We’re still processing your recent order. Most orders process within 72 hours, although they may occasionally take longer.”,”Edit”:”Edit”,”SomethingWentWrong”:”Something went wrong. Please retry or use a different payment method.”,”Please_input_billing_address”:”Please input billing address”,”CashierTitle”:”Payment methods”,”CVVCheckFailed”:”CVV check failed.”,”Pay”:”Pay”,”PaypalStyledToastContent”:”If you don’t have a paypal account, you can also pay via paypal with your credit card or bank debit card. Payment can be submitted in any currency.”,”CardPayContent”:”Card”,”PleaseInputCVV”:”Please input CVV”,”SecurityVerification”:”Security Verification”,”PaymentFailedDefaultToast”:”Payment failed. Please retry or use a different payment method.”,”PaymentSuccessful”:”Payment successful”,”Processing”:”Payment processing”},”bec-fe.web-card-bind”:{“pay_dynamic_cvv8″:”Dynamic CVV”,”pay_dynamic_cvv7″:”Always use a newly generated dynamic CVV and ensure it’s within its validity period to ensure secure transactions.”,”pay_dynamic_cvv6″:”A dynamic CVV is a one-time payment code for increased payment security. It can be obtained in the following ways:n1. Many banks let you generate a dynamic CVV via their mobile app or online platform.n2. Contact your card-issuing bank’s customer service to get a dynamic CVV, which is usually sent via text message.n3. Some banks provide a physical token to generate a dynamic CVV.”,”pay_dynamic_cvv5″:”What is the dynamic CVV?”,”brazilcard_name”:”2 characters at least for your name.”,”rtlcomma”:”,”,”pay_cvv”:”CVV”,”pay_date_picker_title”:”Expiration date”,”pay_star_card_number”:”Card number”,”select_reason_for_delete”:”Select a reason for delete”,”te_follow”:”Temu follows the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and other security standards when handling card data”,”birthdayError2″:”Please enter a valid date of birth (YYYY/MM/DD).”,”add_card_authinfo”:”After adding a card, there might be a small temporary pre-authorization hold on your card for verification purposes only. It will be removed within <0>1-7 business days.”,”safepay1.5″:”<0>Temu is committed to protecting your payment information. We follow PCI DSS standards, use strong encryption, and perform regular reviews of its system to protect your privacy.”,”pay_us_remember_card6″:”Don’t remember this card”,”pay_us_remember_card5″:”Remember this card”,”pay_us_remember_card4″:”Pay faster”,”pay_us_remember_card3″:”Safe payment”,”pay_us_remember_card2″:”Your personal and card details are securely encrypted to ensure your money and information stay safer. Temu does not share your financial information with merchants.”,”pay_us_remember_card1″:”Remember my card for future use”,”bind_success”:”Added successfully”,”day”:”Day”,”digits”:”{{digitsLength}} digits”,”businessNoLabel”:”Business number”,”pwdDigestLabel”:”The first 2 digits of the card password”,”birthDayLabel”:”Date of birth”,”corporateLabel”:”Is it a public corporate card?”,”pwdDigestError”:”Please enter a valid password.”,”businessNoError”:”Please enter a valid business number.”,”birthdayError”:”Please enter a valid date of birth (DD/MM/YY).”,”payfaster”:”Pay faster”,”not_remember_card”:”Don’t remember this card”,”remembercard”:”Remember this card”,”order_remember_for_use”:”Remember this card for future use”,”card_bind_unrecommend”:”You need to enter card details every time.”,”card_bind_recommend1″:”Secure and fast”,”remember_card_infomation”:”Selection is required.”,”order_no_button”:”No”,”order_yes_button”:”Yes”,”Security_certification”:”Security certification”,”address_name_bottom_tip”:”Please enter a name.”,”add_taxcode_error_br_v2″:”CPF number must be 11 digits in the format: XXX.XXX.XXX-YY”,”brazilcard2″:”CPF”,”brazilcard1″:”Name on card”,”brazilcard4″:”Cardholder CPF”,”brazilcard3″:”Name printed on the card”,”securityPrivacy”:”Security Privacy”,”safePayment”:”Safe Payment”,”editExpDate”:”Please edit expiration date”,”bindCard”:{“cvvInfo”:”CVV:The 3 or 4 digit security code on the front or back of your card.”,”cardDesc”:”Visa, MasterCard & Discover CVV”,”cardDesc_other”:”American Express CVV”,”rememberCard”:”Remember my card for future use”,”rememberCardTip”:”Your card information will be stored on Card Scheme, an authorised institution in an encrypted version for the order. The encrypted details are stored only for your convenience, to make shopping with us the next time easier, and to save you the time of inputting your card information.”,”billingAddress”:”Billing address”,”cvvPlaceHolder”:”Please input CVV”,”addCard”:”Add a new card”,”editCard”:”Edit your card”,”sameShippingAddr”:”Same as shipping address”,”binding”:”Binding”,”saving”:”Saving”,”cardBindFail”:”Card Bind Fail”,”cardUpdateFail”:”Card Update Fail”,”addYourCard”:”Add your card”,”save”:”Save”,”addBillingAddress”:”Add a billing address”,”securityAndPrivate”:”All data is encrypted”,”protectDesc”:”Your payment information is safe with us. Temu does not share your information with the merchandise partners.”,”networkError”:”Network unavailable, please try again…”,”inputBillingAddress”:”Please input billing address”,”checkBillingAddress”:”Please check billing address.”,”edit”:”Edit”,”newCvvInfo”:”Visa, MasterCard & Discover: The 3 digits on the back of the card next to signature panel.”,”cvvInfoOther”:”American Express: The 4 digits on the front of the card above the credit card number.”,”cvvNoRequired”:”CVV is not required for this card”},”edit”:”Edit”,”month”:”Month”,”Save”:”Save”,”addressTitle”:”Addresses”,”card”:{“CardNumber”:”* Card number”,”ExpireDate”:”* Expiration date”,”CVV”:”* CVV”,”CVV_DISABLE”:”CVV”,”CARD_INFO_4″:”Billing address”,”CARD_INFO_5″:”Remember this card for future use”,”CARD_INFO_6″:”Total”,”CARD_INFO_7″:”Same as shipping address”,”CARD_INFO_8″:”Are you sure you want to cancel payment?If your order is not paid in , it will be canceled.”,”CARD_INFO_9″:”Continue To Pay”,”CARD_INFO_10″:”Confirm Cancel”,”CARD_INFO_11″:”Save”,”CARD_INFO_12″:”Please enter card number.”,”InvalidCardNo”:”The card number entered is invalid.”,”CARD_INFO_13″:”Please select Expiration date.”,”InvalidExpireDate”:”Expiration date is invalid.”,”CARD_INFO_14″:”Please input cvv.”,”InvalidCvvCode”:”Security code is invalid.”,”CARD_INFO_15″:”What is CVV”,”CARD_INFO_16″:”The 3 or 4 digit security code on the front or back of your credit card.”,”CARD_INFO_17″:”visa, masterCard & Discover CVV.”,”CARD_INFO_18″:”AmericanExpress CVV.”,”CARD_INFO_19″:”OK”,”CARD_INFO_21″:”Change Card information”,”CARD_INFO_22″:”Switch Payment Method”,”CARD_INFO_23″:”Card Bind Fail”,”CARD_INFO_24″:”Binding”,”CARD_INFO_25″:”Add a new card”,”CARD_INFO_26″:”Purchase”,”CARD_INFO_27″:”Same as shipping address”,”CARD_INFO_28″:”Country / Region”,”InvalidAddressSnapshotId”:”Please enter a billing address.”,”Cancel”:”Cancel”,”Apply”:”Apply”,”EDIT_ADDRESS_BTN”:”Edit”,”cardNumberPlaceHolder”:”Card number”,”cvvLengthPlaceholder”:”{{cvvLength}} digits code”,”cvvPlaceholder”:”3-4 digits code”,”cvv4Placeholder”:”4 digits code”,”cvv3Placeholder”:”3 digits code”,”singleusedcard1″:”This card could not be saved, please submit order directly or save another card.”,”singleusedcard2″:”This card could not be saved for future transactions, please try to add another card.”},”EditBillingAddress”:”Edit billing address”,”ok”:”OK”,”autoUse”:”You authorize us to charge another card in your account if your default card is unable to process a payment under our Terms and Conditions for a smoother shopping and checkout experience.”,”year”:”Year”,”inputBillingAddress”:”Please input billing address”},”bec-fe.web-add-to-order”:{“noSelectPaymentInfo”:”Please select a payment method”,”cancel”:”Cancel”,”addToCart”:”Add to cart”,”addToCartRequest”:”Would you like to add this item to your cart for later purchase?”,”freeGiftWillShip”:”Eligible for the free gift! 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So if the payment is not deducted immediately, please don’t worry. We will notify you after the deduction is completed successfully. One-Click Pay items will be paid for and shipped the same way as the items in the original order.
The payment method (i.e. credit or debit card) used for your original order will be automatically used for One-Click Pay items. You can cancel your One-Click Pay items before they ship.”,”introduceDialogTitle”:”What is One-Click Pay”,”Ok”:”OK”,”secureCheckout”:”All data will be encrypted”,”composeDialogDesc”:”The item(s) <2>has been paid with <2>and “,”creditDialogDesc”:”<1>{{ amount }} has been deducted from your “,”temuCredits”:”Temu Credits”,”Apply”:”Apply”,”InputAmount”:”Input amount”,”MaxAvailable”:”Max available”,”UseCredit”:”Use Credit”,”All”:”All”,”creditOutOfLimit”:”You can only use {{max}} credits on this order”,”PleaseEnterValidNumber”:”Please enter a valid number”,”pay”:”Pay”,”credit”:”Credit”,”Card”:”Card”,”continueAdd”:”Continue shopping”,”viewOrder”:”View order”,”successDialogTip”:”Newly added item(s) will ship with this order.”,”successDialogDesc”:”<1>{{ amount }} has been charged to your <1>account.”,”successDialogDelayDesc”:”The item(s) <1>will be charged to your before {{ hour }} on {{ date }}.”,”successDialogTitle”:”One-Click Pay successful”,”oneClickPayDefaultErrorMsg”:”Failed to add items to order, please try again”,”No”:”No”,”Yes”:”Yes”,”Payment”:”Payment”,”FailedToAdd”:”Failed to add”,”OneClickPay”:”One-Click Pay”,”PaymentFailed”:”Payment failed. Please retry or use a different payment method.”,”payAgain”:”One-click pay”,”OrderProcessErr”:”We’re still processing your recent order. Most orders process within 72 hours, although they may occasionally take longer.”},”bec-fe.web-payment-list”:{“editBlikPopupSubtitle”:”You can pay faster with Blik by remembering Temu in your banking app.”,”save_account_retention”:”Details will need to be filled in again if you leave now, continue adding your account.”,”no_remember_tip”:”You need to enter account details every time.”,”No”:”No”,”Yes”:”Yes”,”secure_fast”:”Secure and fast”,”remember_account”:”Remember this account for future use”,”name_on_account”:”Name on account”,”iban”:”IBAN”,”sepa_add_desc”:”By adding your bank account, you authorize Temu to withdraw payments through direct debit. You can request a refund within 8 weeks after the amount has been debited. Please note that the terms and conditions you’ve agreed to with your bank will apply to these transactions.”,”add_your_bank”:”Add your bank account”,”add_new_bank”:”Add a new bank account”,”selection_required”:”Selection is required.”,”name_required”:”The name is required.”,”iban_length_invalid”:”The IBAN account number length is invalid.”,”iban_required”:”The IBAN account number is required.”,”changeBankItem”:”Change”,”paidy”:”Paidy”,”SecureInfo”:{“SecurityCertification”:”Security certification”,”SecurityCertificationDesc”:”Your payment information is safe with us. Temu does not share your information with the merchandise partners.”,”SecurePrivacy”:”Secure privacy”,”SecurePrivacyDesc”:”Protecting your privacy is important to us! Please be assured that your information will be kept secured and uncompromised. We do not sell your personal information for money and will only use your information in accordance with our privacy and cookie policy to provide and improve our services to you.”,”TemuPurchaseProtection”:”Temu purchase protection”,”TemuPurchaseProtectionDesc”:”Shop confidently on Temu knowing that if something goes wrong, we’ve always got your back.”,”Learn_more”:”Learn more”},”SecurityInfoPopupTitle”:”Encrypted for your safety & privacy”,”venmo_saving_trans”:”Saving your Venmo account is a more convenient and faster payment.”,”Venmo”:”Venmo”,”InstallmentUnavailable”:”This card is not available for monthly payment, please submit order directly. “,”submitOrder”:”Submit order”,”removeAccountAccess”:”Your {{accountName}} account has been removed.”,”remove_account_confirm_title”:”Are you sure you want to remove your {{accountName}} account?”,”editPaidyPopupSubtitle”:”Save your Paidy account for a more convenient and faster payment. 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Temu does not share your information with the merchandise partners.”,”securityAndPrivate”:”All data is encrypted”,”cardDesc”:”Visa, MasterCard & Discover CVV”,”cardDescOther”:”American Express CVV”,”cvvInfo”:”CVV:The 3 or 4 digit security code on the front or back of your card.”,”rememberCard”:”Remember this card for future use”,”rememberCardTip”:”Your card information will be stored on Card Scheme, an authorised institution in an encrypted version for the order. The encrypted details are stored only for your convenience, to make shopping with us the next time easier, and to save you the time of inputting your card information.”,”autoUse”:”You authorize us to charge another card in your account if your default card is unable to process a payment under our Terms and Conditions for a smoother shopping and checkout experience.”,”Please_input_billing_address”:”Please input billing address”,”Please_check_billing_address”:”Please check billing address.”,”editBillingAddress”:”Edit billing address”,”cvvNoRequired”:”CVV is not required for this card”},”recommended”:”Recommended”,”editPaypalPopup”:{“title”:”Your PayPal account”,”subtitle”:”Saving your PayPal account is a more convenient and faster payment method.”,”protectText”:”Your payment information is safe with us. Temu does not share your PayPal information with the merchants.”},”addCardBtn”:”Add a new card”,”paypalRemovedSuccess”:”Your PayPal account has been removed.”,”remove”:”Remove”,”paypal”:”PayPal”,”paypalRemoveTitle”:”Are you sure you want to remove”,”editPaypalBtn”:”Edit PayPal account”},”bec-fe.web-address”:{“searchByAddressOrPostcode”:”Search by address or postcode”,”viewInMap3″:”Or find pickup locations on the map”,”enterAnotherAddressOrPostcodeTryAgain”:”Please enter another address or postcode and try again.”,”searchPickUpPointReminder4″:”We found the following pickup locations that are close to the searched address.”,”kzMobileIllegalTips”:”Phone number should be a 10-digit number and no other characters.”,”kzMobilePlaceholder”:”Enter a 10-digit number. “,”idNumberRichTips2″:”Please make sure the Individual Identification Number used matches the name you enter.”,”idNumberRichTips1″:”Kazakhstan Customs requires consumers to provide their Individual Identification Number in order to handle customs clearance procedures. “,”idNumberIllegalTips”:”Individual Identification Number should be a 12-digit number.”,”idNumberPlaceholder”:”Enter a 12-digit number”,”idNumberMissTips”:”Please enter an Individual Identification Number.”,”idNumber”:”Individual Identification Number”,”enterAddressToFind”:”Please enter address to find”,”enterAddressOrDragTheMap”:”Please enter your address or drag the map to your location”,”enterAnotherAddressTryAgain”:”Please enter another address try again.”,”pickup_middlename”:”Middle name”,”searchPickUpPointReminder3″:”We found the following pickup locations that are close to the selected address.”,”searchPickUpPointReminder2″:”We found the following pickup locations that are close to the shipping address.”,”uploadFail”:”Upload failed”,”imageForbidden”:”The image does not meet the requirements. Please try again.”,”report”:”Report”,”cannotFindYourLocationDesc”:”Can’t not find your location? Let us know and we will resolve this issue as soon as possible.”,”cannotFindYourLocation”:”Can not find your location?”,”retainTitle”:”You haven’t saved yet! If you leave now, your changes won’t be saved.”,”searchPickUpPointReminder”:”We found the following pickup locations that are close to the info provided.”,”selectPickupLocation”:”Select pickup location”,”searchByAddressCityOrPostcode”:”Search by address, city or postcode”,”viewInMap2″:”Or view pickup locations near your shipping address.”,”viewInMap”:”View in map”,”enterAnotherAddressAndTryAgain”:”Enter another address and try again.”,”changeRegionTips”:”Do you want to deliver to {0}?”,”viewMore”:”View more”,”addressFinder”:”ADDRESS FINDER”,”searchAddressPlaceholder2″:”Search address directly on map”,”noSearchResultsFound”:”No search results found”,”selectLocationFromMap”:”You can select location from map”,”deliverTo”:”Deliver to”,”enterManually”:”OR enter address manually”,”change”:”Change”,”setDefault2″:”Set as my default address”,”securityTip”:”Temu protects your address information and keeps it private and safe. All address data is encrypted.”,”securityText2″:”All data you added will be encrypted”,”optionalText”:”(optional)”,”requiredText”:”(required)”,”ok”:”OK”,”card_bind_recommend1″:”Secure privacy”,”deleteAddressTip”:”Deleting this address will not delete any pending orders being dispatched to this address.”,”newEmptyTitle”:”You don’t have any shipping addresses”,”poweredBy”:”Powered by”,”selectAddress”:”Select address”,”browserNotSupportGeolocation”:”Your browser doesn’t support geolocation.”,”confirmAddress”:”Confirm address”,”moveMap”:”Move the map to find your address”,”searchAddressPlaceholder”:”Search for an address directly on the map”,”openLocationService”:”Your Location Services are currently turned off. Please go to your device’s Settings > Privacy > Location Services to turn it on.”,”tekrpcccguidancepagejumped”:”Visit Korea customs website”,”tekrpcccguidanceexplanation2b”:”2. Click ‘개인통관고유부호’ menu to fill in your personal information.”,”tekrpcccguidanceexplanation2″:”1. Download ‘모바일 관세청’ App from ‘Apple store’ or ‘Google play’.”,”tekrpcccguidanceobject1″:”For App users:”,”tekrpcccguidanceexplanation1b”:”2. Choose the Identity verification method (mobile phone or public certificate authentication or simple certification).”,”tekrpcccguidanceexplanation1″:”1. Visit official website from web browser, click ‘신규발급’ for new applicant or click ‘조회’ to check your existed code.”,”tekrpcccguidanceobject”:”For web browser users:”,”tekrpcccguidancesubtitle2″:”How to Inquire about or Apply for a Personal Customs Clearance Code?”,”tekrpcccguidanceexplanationjumped”:”Click here to get more hints on PCCC”,”tekrpcccguidanceexplanation”:”A “Personal Customs Clearance Code” is used when importing goods into Republic of Korea. This number or the passport number of the recipient will be required at local customs to import the items purchased on Temu.”,”tekrpcccguidancesubtitle”:”What is a “Personal Customs Clearance Code”?”,”tekrpcccguidancetitle”:”Customs Clearance Information”,”character_limit_reminder1″:”Character limit for first and last name: 32″,”years”:”Years”,”months”:”Months”,”date_switch_note”:”Please note that switching the calendar will clear the filled date, you need to fill in again.”,”Pickup_user_info_save_fail_toast_reminder”:”Details not saved. Please try again”,”Pickup_user_info_save_success_toast_reminder”:”Saved successfully”,”pickup_add_recipient_detail_entrance_reminder_title”:”Add Recipient’s Details”,”change_dr_switch”:{“title”:”Do you want to shop in {{ countryName }}? After switching, you will need to register or sign in again. “,”content”:”Item availability, prices, shipping fees, and taxes may change (including items in your cart).”,”confirm”:”Switch to {{ countryName }}”,”cancel”:”Stay in {{ countryName }}”},”input_post_number_error_prompt”:”Please enter a valid DHL PostNumber.”,”enterLastName”:”Please enter a last name.”,”enterFirstName”:”Please enter a first name.”,”pickup_location_choose_reminder”:”Please enter a postcode to find a suitable pickup location.”,”pickup_firstname”:”First name”,”pickup_lastname”:”Last name”,”Pickup_location_confirm_btn”:”Pick up here”,”pickup_open_in_maps_btn”:”Open in maps”,”change_pickup_location_entrance”:”Change location”,”add_dhl_postnumber_save_explain”:”This DHL PostNumber will be used for your future orders. It can be updated at any time.”,”add_dhl_postnumber_error_prompt”:”Please enter a DHL PostNumber”,”dhl_postnumber_display”:”DHL PostNumber”,”add_dhl_postnumber_explain”:”To collect your parcel from a DHL Packstation, you need to enter a valid DHL PostNumber. If you don’t have a DHL PostNumber yet, or haven’t activated it for Packstation usage, please visit to complete the activation process.”,”add_dhl_postnumber_popup_title”:”Add DHL PostNumber”,”enterFullName”:”Please enter a full name.”,”changePickupLocation”:”Change pickup location”,”addPickupLocation”:”Add a pickup location”,”search_no_pickup_location_guide1″:”Please enter another postcode and try again.”,”search_no_pickup_location_reminder1″:”No available pickup locations”,”confirmInfomation”:”Confirm information”,”securityText”:”All data will be encrypted”,”Pickup_location”:”Pickup location”,”pick_location_opening_hours1″:”Opening hours”,”Pickup_user_info_input_reminder”:”Please fill in the recipient’s details. Please ensure the full name matches the name on the recipient’s ID, which may need to be brought to the pickup location.”,”Pickup_change_address_topic”:”Change pickup address”,”Pickup_location_search_shading_words”:”Please enter a postcode to find”,”Pickup_useful_location_reminder”:”We found the following pickup locations that are close to the postcode provided.”,”Pickup_add_address_topic”:”Add a pickup address”,”Pickup_user_email”:”Email”,”Pickup_user_mobile_number”:”Phone number”,”Pickup_user_name_reminder”:”(First and Last name)”,”Pickup_user_fullname”:”Full Name”,”TemuCaddresscommonlocation”:”Common location”,”TemuCaddresscountrysearch”:”Search country & region”,”searchV2″:{“state”:”Search state”,”city”:”Search city”,”district”:”Search district”},”selectV2″:{“state”:”Select state”,”city”:”Select city”,”district”:”Select district”},”enterAddressMannually”:”Can’t find the address? Please enter it manually.”,”saveAndUse”:”Save and use”,”keepLastAddress”:”Please keep at least one address saved for delivery”,”region”:{“tips”:”You’ve selected {{ to }}, are you sure you want to switch to {{ to }}?”,”tipsV2″:”Do you want to shop in {{ to }}?”,”desc”:”Item availability, prices, shipping fees, and taxes may change(including items in your cart).”,”cancel”:”Cancel”,”switch”:”Switch to {{ to }}”},”step”:{“state”:”state”,”city”:”city”,”district”:”district”},”search”:”Search”,”select”:”Select”,”DEAddressLine1″:{“labelName”:”Street name and House number”,”validateText”:”Please enter a Street name and House number.”,”noStreetNumber”:”We recommend entering the house/building number to assist with delivery.”,”tooFewLetters”:”Please enter your address with no less than 5 characters.”,”noLetters”:”We recommend entering the street name to assist with delivery.”,”tooManyLetters”:”The address is too long”},”DEPostCode”:{“labelName”:”PLZ”,”validateText”:”Please enter a valid PLZ.”},”DEProvince”:{“labelName”:”State / Province”,”validateText”:”Please select a State / Province.”,”placeholder”:”Select a State / Province”},”accessCode”:{“labelName”:”Add delivery instructions”,”subLabelName”:”Do we need a security code or a call box number to access this building?”,”placeholder”:”1234″},”postCodeInAU”:{“labelName”:”Postcode”,”validateText”:”Please enter a valid postcode.”},”NZCountryRegion”:{“labelName”:”Suburb / City”,”validateText”:”Please select a Suburb / City.”,”placeholder”:”Select a Suburb / City”},”NZProvince”:{“labelName”:”State / Province”,”validateText”:”Please select a State / Province.”,”placeholder”:”Select a State / Province”},”AUProvince”:{“labelName”:”State / Territory”,”validateText”:”Please select a State / Territory.”,”placeholder”:”Select a State / Territory”},”AUCountryRegion”:{“labelName”:”City / Suburb”,”validateText”:”Please enter a city / suburb.”},”fullName”:{“labelName”:”Full name”,”validateText”:”Please enter a full name.”,”warningText”:”We recommend entering letters to assist with delivery,please remove:”},”FullbackAddressLine2″:{“labelName”:”Apt / Suite / other”,”placeholder”:”Apt / Suite / other”},”FullbackAddressLine1″:{“labelName”:”Street address”,”validateText”:”Please enter a street address.”,”noStreetNumber”:”We recommend entering the house/building number to assist with delivery.”,”tooFewLetters”:”Please enter your address with no less than 5 characters.”,”noLetters”:”We recommend entering the street name to assist with delivery.”,”tooManyLetters”:”The address is too long”},”cardEditSuccess”:”Your address has been updated!”,”pin”:{“labelName”:”Pin”,”validateText”:”Please enter a valid pin.”},”enterCommonProvince”:{“labelName”:”State / Province / Region”,”validateText”:”Please enter a state/province/region.”,”placeholder”:”Enter”},”JMProvince”:{“labelName”:”Parish”,”validateText”:”Please enter a parish.”,”placeholder”:”Enter a parish”},”UKProvince”:{“labelName”:”County”,”validateText”:”Please select a county.”,”placeholder”:”Select a county”},”UKCountryRegion”:{“labelName”:”Town / City”,”validateText”:”Please enter a town/city.”},”UKAddressLine2″:{“labelName”:”Address line 2″,”placeholder”:”Address line 2(optional)”},”UKAddressLine1″:{“labelName”:”Address Line1(or Company Name)”,”validateText”:”Please enter Address Line1.”,”noStreetNumber”:”We recommend entering the house/building number to assist with delivery.”,”tooFewLetters”:”Please enter your address with no less than 5 characters.”,”noLetters”:”We recommend entering the street name to assist with delivery.”,”tooManyLetters”:”The address is too long”},”enterState”:{“labelName”:”State”,”validateText”:”Please enter a state.”,”placeholder”:”Enter a state”},”commonProvince”:{“labelName”:”State / Province / Region”,”validateText”:”Please select a state / province / region.”,”placeholder”:”Select”},”phonePrivacy”:{“text1″:”Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text STOP to opt out and HELP for help.”,”text2″:”Terms of Use”,”text3″:”and”,”text4″:”Privacy & Cookie Policy.”},”postCode”:{“labelName”:”Postal code”,”validateText”:”Please enter a valid postal code.”},”countryRegion”:{“labelName”:”Location”,”validateText”:”Location is required”},”province”:{“labelName”:”Province / Territory”,”validateText”:”Please select a province/territory.”,”placeholder”:”Select”},”correctPop”:{“suggestError”:”System busy, please try again later”,”originalError”:”System busy, please try again later”},”lineConfirmPop”:{“title”:”Please check that the street address provided is correct as it seems to be too short. It should be 5 characters or more.”,”confirmButtonLabel”:”OK”},”retainPop”:{“title”:”Are you sure? If you leave this page now, your changes won’t be saved.”,”confirmButtonLabel”:”Keep editing”,”cancelButtonLabel”:”Discard changes”},”cardHead”:{“title”:”Billing address”,”entry”:”Choose a billing address”},”notDeliveredPop”:{“title”:”You have not edited your address, please check the tips and update your order’s address.”,”confirmButtonLabel”:”Continue to edit”},”addError”:”System busy, please try again later”,”editError”:”System busy, please try again later”,”editSuccess”:”Your address has been updated! Please note that updated addresses will only take effect for future orders.”,”addSuccess”:”New address saved!”,”zipCode”:{“labelName”:”ZIP code”,”validateText”:”Please enter a valid zip code.”},”addAddress”:”Save”,”save”:”Save”,”name”:{“labelName”:”Name”,”validateText”:”Please enter a name.”,”warningText”:”We recommend entering letters to assist with delivery, please remove: “},”optional”:”(optional)”,”stateCity”:{“labelName”:”State and city”,”validateText”:”Please enter state, region, or province and city name.”},”state”:{“labelName”:”State”,”validateText”:”Please select a state.”,”placeholder”:”Select state”},”city”:{“labelName”:”City”,”validateText”:”Please enter a city.”,”warningText”:”We recommend entering letters to assist with delivery, please remove: “},”addressLine1”:{“labelName”:”Street address”,”validateText”:”Please enter a street address.”,”noStreetNumber”:”We recommend entering the house/building number to assist with delivery.”,”tooFewLetters”:”Please enter your address with no less than 5 characters.”,”noLetters”:”We recommend entering the street name to assist with delivery.”,”tooManyLetters”:”The address is too long”},”address”:{“labelName”:”Address”,”placeholder”:”Street address or P.O. Box”,”enterAddressManually”:”Enter Address Manually”,”noSearchOptions”:”No options”,”cannotFindAddress”:”Can’t find the address?”},”addressLine2″:{“labelName”:”Apt / Suite / Other”,”placeholder”:”Apt, Suite, Unit, Building(optional)”},”billAddressUse”:”Bill here”,”mobile”:{“labelName”:”Phone number”,”validateText”:”Please enter a phone number so we can call if there are any issues with delivery.”,”tipBubble”:”May be used to assist delivery”,”tip”:”Why”},”billAddressListTitle”:”Choose a billing address”,”originalError”:”System busy, please try again later”,”suggestError”:”System busy, please try again later”,”confirmDelete”:”Are you sure you want to delete this address?”,”Yes”:”Yes”,”No”:”No”,”emptyDesc”:”You don’t have any addresses.”,”emptyTitle”:”It is Empty”,”addBillingAddressTitle”:”Add billing address”,”back”:”Back”,”addAddressTitle”:”Add a new address”,”edit”:”Edit”,”editAddressTitle”:”Edit address”,”loading”:”loading”,”submitErr”:”System busy, please try again later”,”delete”:”Delete”,”editBillingAddressTitle”:”Edit billing address”,”default”:”Default”,”addText”:”Add a new address”,”setDefault”:”Set as default”,”copyFail”:”Copy failed”,”use”:”Use”,”copy”:”Copy”,”copySuccess”:”Copied successfully”},”bec-fe.verification-dialog”:{“figure2″:”Figure 2″,”figure1″:”Figure 1″,”Dialog”:{“Back”:”Back”,”close”:”close”},”empty”:{“title”:”It is empty”,”desc”:”You have no viewed item.”},”inputQuestionEmptyTip”:”Please enter the answer.”,”inputQuestionSubTitle”:”We have one more security question.”,”continue”:”Continue”,”newCode”:{“complete_verifcation_process”:”Please complete the verifcation process”,”sent_a_code_to”:”We’ve sent a code to {{val}}. Please enter the code below.”,”did_not_receive_the_code”:”If you didn’t receive the code, please check your spam and trash folders. “,”code”:{“btn”:”Send verification code”,”btn2″:”Resend after {{val}} s”,”error”:”The verification code number is incorrect, please re-enter”,”success”:”Validation successful, Loging”,”unvalid”:”Because you haven’t operated for a long time, please login again to ensure the safety of your funds”,”login”:”Login failed, please try again”},”pageTitle”:”Temu | Security Verification”,”title”:”Security Verification”,”backTip”:”Verification is about to be completed. Are you sure to exit?”},”Back”:”Back”,”email”:{“title”:”To securely withdraw, please complete this security verification”,”desc”:”Please enter the code sent to your linked email address {{val}}”},”rotateSlider”:{“btn”:”Drag the circular slider to complete the rotating puzzle”},”code”:{“btn”:”Resend Code”,”btn2″:”{{val}}s Resend Code”,”unvalid”:”Because you haven’t operated for a long time, please login again to ensure the safety of your funds”,”login”:”Login failed, please try again”,”title”:”To securely withdraw, please complete this security verification”,”desc”:”Please enter the code sent to your linked mobile number {{val}}”},”rotate”:{“btn”:”Please click in turn”},”intel”:{“title”:”Click the “Security verification” button below to complete the official verification of Temu”,”loading”:”Intelligent detection…”},”puzzle”:{“btn”:”Long press and drag the block, Swap 2 to restore the drawing”},”confirmButtonLabel”:”OK”,”gesture”:{“btn”:”Please draw the path in the figure”},”question”:{“emptyTip1″:”Please select your consignee name.”,”emptyTip2″:”Please select your phone number.”,”emptyTip3″:”Please select your delivery address.”,”emptyTip5″:”Please select 1 item you have purchased.”,”emptyTip6″:”Please select 1 item you have reviewed.”,”emptyTip7″:”Please select 2 items.”,”emptyTip8″:”Please select 2 items.”,”emptyTip24″:”Please select 1 shop you have followed.”,”emptyTip25″:”Please select 1 device you have used to sign in to your Temu account.”,”emptyTip29″:”Please select 1 location.”,”emptyTip30″:”Please select 1 item you have viewed.”,”emptyTip31″:”Please select 1 keyword you have used to search.”,”emptyTip34″:”Please select 2 items.”,”emptyTip35″:”Please select 1 item you have added to your cart.”,”emptyTip36″:”Please select 2 items.”,”emptyTip37″:”Please select your credit & debit card.”,”selectFewerError”:”Please select {{val}} items.”,”selectMoreError”:”You have selected {{val}} items, please cancel 1 and select again.”,”text”:{“validate”:”Please enter the content and submit”}},”picture”:{“tip”:”You can select {{val}} characters at most~”},”questionDlg”:{“validateTip”:”Please select the product and submit”},”text”:{“desc”:”Please enter the verification code in the figure”,”place”:”Please enter the calculation result in the figure”},”slider”:{“btn”:”Slide to complete the puzzle”,”error”:”The verification failed, please drag the slider to the gap of the picture to complete the puzzle”},”challengeTitle”:”Answer security questions”,”Confirm”:”Confirm”,”systemBusy”:”The system is busy. Please try again later”,”paramError”:”Page parameter error”,”error”:”Validation failed”,”success”:”Validation successful”,”contentTitle”:”Security Verification”,”Next”:”Next”,”title”:”Security verification”}}}; window.__SumerCdnInfo__=undefined; window.__InitialI18nStoreLoaded__=true;document.dispatchEvent(new Event(‘__InitialI18nStoreLoaded__’));]]>

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Written by Ethiotime1

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